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Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

Lemon Sour Cream Pound Cake

I made my Sour Cream Pound Cake lemony for Easter and it turned out wonderful, or so says my family.  ~smile~  I was going to use real lemons but didn't have enough to use in the cake and the glaze, and went with extract instead, which worked out great.  Next time I'll plan ahead and be certain to have more lemons on hand.  Happy Easter and many Blessing to you and yours.  I hope you enjoy the day, and this cake, with those dear to you.

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Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

Thursday’s Treasures Week 79

Hello dear ones!  I hope your week was magnificent!  The boys are on Spring Break this week.   The weekend was warm but this week has been cold.  At least by Florida standards, it is.  It’s okay, we have been having fun regardless.  We make the best of all life shares with us…I hope you do, also.   Happy Easter to those that celebrate!  Are you having family and dear ones over or are you going to visit?  It is always just the five of us….which is okay but I truly wish it were different.  As always, I wish you a gorgeous week filled with all that makes your heart smile.  <3 and hugs!

These are just a drop in the bucket of the fantastic links shared last week.  I so appreciate you linking back so we can share your lovely recipes and crafts!  If you are featured, please grab the “featured on” button for my blog to add to yours. 

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Senin, 25 Maret 2013

Rough Pastry Dough

I made this in January, my first time,  and just now getting around to posting it.  I'm so sorry it has taken so long because this is great.  For flaky layers of deliciousness, try this easy pastry dough.  It is time consuming but well worth the wait.   I topped it with cinnamon sugar,  melted butter and garlic for bread sticks.  Flattened a piece, put a little cooked chicken filling inside and pinch/seal edges.  Cut into rectangles and top with pizza toppings.  Roll in a circle, cut in triangles, roll starting and wide end and shape into a lovely crescent roll.  These are flaky, buttery and wonderful!  Enjoy!

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Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

White Bread

I know it is hard to believe, but.......I misplaced my KitchenAid Stand Mixer for 6 years!  I know, I know!!!  We were going to move and packed a lot of our things away....moved them to a storage building and there they sat.  Only the storage building is 4+ hours away and when I did visit,  I never could find my long lost KitchenAid.  Last year, I found it!!!  I was ecstatic!  Whoopie!  Woot Woot!  Happy Dance and more that I'll spare you the details of.  This White Bread (which is perfect for sandwiches or your favorite soups and stews) is the first thing I made with my KitchenAid once it was back home...where she rightfully belongs, never to part again.  She is well over 20 years old and is still mixin' along, although a little worse from sitting idle all those years.

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Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

Broccoli Corn and Cheese Jiffy Mix Casserole

I have seen casseroles made with Jiffy Mix for some time now.  Heck, forever!  I finally made one with the popular mix and Oh, My, Goodness!  I love it.  Hubby loves it!  They  (don’t like broccoli) My oldest son loves it!  Easy to make with whatever you have on hand.  Mix and bake, yep, I love that, too! 

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Rabu, 20 Maret 2013

Thursday’s Treasures Week 78

Hello Dear Ones!  I trust your week was as magnificent as the links you share with us each week!  Can you believe Easter is almost here?  Neither can I!  Easter eggs hunts, new clothes, family and friends.  So much fun while we celebrate the true meaning of Easter.  Have a gorgeous week surrounded with those that make your heart warm,  eyes sparkle and mouth stretch into an enormous smile.  ~love and hugs~  

Just some of the amazing links shared last week.  If you are featured, please grab my featured on button for you blog.

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Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

Canned Fruit Jello

Have you seen the jello made in a can of fruit?  It looked so good and reminded me of my sweet Mama's Green Jello Salad she would make.  You know, the one with nuts, pineapple, cream cheese in lime jello?  Yeah, that one.  I love that!  This is close to it.  Well, not really but the lime and pineapple remind me of it.  Use different fruit and jello combinations.  I'm going to use peaches and ....I don't know, whatever the boys pick out I suppose.  I had to use a large box of jello and it was too much for the can but my boys didn't mind one bit at all.  ~smile~

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Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Potatoes and Ham Soup

This brings back memories of my precious Mama cooking newly dug potatoes from the garden.  I would have to wash the dirt off and place them on dry grass to dry, turning them over to ensure even drying.  There is nothing better than fresh potatoes that have simmered on the stove, either with a cream sauce..Potatoes and Cream Sauce, or with a hunk of leftover ham.  Mama always put a lot of pepper in her potatoes and would sometimes but garden peas in with the cream sauce.   I started out not making this to write down and just added a little here and more there.  Adjust the recipe to suit.  Do you have a potato memory?  ~smile~

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Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

Cherry Cobbler 2

Made with frozen fruit, this is perfect for last minute desserts, afternoon snack, or late night delight!  Not overly sweet...just right for us.   Feel free to increase the sugar to your taste.

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Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

Thursday's Treasures Week 77

St. Patrick's Day is this week and the first year I haven't made anything for classrooms.  The new school the boys are going to is so much different than their old ones.  Of course, the little ones were Pre-K and the teachers prepared the celebrations for them.   For my oldest, I have always gone over and beyond for his classrooms on all holidays.  St. Patrick's Day was no exception.  Cupcakes topped with gold sugar nuggets.  Jello layered in the colors of the rainbow.  Pistachio pudding when mixed with milk, this done in the classroom, magically turns to green.  Fluffy marshmallows clouds and rainbow rollups that end at a pile of gold (chocolate) coins.  I even used the little cauldrons from Halloween  and filled them with St. Patrick's Day stickers, rings, and more gold coins.  Fun!  Except, I miss doing it this year for the classrooms so I will be doing it just for my boys.  A bah humbug for non St. Patrick's Day celebration!  Have a gorgeous week and I'll see you all next week.

Here are some of the great features from last week.  Yes, I'm thinking about a certain holiday!  ~smile~  If you are featured, please grab my "featured on" button.

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Minggu, 10 Maret 2013

Frozen Banana Chocolate Eclair Dessert

A frozen delight made from an old recipe.  This is what happened the other day when I made it in the morning.  I forgot a middle layer and left it in the freezer.  YUM!

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Sour Cream Ganache

What do you do when you don't have cream to make a ganache?  You use what you have in the refrigerator, this for me meant sour cream.   I love the way it tastes on my overpowering chocolate brownie and Frozen Banana Eclair Cake.  This gets very thick as it cools so work fast.  You can use a little more sour cream if you want it thinner, but not too much.  You don't want a strong taste of the sour cream.  I used Hershey's Dark Chocolate Special Blend and it turned out almost bittersweet.  We loved it.  Next time you are out of cream, grab the sour cream.

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Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

Angel Biscuits

I found this old recipe the other day and have been wanting to make them.  I don't recall making them before but so glad I did now.  These are the lightest, fluffiest biscuits I have ever eaten!  They taste like biscuits and not rolls as you would think since yeast was used.   If you would like a faster biscuit, try these Tall and Fluffy Biscuits.  I'd love to know if you have made these before and if you made them now, how they turned out.

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Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

Egg Asparagus and Grits

We love breakfast for supper and eat it quite often.  The other night we had it again with; Bakin’ Bacon,  grits, Homemade Tall and Fluffy Biscuits, Perfect Scrambled Eggs, Perfect Fried Eggs and Microwave Fluffy Pancakes.   As usual, I wanted something a little different and remembered the asparagus I had in the fridge that desperately needed to be cooked.   I made Roasted Asparagus with it and decided to add that to my plate.  It was wonderful and will have a place on my breakfast menu, whether morning or evening, from now on.  There really isn’t a recipe.  You cook the grits,  roast the asparagus, or cook in a skillet, and cook your egg the way you like it, season and enjoy!  You see how I like mine.  

Perfect Fried Eggs

Once in a great while, I want my eggs cooked this way.  Just the way my precious Mama would make them.  The only way my sweet Daddy would ever eat them.  Don't cook the yolks hard.   If you do, you need to crack open another egg and try again.  The tops of the yolks actually had a light coating of white but the yolk was very runny and they are never flipped over.  Never!  Which is probably why I cannot flip an egg without breaking the yolk now.  Ready to fry perfect eggs?  Let's get crackin'!  (sorry about that!)

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Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

Onion Cheese Bread

This homemade onion and cheese bread is perfect for sandwiches or eating plain right out of the oven.  Top slices with additional cheese and broil in the oven to serve with a pot of Tomato Soup.  It's great with Hamburger Vegetable Soup. Slice and nest your favorite cheese between two slices for the best grilled cheese sandwiches ever.  If you like onions and cheese...this is your bread!  Enjoy! 

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Rabu, 06 Maret 2013

Thursday's Treasures Week 76

I love my boys!  They bring me never ending joy with their non-stop energy, endless smiles, fights, laughter and love they share with giving hearts.   They never cease to amaze me with their brilliant ways and candor about everything in life.  Seeing life through the eyes of my boys makes everything radiant and whole.  
No doubts, no fears, no worries...... 

Okay, I'll stop my braggin' and get on with the party.  These are the just a tip of the iceberg of all the wonderful links shared last week.  If you are featured,  feel free to pick up my featured on button.  

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Senin, 04 Maret 2013

Tomato Casserole

This is an easy and economical side or main dish (double recipe.)   Add your favorite herbs, meats and cheeses or leave it plain.  Any way you make it is going to be a hit!

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Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

Banana Nut Cake Mix Cookies

Another easy cake mix cookie that tastes like banana nut bread !  You are going to love this one!

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