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Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 66

I hope those that celebrated, had a Beautiful Christmas!  We did!  I declare, I think I took root to the floor having sat there nearly all day putting together Legos!  It was so much fun...I gladly plant myself, with deep love, as I play with my boys.

Thank you for a wonderful year of sharing the love through your fantastic links!  I am so very grateful for each and everyone of you!  May your New Year be filled with warm hearts full of love and laughter, days filled with happiness, inspiring and delightful crafts, delicious and mouthwatering recipes, the sound of children laughing, eyes that twinkle like the first stars of night, friendship..whether you have met in person or not, wealth..there are all kinds, and great health to begin each day and end each night.  Happy New Year's my sweet friends!

Please welcome a beautiful friend, Heather of  Heather is a wife, mom of 2 handsome boys.  She is very talented in the kitchen as well as a food blogger, newspaper columnist, freelance writer, host of a weekly local public tv show and host of Around the Kitchen Sink Radio.  I just love Heather!  She was one of the first foodie friends I made on facebook.  You can visit her on her page;  Basilmomma: a busy Mom that likes to cook  Please visit and follow will be so happy you did!
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