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Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

National Popcorn Day

Today is National Popcorn Day!  This is the first time we have bought popcorn that wasn't specified to be cooked in the microwave.  And, I didn't even know it was a popcorn holiday when we did!  My oldest wanted his with chocolate.  I wanted a little different.

Here ya go, our first popcorn cooked without a microwave!  ~smiles~

To cook the popcorn.
Put a little bit a canola oil in the bottom of a pot, just enough to coat the bottom.  Oh, and make certain your pot has a lid!
Watch Out!!!!

I didn't put the lid on to try and take pictures and the popcorn was ALL over the kitchen!!!!  You really don't want to know more than that!  ;D  When the oil is hot, drop a few kernels in to check.  When it pops, add enough popcorn to cover the bottom of your pan.  This is a very small pan and we made over 2 cups of popcorn. 

Chocolate Popcorn

Once popped, transfer to a large bowl.  Spray with olive oil.  Toss, repeat if necessary to give a light coat.  Sprinkle salt, toss, taste and sprinkle again if needed.  Drizzle bottled chocolate,  my oldest used Hershey's, over the popcorn and toss.  YUM!  

We also sprayed popcorn with olive oil and sprinkled with ranch popcorn seasoning.  This was mine!  Enjoy your popcorn day!  <3 and HUgs!

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