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Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

Baked Chocolate Donuts

While hubby was at the store this morning, I asked him to pick up german chocolate.  It has been ages since I made anything with it and was feeling I needed to.  Ya know?  Do you get those hankerings that you have to do something…and now!  That was me and I was so happy to see hubby home.  I melted butter…having an idea, but not totally certain where I was going with this.  The butter was melted, eggs and milk at room temperature, flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, anything and everything I could think of, was ready.  I picked up the german chocolate and it was opened!  Not only opened but the paper was ripped off of it!   I’m ready to bake and most important part of this, I don’t know recipe, is bad!  Plan 2 ended up with Chocolate Covered Chocolate Baked Donuts.  My boys will be so happy the german chocolate was a miss.  ~smile~  I'll add more photos later.

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