Having found B1G1 figs, I decided I would try them…again. Memories of my both grandmas and my Aunt Ree Ree’s homemade fig preserves have lingered in my mind for many, many years. The trees in their backyards so full the branches almost touch the ground. A pine snake as I was helping pick them one late summer day. The smell as they cook and the ping of the lids as they seal…..such sweet and treasured memories.
I have never liked the taste of figs…blech! However, I do like the taste of the seedy syrup that surrounds the lingering pieces of figs. Smear it on a slice of lightly toasted just backed bread..LOVE! Such a like and dislike like no other food I have ever eaten. Did you get that? ~smile~ The first pound of figs was made into a, well, heck, I don’t know what it was but it was just okay. Hubby ate it all and it was pretty to boot! Just wasn’t my cup a tea. A few days later I remembered I still had a pound and a few stragglers left in the refrigerator. I started off peeling them and got tired of it so I just tipped the stem and cut them in quarters. They simmered on the stove for a bit and oh my word! The house smelled wonderful! Go get some figs and fill your house with lovely smells and memories. Love and Hugs!
1 pound fresh figs, mission, brown turkey….throw any that are just hanging around in the fridge by the strawberries
3/4 to 1 cup honey
1 1/2 to 2 teaspoons lemon juice, I used bottled, that’s what I had, this is optional
Take the stems off figs and peel them if you want to.
Add 3/4 teaspoon honey to begin with1 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice if you are using it.
Bring to a soft boil and then simmer, stirring very frequently.
Taste and add more honey and/or lemon juice if you need it.
Cook until you reach the desired consistency you like. I made mine very thick.
Let cool and put in a container if you are going to use it within the next week or so…..CHECK THIS 4 half pints or 2 pints, depending on how thick you like yours. I had 3 half pints after hubby got finished “tasting” the figs.
We ate some for breakfast this morning on toasted homemade bread and Goodness, they were good! I used one half pint this afternoon making *Nutty Fig Bars. Enjoy!
*recipe next post ~smile~
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