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Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Chicken and Spinach Alfredo Bread

Chicken Spinach Alfredo Bread, is an amazing addition to many dishes, soups and salads.  Serve it by itself, and you have an appetizer that is toasty, soft and has just the right amount of melted Alfredo Spread.  When you add cooked, diced chicken and fresh spinach, you have a meal!!  Go ahead and make both for your family.  I know you will be asked to make them time again!  Best served warm.

I made this in a loaf pan.  Obviously, I went overboard, 2 cups of chicken! It just about had to be eaten on a plate with a fork.  <3 and hUgs! 

Chicken Spinach Alfredo Bread


1 loaf frozen bread dough
1/2 cup alfredo spread 
1 to 2 cups cooked chicken, diced
1/2 bag, 8 oz., fresh spinach


Thaw dough according to directions on package. Once thawed, roll into a 10" x 15" rectangle on a lightly floured counter or cutting board.  Spread the alfredo spread on the dough starting in the middle from end to end lengthwise and move outward.   Leave 1/2" on  each side.   Add spinach and top with chicken.  Moisten sides with a light dab of water and roll up tight,  lengthwise.  Move to greased cookie sheet, or loaf pan, and tuck ends under.  Bake 10-12 minutes and turn the pan around.  Cook another 10-20 minutes until browned on top and done.  Remove from pan and place on rack to cool.  Enjoy! As always, my oven cooks different than yours.   Start checking at earlier than suggested.  Please adjust time accordingly.  

Shared on
Weekend Potluck

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