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Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012

Mocha Java Sorbet Made In Freezer

I am always looking for new frozen desserts.  It's summer and it's hot!  Okay, we eat frozen goodness all year.  Anyway, I was looking for a different one and found many for mocha java sorbet.   There are four of us that drink morning coffee.  The younger ones are more coffee flavored milk.  We like chocolate, too.  Hmmm, something for us to definitely try!  It turned out great!  Except...seems there is an exception a lot these days, I didn't have semi sweet chocolate squares and used milk chocolate chips instead.  Very chocolaty and yummy but the coffee is an aftertaste.  Use semi sweet if you are looking for more of a coffee taste or replace the water with coffee or both, which is what I will do next time.  Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

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