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Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

Fluffy Microwave Pancakes

I started a board on Pinterest, Microwave…Making Life Easier.  While looking on the internet I found microwave pancakes on Oprah.  Wow!  I have tried a lot of things in the microwave but never pancakes.  These turned out to be the best pancakes ever!  They felt like fluffy clouds…honest! 

Fluffy Microwave Pancakes

2 cups Bisquick
1 egg, beaten
club soda
1 teaspoon sugar

Whisk Bisquick around to break apart lumps.  Add sugar, egg and enough club soda to moisten but not completely wet it.  Add enough buttermilk to make a medium batter.  Spray a microwave safe plate with non-stick spray or spritz with oil.  Put 1/4 cup, or enough to cover inner part of plate, batter on plate.  Microwave 30 to 40 seconds until pancake is no longer moist, not dry, and tiny holes appear.  Repeat with remaining batter.  Enjoy!

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The Better Baker Weekend Potluck #48

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