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Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

Mini Lemon Pies

This recipe is super simple and you have probably made it before a time or two. For the filling I just mixed 1 14 oz can of sweetened condensed milk with 1/2 cup lemon juice. I didn't have any lemons on hand. Isn't that in FL? ;( Put that in the fridge to set a bit.  Instead of a baked pie crust, try graham cracker crust and freeze the pie(s).  Oh, My, Gosh!  That is so Good!  I LOVE frozen Lemon Anything!!!!

Hubby bought ready made pie crust...well, actually he bought the ones in the pie pan.   I thawed it, floured the counter a little and rolled the pie crust out. I used a Wilton Valentine pan to cook the pie crust in. You can use a muffin tin and they will be super Cute!!! Cut the pie crust out a little larger than the top of the hole. Spray the pan so the crust won't stick. Fit cut pie crust in and bake for 6 minutes., depending on size, check and cook additional time, 1-2 mintues at the time, until light brown. Take out of pan and cool on a rack. My oven is older and is finicky. I always say to cook according to your oven, not mine. ;D  Add filling to pie crust. and a dollop of whipped cream or cool whip. 
Enjoy! <3 and hUgs!

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