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Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

Thursday's Treasures Week 71

Hello,  Dear Ones!  I hope your week was a great one and you have amazing weekend and week ahead!  I so appreciate each of you and love that you stop by each week.  You have the most amazing recipes, ideas and inspirations!  I can't wait to see what you have this week.  Love and HugS, Sweetums! 

Here are some of the fantastic links shared last week.  I wish I could feature all of them!

Y'all know I love beautiful Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More! Please follow her here on facebook and her blog. You'll be so happy you did! Don't forget to check out the features to see if you are there. 
Have you met lovely Christie of Food Done Light? She is amazing and I know you will love her, her blog and her facebook page, too. Please go over and follow her on both and see if you are featured on her blog. 

Rules, yeah, I know. 
Link to your original recipe, craft or tip and photo directly, not your blog. 
Don’t forget to link back to my post, or blog, with either a text link or our new button, directly on your post or party page. We are sorry but without a link back, you cannot be featured. 
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date. Please do the same with my lovely co-hosts, Joan and Christie. By linking up to this party you are giving permission for us to use your photo on facebook, Google+ and other social media to promote Thursday's Treasures and you, with proper link credit given. Please make sure all photos you link up are your own.
Share as many recipes as you like just as long as you haven’t shared them here before. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment, I love when you stop by.
Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.

Previous week's parties! 
Week 70 Week 69  Week 68 Week 67 Week 66 Week 65 Week 64 Week 63 Week 62 Week 61 Week 60 Week 59 Week 58 Week 57 Week 56 Week 55 Week 54 Week 53 Week 52 Week 51 Week 50 Week 49 Week 48 Week 47 Week 46Week 45 Week 44 Week 43 Week 42 Week 41 Week 40 Week 39 Week 38 
Week 37 Week 36 Week 35 Week 34 Week 33 Week 32 Week 31 Week 30 
Week's 1-29 can be found Here


Fried Chicken in the Oven, Really!

You can fry chicken in the oven..really!  Not breaded and placed on a baking sheet.  But in a chicken fryer/dutch oven and with oil in the pan.  Not much, mind you, but enough to fry chicken.  I just finished frying mine and Oh My, it was sooo good!  It reminded me of eating Kentucky Fried Chicken!

I saw this at Christy Jordan's Southern Plate.  I just love Christy, don't you?  Hey Christy!  ~waving hard~  She said you need to check your oven temperature and you do!  If you oil isn't hot enough you will end up with greasy chicken.  You know how that goes.  Yes, just like it does on the stove.  I have done that a time or two.  I changed things a I always do.  ~smile~   I could only good cook a half a chicken at the time.  If you are cooking a whole chicken, you will need two chicken fryers/dutch ovens or cook in batches.  Are you ready to make Fried Chicken in the Oven?  Great!  Save me the pulley bone!  ~wink~

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Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Lemon Thyme Parmesan Egg"plant" Noodles

If you like egg noodles, you will love this recipe!  It reminds me of soft egg noodles that have been cooked and have been sitting in a pot.   Like at a family reunion, on the stove, just waiting for you but you have to catch up on the latest from relatives you haven't seen in many years.   The soft flavorful noodles are beckoning you and you so want to go over and get a big spoonful, because you're at a family reunion. and you can eat anything you  Now, you can get the same comfort from these lovely, soft Lemon Thyme Parmesan Eggplant Noodles.  OH, you know what?  These would be wonderful minus the lemon juice and chicken broth added to flavor them.  Leave me a comment.... I'd like to know how you make them and what you think about these "Egg"plant Noodles.

By clicking on the advertisements on my blog, you are helping support it.  Please take a moment to check them out when you visit. Thank you!

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Frozen Dark Chocolate Banana Slices

These are great for after school snacks or a cool treat after a day outside.  Yeah, it's warm in Florida at the end of January!  A delightful bite of creamy, frozen banana, deep dark chocolate and your favorite topping.

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Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

Lemon Curd

Winter, Citrus, Delight!  I love anything lemon!  It is so refreshing...the tart beauty..the brilliant color.  It sings a promise of sunshine and warmth of days to come.  Ahhh.....huge smile!  Enjoy the Lemon Curd.  I'm going to make an abundance of it and freeze.  

Check below for 6 Minute Microwave Lemon Curd.

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Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

Thursday's Treasures Week 70

I hope ya'll had a fantastic week!  I was busy cooking and lovin' every second of it.  There just isn't enough hours in the day to play and cook so I cook while the boys are at school or while they are at the table doing homework.  Yes, my twins Kindergarten have homework, too.   Between cooking supper and homework. my afternoons and evenings are quite full.  I love having them there, close to me, as I play..I mean, 
cook for them..  It's time for me to do it again.   I can't wait to see what you brought!  
Have a gorgeous week!    

Here is a peek at what was cookin' in my kitchen lately.
Dutch Oven No Knead Parmesan Bread...On Your Table in 45 Minutes!, Smashed Potatoes,
I told you I was busy!  ~smile~ 
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Senin, 21 Januari 2013

Smashed Potatoes

Oh, these are so good!  You really don't need a recipe.  Boil, Smash, Bake, Eat!  Use your favorite toppings and there ya go!  Enjoy!

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Minggu, 20 Januari 2013

Southern Brownies

Boiled Peanut Brownies

1 cup boiled peanuts, shelled, rinsed and drained
1/4 cup plain yogurt
2   1 oz squares unsweetened chocolate
3 Tablespoons canola oil
1 cup Sugar in the Raw, or sugar
3 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup cocoa
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Grease 9 x 9 pan.  Shell boiled peanuts, rinse, rinse, rinse and rinse again, if needed, to remove some of the salt.  Drain.  Put drained peanuts in a bowl, add yogurt and puree with a immersion blender.  Or, put in a food processor to puree.  Set aside.  Heat squares of chocolate with canola oil, in the microwave..about 40 seconds.  Stir to melt completely.  Add sugar in the raw.  When at room temperature, add eggs and beat with a mixer until blended.  Sift into bowl; cocoa baking powder, baking soda and salt.  Beat until incorporated.  Add pureed peanuts and vanilla and mix well.  Pour in pan and smooth top.  Bake 20 to 25 minutes until wooden tester comes out clean.  Enjoy!  

Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

Pear Caramel Pecan Sauce

This is perfect spooned over homemade bread, Sour Cream Pound Cake or ice cream!  

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Eggplant Parmesan

A busy dish to make but well worth the effort with praise received.  ~smile~

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Roasted Asparagus Soup

This soup was so delicious and easy to make.  I roasted two bundles of asparagus we ate one...okay a little more than one, and I made soup with the rest.  This was enough for hubby and I.  You will definitely want to  make more.

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Jumat, 18 Januari 2013

Microwave Chicken, Broccoli, Mushrooms

Look no further for an easy way to make chicken.  Use your favorite herbs, change the veggies and make this your own.

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Homemade Fig Newtons

Oh My Gosh!!! You are not going to believe how great these taste.  I promise you, once you make these, you will not buy them again.  The filling is light, and I do mean light and fluffy, and bursting with flavor while being wrapped in a buttery blanket with a hint of cinnamon.  Yep, you are going to love me for this one!  Uh, Hm...May I take this opportunity to add...or beg or plead?  ~wink~  Could you please follow me.  I'm on Google Connect, Google + (although I know nothing about it), facebook, pinterest, twitter.  Take your pick or follow on all.  ~smile~ I also write on  I'd love for you to subscribe (that is my Molasses Crinkles.  Anywho, the button is above the picture.)  I got carried away again....I'm getting bad about rambling!  Are you ready to impress? ya go!  Please let me know how they turn out!
Love and HugS!

By clicking on the advertisements on my blog, you are helping support it.  Please take a moment to check them out when you visit. Thank you!

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Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

Parsley Lemon Butter Chicken

I made this the other night and my boys ate it all.  The next night, they asked for it again. ~smile~   Obviously, the amount of butter/margarine can be reduced.  I made this recipe the first time the day I started to make something with german chocolate and found the box opened and could not use it.  Since I already had the margarine melted ...I  used it for the chicken.  YUM!

This is what was left after supper! 

Parsley Lemon Butter Chicken 

1/2 cup margarine or butter
4 to 5 Tablespoons lemon juice
3 Tablespoons worcestershire sauce
1 T garlic, 3-5 cloves, minced
1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon white pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt or to taste after cooking

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.  Rinse chicken and remove any giblets.  For some reason, I don’t ever get any in my chickens any more.  I love chicken liver.  Cut down the back and place breast side down in pan.  Heat all ingredients in a small pot until margarine is melted.   Spoon a little of the sauce on chicken, to cover.   Flip the chicken over and spoon the rest over the chicken.  Cook in preheated oven for 45 minutes, checking after 25-30 and tenting with foil so the parsley does not burn.  After 45 minutes, turn oven to 350 degrees and cook another 45 minutes or until chicken is 165 degrees, the leg joint breaks free easily, and juices run clear.  Can serve sauce over chicken pieces or for dipping.  I bet it would even be great to make rice.  ~smile~ Enjoy!

Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

Thursday's Treasures Week 69

Another week has pasted.  We are rolling towards the end of January.  February will be here, then school will be out and before you know it...Christmas will be here!!! Stop, wait and back seems I am getting a little ahead of myself.  ~smile~  Anywho, what I started out to say was...I can't believe how fast time is passing by.  We take each day and make the most of it.  Grabbing each moment as if it is the last.  And, it is.  You never get a second chance at the moment that just passed.  So, make every second of every day worthy of the treasured memories that awaits you.  Love and HugS!

Here are some of the amazing links from last week.  They are all fantastic and I wish I could feature them all. If you are featured, please don't forget to grab the "Featured On" button!  

Y'all know I love beautiful Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More! Please follow her here on facebook and her blog. You'll be so happy you did! Don't forget to check out the features to see if you are there. 
Have you met lovely Christie of Food Done Light? She is amazing and I know you will love her, her blog and her facebook page, too. Please go over and follow her on both and see if you are featured on her blog. 

Rules, yeah, I know. 
Link to your original recipe, craft or tip and photo directly, not your blog. 
Don’t forget to link back to my post, or blog, with either a text link or our new button, directly on your post or party page. We are sorry but without a link back, you cannot be featured. 
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date. Please do the same with my lovely co-hosts, Joan and Christie. By linking up to this party you are giving permission for us to use your photo on facebook, Google+ and other social media to promote Thursday's Treasures and you, with proper link credit given. Please make sure all photos you link up are your own.
Share as many recipes as you like just as long as you haven’t shared them here before. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment, I love when you stop by.
Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.

Previous week's parties! 
 Week 68 Week 67 Week 66 Week 65 Week 64 Week 63 Week 62 Week 61 Week 60 Week 59 Week 58 Week 57 Week 56 Week 55 Week 54 Week 53 Week 52 Week 51 Week 50 Week 49 Week 48 Week 47 Week 46Week 45 Week 44 Week 43 Week 42 Week 41 Week 40 Week 39 Week 38 
Week 37 Week 36 Week 35 Week 34 Week 33 Week 32 Week 31 Week 30 
Week's 1-29 can be found Here


Eggplant Bruschetta and Pizza

When I told my oldest son I was making eggplant parmesan the other day, he asked me to make him eggplant pizzas.  I am so glad he did!  I made both eggplant bruschetta and pizza.  Both are amazing! 

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Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

Baked Chocolate Donuts

While hubby was at the store this morning, I asked him to pick up german chocolate.  It has been ages since I made anything with it and was feeling I needed to.  Ya know?  Do you get those hankerings that you have to do something…and now!  That was me and I was so happy to see hubby home.  I melted butter…having an idea, but not totally certain where I was going with this.  The butter was melted, eggs and milk at room temperature, flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, anything and everything I could think of, was ready.  I picked up the german chocolate and it was opened!  Not only opened but the paper was ripped off of it!   I’m ready to bake and most important part of this, I don’t know recipe, is bad!  Plan 2 ended up with Chocolate Covered Chocolate Baked Donuts.  My boys will be so happy the german chocolate was a miss.  ~smile~  I'll add more photos later.

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Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Cake Donuts

These are the cake donuts I made tonight.  Some were baked and others were fried.  If you fry them, be certain your temperature is a steady 375 degrees F and you use a deep pot!  Mine pot was too shallow and my candy thermometer kept falling in the oil, I finally put it away and just guessed.  The following batches were baked.  Once they were cooked, I topped them with powdered sugar.  What I to use lemon extract instead of vanilla, cream of coconut and coconut soda and top with a lemon glaze and toasted coconut.  You adjust to what you have and these turned out to be amUse any flavor carbonated soda for a hint of flavor and mix/match it with the extract to make your very own specialized donuts! But, I was lazy and my sinuses are killing me and my boys were being...boys.  Now, go on...make some donuts.  Love and hugs!

Cake Donuts

3 cups unbleached all purpose flour, plus more for rolling
1 1/3 cup sugar
1 Tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
4 Tablespoons melted butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup carbonated soda
1/4 cup buttermilk

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.  Grease standard size donut pan(s).  Whisk dry ingredients together.  Stir in wet ingredients to form a soft, sticky dough.  Turn dough out on a floured surface.  Knead in enough dough to make smooth.  Pat out to 1/2".  Cut with a cookie cutter, jar, lid whatever will fit your pan.  Cut a smaller piece out of the center.  Put donut dough in pan(s) and cook 10 to 13 minutes until done, tester comes out clean.  

I thought, after I patted some out, that I should have just put the sticky dough in the donut pan without rolling it out.  I'll try that next time.  Tomorrow, maybe.  ~smile~  You could also use mini muffin pans to cook these in although I don't know how long they would take.

Alternately, heat oil in a heavy, deep pot to 375 degrees F.  Making certain it is steadily at 375 degree F temperature. Carefully put donuts and holes and fry until bottom is's just a matter of seconds, flip over and cook until brown.  Cook only a few at the time.  Place on paper towels to drain.  Top with your favorite glaze, cinnamon or powdered sugar.  Enjoy!  

Don't forget to check out my Coupon Page  they are the coupons.  Just click, print and save!  

Baked Sandwiches

We love making these and they are perfect to slice and send to school for lunches.

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Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

Deep Four Chocolate Brownies

These are so light, melt in your mouth, not too sweet, deep, dark and chocolaty!  If you like rich chocolate taste without being overly sweet...this is for you!  Enjoy!

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Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

Thursday's Treasures Week 68

I think I should have called my blog....Baking For My Boys.  Most of the recipes I post are baked.   I like to cook "real" food but I love to bake.  Recently, I have made Pita Bread, Microwave Pecan Pie and a Sour Cream Pound Cake! Luckily, I do have family and friends I share these with...sometimes...  ~smile~   
I have Coupons on my blog!  Bookmark to come back and visit anytime to click, print and save! 

I love what you share each week!  There is always something new or an old recipe that I get to relive.  I love making new treasured recipes, crafts and most of all, memories.  Thank You! 

Here are my features from last week's party.  I wish I could feature each one!  Please remember to share a new link each week with Thursday's Treasures button on direct link, so you can have a chance of being featured.  ~smile~ 

Y'all know I love beautiful Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More! Please follow her here on facebook and her blog. You'll be so happy you did! Don't forget to check out the features to see if you are there. 
Have you met lovely Christie of Food Done Light? She is amazing and I know you will love her, her blog and her facebookpage, too. Please go over and follow her on both and see if you are featured on her blog. 

Rules, yeah, I know. 
Link to your original recipe, craft or tip and photo directly, not your blog. 
Don’t forget to link back to my post, or blog, with either a text link or our new buttonWe are sorry but without a link back, you cannot be featured. 
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date. Please do the same with my lovely co-hosts, Joan and Christie. 
Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week. 
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do. 
Leave a comment, I love when you stop by.
Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.

Previous week's parties! 
Week 67 Week 66 Week 65 Week 64 Week 63 Week 62 Week 61 Week 60 Week 59 Week 58 Week 57 Week 56 Week 55 Week 54 Week 53Week 52 Week 51 Week 50 Week 49 Week 48 Week 47 Week 46Week 45 Week 44 Week 43 Week 42 Week 41 Week 40 Week 39 Week 38 
Week 37 Week 36 Week 35 Week 34 Week 33 Week 32 Week 31 Week 30 
Week's 1-29 can be found Here


Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Pita Bread

My twins have been wanting to take little pizzas in their lunches.  You know, the ones in plastic container that hubby buys.  I don't like them and decided I would make them myself.  The last two days I heated tortillas and cut in triangles for them to top with sauce and cheese.  While they were at school today,  I finally made up my mind to I would try making Pita Bread for them to take in their lunches.  What a hit!  They love filling them with their favorite fillings that were their toppings before.  And....they had so much fun watching them rise in the oven!  ~smile~  Another plus, they are so easy to make.  I used baking sheets to cook them on instead of a stone.  Just preheat them while your oven is heating.  These are perfect pockets to add sandwich, pizza, salad or fruit fillings.  Enjoy!

Click on the caption under the picture to go to the recipe.  I posted it on


Minggu, 06 Januari 2013

Sour Cream Pound Cake

I Found It!  I found my recipe for my Sour Cream Pound Cake on another computer.   Woo Hoo!  I am going to use this to make little Lego cakes for the twins birthday next month.  Trying it out anyway.  This recipe is like the one my sweet Grandma would make.  She sold her cakes at the curb market.  Oh, how I miss her. And worse, it hurts that my boys were never able to meet such a beautiful lady.  Now, I'm off to make new memories.

This recipe is old.  The bundt pans today are a lot smaller than the ones of years gone by.  You may need to use a loaf pan along with a bundt pan if your pan looks too full.

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Big Ole Yeast Rolls

These turned out perfect and will very likely be the last go to yeast roll recipe you use.  These would be perfect for buns, too.  I'm thinking these would be a great addition to Easter, or any holiday.  I haven't added the actual recipe to my blog, it is on  The link below the pictures will take you there.  Enjoy!

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