Making the bacon roses is very simple. Why haven't I thought of this before?????? For Valentine's Day...don't buy me roses. Make me a bouquet of bacon roses! <3 Your bacon lover will LOVE it!
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Bacon Roses Bouquet
mini muffin pan
celery stalks with leaves
toothpicks or wooden skewers
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grab a piece of bacon and start wrapping it around itself or your little finger. Going round and round, over lapping it.....eyeing it to get the shape of a rose. Don't worry if it isn't perfect...roses aren't either. ~smile~
Place in a mini muffin pan and cook in a preheated oven.
Cook 10 minutes, check and turn pan around in oven. CAUTION......There will be bacon grease in the cups!!! BE CAREFUL!
Cook another 5-10 minutes or until browned and done. Checking around earliest time. As oven cooks different than yours. Adjust cooking time accordingly.
CAUTION......There will be bacon grease in the cups!!! BE CAREFUL!
Place on a paper towel to drain and cool. While cooling, get celery out of refrigerator. Use the stalks with leaves. I used the heart with all the leaves on them, keeping it intact. A great way to use that middle part of your celery. ~smile~ Stick toothpicks, leaving 1/2" or so sticking out in front, in the stalks in different places. Then, place the bacon roses on the toothpick that is left sticking out. Place in a vase, or canning jar as I did, with a little water, to display your bouquet. Serve immediately. Do not keep at room temperature longer than you would regular cooked bacon.
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