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Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

Giant Birthday Tissue Flowers

I used half pint canning jars as a vases.  I put them on the table to take a picture.  They were actually placed around the dining area.
These were made a few days ago, a little bit touched by the boys.  ;D  
Instead of balloons for the twins birthday, I wanted to do something that will won't be gone in a few days.  Something that can be used again and last for a long time.  Well, as long as two 5 year old boys will let them, that is.

I looked around the net and saw tissue flowers.  Perfect!  They will be lasting and still have the round concentric appearance of balloons.  Hung on the wall or from ceiling fans.  Placed in vases or attached to a stake and stuck in the ground outside, they will be ideal.

I'm afraid the pictures are complete and will update as I make more.  This is my first one, not to shabby for a beginner,  me thinks.  ~smile~  I'm going to see if the boys would like to make some also.  I hope they do!

What you need....

tissue paper, I used a package for one
pipe cleaners
that's it!!

Fold the tissue paper accordion style length wise.
Fold in half to find your center, this is where you will put the pipe cleaner.

Cut ends round or in points. 

Starting towards the center, gently pull tissue paper trying to keep the pleats as you go.
Once done with one the same with the other.

I taped the two the open ends together to make the flower full.

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