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Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

Chalkboard Canning Jars

I am getting ready for the twins birthday and racking my brain trying to find something for the kids as a gift.  I decided, I would make them personalized glasses out of canning jars.
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To make them personal, I bought chalkboard paint and painted the label part of the jar.  For this you'll need....
Chalkboard Paint, I bought mine at walmart for $9.99.  I went to Lowe's and their's was twice as much.  I wanted to make my own, so I could make something other than black.  My hubby, Ted, talked me into buying it already made.  I'm so glad he did!
Primer,  You need to do this before putting the blackboard paint on.
Painters Tape, optional.  I used it on some and found it was easier to just paint freehand.  If it's out of the lines a little, it doesn't matter.  It just shows it's homemade!  <3
Paint brushes, I used a 1 and 1 1/2" brushes.
Lids, that go on fast food drink cups.  Ask next time you are there, chances are they'll give you some.  ~smile~
Chalk, to write names on glasses
Straws, to give with the glasses.  Plain or fancy ones.
Ribbon, to tie the straw to the glass.
Clear coat, to paint over the chalkboard, if desired.

Now, get everything set up on your table, turn on some music, put your newsfeed up on facebook and paint your day away!  Very simple to do!   

Start with the primer.  Let it dry.  Paint a second coat.  
Paint chalkboard paint once the primer is dry.  Repeat once or twice more.  I painted three times. 
Paint clear coat on if desired.  
There you go!  

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Parmesan lid from a plastic container transforms your jar into a shaker!  Perfect place to keep you already grated parmesan!  

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Show and Tell Saturday
Saturday Spotlight #75 

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