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Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Broccoli Chicken and Rice...The Easy Way

It has been a long time since I made chicken and rice.  I don't know why because we love it!  Well, hubby and I do anyway.  The boys can be picky at times and not exactly happy about what is cooked.  They eat..anyway.  ;D

My boys have been sick with the flu since Saturday.  Temperatures have been as high as 104.5 degrees with my younges and a steady 103 for 24 hours, for my oldest.  It was bad.  Thank the good Lord, the fevers are gone.  With their passing they left coughs, aches, sore throats and snuffy/runny noses.  Even so, I am glad.  I'll take those any day in the place of frightful fevers.

Back to the rice.  Hubby bought a rotisserie chicken yesterday, since I have been feeling bad myself and oh so tired,  but nobody felt like eating it.  I decided to make chicken and rice with it.  It couldn't be easier!  Take the meat off the bones and throw them, and the skin, in a pot, cover with water and Ta Da...easy chicken broth.  The next time you buy a whole cooked the skin and bones to make a big pot of chicken and rice.  Enjoy!  <3 and hUgs!

Broccoli Chicken and Rice

1 whole rotisserie chicken, skin and bones removed, meat chopped
1 1/2 cups brown rice
1 12oz bag broccoli, chopped, fresh or frozen
1 to 2 teaspoons seasoning salt or kosher salt
pepper to taste

Take meat off the bones.  Save the bones and skin.  
Put in a stock pot and cover with water.  Bring to a boil and simmer at least 30 minutes.  

Remove skin and bones from pot and strain broth.  De-grease if needed.  

Return broth to pot and bring to boil.  Add rice and broccoli.  Cook 20 minutes or until rice is tender.

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