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Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

Figs and Honey Preserves

Having found B1G1 figs, I decided I would try them…again. Memories of my both grandmas and my Aunt Ree Ree’s homemade fig preserves have lingered in my mind for many, many years. The trees in their backyards so full the branches almost touch the ground. A pine snake as I was helping pick them one late summer day. The smell as they cook and the ping of the lids as they seal…..such sweet and treasured memories.
I have never liked the taste of figs…blech! However, I do like the taste of the seedy syrup that surrounds the lingering pieces of figs. Smear it on a slice of lightly toasted just backed bread..LOVE! Such a like and dislike like no other food I have ever eaten. Did you get that? ~smile~ The first pound of figs was made into a, well, heck, I don’t know what it was but it was just okay. Hubby ate it all and it was pretty to boot! Just wasn’t my cup a tea. A few days later I remembered I still had a pound and a few stragglers left in the refrigerator. I started off peeling them and got tired of it so I just tipped the stem and cut them in quarters. They simmered on the stove for a bit and oh my word! The house smelled wonderful! Go get some figs and fill your house with lovely smells and memories. Love and Hugs!

Figs and Honey
1 pound fresh figs, mission, brown turkey….throw any that are just hanging around in the fridge by the strawberries
3/4 to 1 cup honey
1 1/2 to 2 teaspoons lemon juice, I used bottled, that’s what I had, this is optional

Take the stems off figs and peel them if you want to.
Put in a heavy pot.

Add 3/4 teaspoon honey to begin with1 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice if you are using it.
Bring to a soft boil and then simmer, stirring very frequently.
Taste and add more honey and/or lemon juice if you need it.
Cook until you reach the desired consistency you like. I made mine very thick.
Let cool and put in a container if you are going to use it within the next week or so…..CHECK THIS 4 half pints or 2 pints, depending on how thick you like yours. I had 3 half pints after hubby got finished “tasting” the figs.

We ate some for breakfast this morning on toasted homemade bread and Goodness, they were good! I used one half pint this afternoon making *Nutty Fig Bars.  Enjoy! 

*recipe next post ~smile~

Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 49

Yes, it is!  It's Thursday and you know what that means, don't you?  Time to share and view the best Treasured recipes from the best foodies!!   There are so many Wonderful, Delightful and Delicious recipes shared each week.  I am always finding a new Treasure to share with my family, Thank You!!!

Please visit my gorgeous co-hostess, Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More on her blog and facebook page.   She is the sweetest friend and will make you feel right at home with amazing sweets and more. I know she has wonderful features this week and one of them may be you!  

If you would like to co-host with Joan and I, please let me know.  We'd love for you to!

Here's a few of last week's many fantastic recipes!!!  They are in no order of amazement or view.  Just the way I'm rolling..... ~smile~

Rules, yeah, I know.

Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post.   We are sorry but recipes without a link back cannot be featured.
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostess, Joan.
Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.
Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.

Previous week's parties!
Week's 1-29 can be found Here

Now......Let's Party! 

Honey Vanilla Ice Cream Made in the Freezer

Here is another frozen recipe of delight!  We are having fun trying different flavors!  I wanted to skip the granulated sugar and opted for honey instead.   Such a wonderful flavor combined with vanilla!!!!  

Honey Vanilla Ice Cream

3 cups 2% milk
2 cups heavy cream
1/2 to 3/4 cup honey, your preference
1 1/2 to 2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract, your preference

Mix everything together well and pour in a freezer safe pan.  I use stainless steel, but any freezer safe pan will do.
When ice crystals form, take out of freezer and scrap the ice cream, breaking it apart and fluffing it up.
Do this 2 to 3 more times.  
If you are gone, or forget like I do, you can break in small pieces once it is frozen,  put in blender,  food processor,  use a mixer and mix until smooth. 
Eat now or put in a freezer safe container and return to freezer until hard.
Top with your favorite toppings and Enjoy! 

Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

Easy Chicken Enchilada Nachos

My hubby bought a rotisserie chicken yesterday.  For some reason, we were not feeling it once he brought it home.  We just weren't in the chicken mood.  Do you do that also?  Think you want something, buy it, only to get home with it and not want it anymore.  Yeah, I thought so.  ~smile~

Tonight I decided to make something fast and easy with it.  I bought a can of enchilada sauce, yes I know it is easy to make and I will very soon, I Promise.  Using the leftover chicken nobody ate,  I made Chicken Enchilada Nachos.  Super easy and Oh My Goodness, Good!!  Here ya go!  Enjoy!  Love and hugs! 

Easy Chicken Enchilada Nachos

2 cups leftover chicken, diced
1 large can Enchilada Sauce
1 4 oz can green chilies
tortilla chips

Toppings, all optional

sour cream 
diced tomatoes
green chilies
grated cheddar cheese
black olives, chopped or sliced

Put enchilada sauce, leftover chicken, and chilies in a skillet or pot.
Cook over low to medium until thickened. 
Arrange tortilla chips on a plate.
Top with chicken and enchilada sauce.
Add favorite toppings and enjoy!  

Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

Frozen Banana Yogurt in the Freezer

My boys love ice cream, frozen yogurt and popsicles.  I have been trying to make healthier recipes for my boys....trying.   Since they have been asking for ice cream for days now,,  I thought I would make frozen yogurt instead.  Using four ingredients it is easy peasy.  Get your blender out and make this delicious frozen treat.  
The hardest part is the wait! 

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Rabu, 22 Agustus 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 48

Another week has rolled by like a tire out of control on a hill!  The boys started school Monday.  My oldest on Monday and the twins Wednesday.  I was sad but okay and did much better than I thought I would.  It's so hard to think of them being old enough to go to "Big School" and not half days any more.  ~bittersweet~

Time to share your treasured recipes and the memories that accompany them.  What did you feed your family and friends this week?  We have been so busy trying to get into some sort of routine and still working on it.  Hopefully soon!   ~smile~

Please go over and visit my gorgeous co-hostess Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and more on her blog.  She has wonderful features this week you will not want to miss!  Also, stop by her facebook and give her love and hugs from me.

Here are a few of the amazing recipes shared last week.  Please stop by and tell them you saw them here.  If anyone knows how to make a feature button, I would greatly appreciate you sharing with me.  ~big smile~

Please let me know if you would like to co-host Thursday's Treasures one week. We'd love to have you join us!  Love and Hugs!

Rules, yeah, I know.

Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post.   We are sorry but recipes without a link back cannot be featured.
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostess, Joan.
Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.
Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.

Previous week's parties!
Week's 1-29 can be found Here

Now......Let's Party! 

Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

Low Fat Waffles

School's started and I like to keep something in the freezer for a fast morning meal.  You know, for those mornings when we run a little late.  Yep, we do that!  ~smile~
I made a LOT of pancakes and waffles last week.  When I went to get them yesterday morning they were gone.  My boys had eaten every one of them!!!  LOL  I made them again today.  These are super fast to make, low fat, light and fluffy!  I make mine in a waffle maker I bought at Walmart one Christmas for $5.00.  I never used it until recently and now it is used all the time!  Go dig your's from out of the back of the cabinet or closet.  Dust off the box and put it to use.  You'll be happy you did!  Waffles aren't just for breakfast.  Top them with fruit and serve as an afternoon treat.  Cut in slices and serve with warmed jam or syrup *Make Your Own Syrup*  in a cup for dipping.  Layer squares on a skewer with fresh fruit and serve with yogurt fruit dip!!!  Enjoy!  Love and hugs!

Low Fat Waffles 
makes 10

3 cups reduced fat biscuit mix, I use Bisquick
1 1/4 to 1 1/2 cups club soda
1 egg, 2 egg whites or egg substitute, beaten
1 1/2 Tablespoons oil
1 to 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Whisk together biscuit mix, egg, oil, 1-2 teaspoons vanilla and 1 1/4 cup club soda.  If it is too thick add a little more club soda.  Too thin, add more biscuit mix..a Tablespoon at the time.

Cook in waffle maker according to directions.  I cook about 1 1/2 to 2 minutes.  
Eat what you want and put the rest in a freezer bag for another morning.  Pop in the toaster on lowest setting until warm.  Or, in the microwave for 20 seconds, more or less depending on your microwave.

Take out and top with your favorite fruit, whipped cream or syrup. 


Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012

Fried Potatoes, Green Peppers and Onions

 It's National Potato Day Y'all!

We love potatoes!  Actually my boys like more of the french fry version but hubby and I love just about any way you can fix them.  This is a favorite.  I can see my sweet Mama cooking this many, many years ago.  ~smile~   
What's your favorite potato dish?  I continue to fix them different ways with hopes of them finally liking them as we do.  

I just love the smell of onions and green peppers cooking away!  Throw in some potatoes slices and I can make a meal of this dish.  My precious Mama would brown hamburger meat first then add the potatoes, onions and peppers.  Sometimes I add mushrooms, also.  
Grounded beef or turkey can also be added.
Served with a hunk of bread and this is comfort food to me.  

Fried Potatoes, Green Peppers and Onions

4 to 6 medium potatoes, however many you need
1 small to medium onion
1 small green pepper
sea salt, to taste

freshly ground pepper, to taste

coarse ground garlic with parsley, to taste

Cut potatoes into slices, place in bowl and covered with water with a teaspoon of salt.  Refrigerate. Keeps them fresh and they don't turn. 

  Spray skillet and heat to medium/medium high. Add potatoes and sprinkle with salt, pepper and garlic.  Add onions and peppers...season again.  
Cook until a little brown on the bottom and flip.  Cook until all vegetables are tender and brown.  

Moved this over from

Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

Peanut Butter Yeast Rolls

My family requested chili at 4 o'clock in the afternoon!  I usually like to cook chili all day.  Either simmering on the back burner of the stove or in a crock pot.   I always have some sort of bread when I cook chili.  It's not a stable at suppertime in our home but with chili, yeah, it is.  Cornbread, garlic bread, white bread even.  Surprisingly, this is great with a big bowl of chili!  It's hearty with a peanut butter taste that isn't overwhelming.  These make a great school lunch or snack after school.  Just warm up and you have the taste of a peanut butter sandwich without the gooey mess.

Peanut Butter Yeast Rolls

4 to 4 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar
3 Tablespoons dry active yeast
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup peanut butter

Stir together 2 cups flour, 1/2 cup sugar, 3 Tablespoons yeast and 1 teaspoon salt. Set aside.
Heat milk and water to 110 degrees and pour into flour mixture.
Add peanut butter and stir, adding enough flour to make a soft dough.
Put dough on a well floured surface and knead, adding more flour as needed, for 4-6 minutes or until it is smooth and elastic.  I used just shy of 4 cups.
Pat into a rectangle and cut into equal squares. Although, mine weren't and usually never are.  It's just something that everyone tells you to do.  ~wink~
Now, run over and preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and then..
Grease a 9x13 pan.
Put uneven, I mean, even pieces of cut dough on in pan.  Let rise in a warm, draft free place until double in size, 30 - 45 minutes.  I waited 30 and they were at the top of the pan.  I had to get them in the oven before the storm came.
Once doubled in size, cook for 10 minutes, turn pan and cook another 7-10 until done and lightly brown on top.  I can never really tell about bread being done.  I took mine out when they were light brown and they were done at 18 minutes.
Eat them right away if you want the taste of a warm peanut butter sandwich.  Oh, the microwave chili recipe will be posted soon.

PB&J on toasted Peanut Butter Yeast Roll...Yeah, It's Good!
Love and Hugs! 

Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012

Mocha Java Sorbet Made In Freezer

I am always looking for new frozen desserts.  It's summer and it's hot!  Okay, we eat frozen goodness all year.  Anyway, I was looking for a different one and found many for mocha java sorbet.   There are four of us that drink morning coffee.  The younger ones are more coffee flavored milk.  We like chocolate, too.  Hmmm, something for us to definitely try!  It turned out great!  Except...seems there is an exception a lot these days, I didn't have semi sweet chocolate squares and used milk chocolate chips instead.  Very chocolaty and yummy but the coffee is an aftertaste.  Use semi sweet if you are looking for more of a coffee taste or replace the water with coffee or both, which is what I will do next time.  Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

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Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 47

It's storming here!  Not the best of time with scared little dogs and boys!  Thank goodness I had supper ready before the storm came.

Last week we had the most links ever!  I cannot thank you all enough for sharing your treasured recipes along with memories.  Each recipe has a story behind it.  There is always something that you think about when you prepare them.  Don't you agree?  The old recipes remind me of my parents, grandparents, rotten sisters, a weekend at the lake, vacations...  Newer ones are associated with my boys, what we were doing when I first made this recipe and how much they like this one and oh boy, that one didn't go over so well!  ~smile~

Please visit my lovely co-hostess, Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More on her blog and facebook page.  She is so sweet and the best cook!  Say "hi" and give her love and hugs from me.  I'm trying to comment on as many links as possible, which hasn't been very possible lately.  I haven't been able to pin either.  Hopefully that will change once the boys start back to school and I get into a routine again.  Thank you again...for all the love shared behind your recipes.  Love and Hugs, Sweet Ones!

Amee's Savory Dish Gluten Free Zucchini Bread

The Fountain Avenue Kitchen Peach Swirl Baked Oatmeal

Please let me know if you would like to co-host Thursday's Treasures one week. We'd love to have you join us!  Love and Hugs!

Rules, yeah, I know.

Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post.   We are sorry but recipes without a link back cannot be featured.
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostess, Joan.
Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.
Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.

Previous week's parties!
Week's 1-29 can be found Here

Now......Let's Party! 

Blueberry Orange Frozen Yogurt and YoPops

Do you want something so scrumptious you just want it all for yourself?  Well, do you?  Okay then, here it is and it's even healthy!  It's loaded with a burst of flavor in each bite!  Make this wonderful frozen healthy snack, dessert or heck, meal (for me at least!) and be an instant super star of the day!  These are Wade's newest favorite this to eat.  He can eat them all day and almost devoured all of it by himself!  Enjoy!  Love and hugs!  

Blueberry Orange Frozen Yogurt and YoPops

2  to 2 1/2 cups non fat plain yogurt, homemade is great (recipe soon)
6 oz frozen orange juice concentrate
2/3 cup sugar, more or less, depending on how sweet you want it
4 cup blueberries, frozen, I used half of each..that's what I had

NOTE>>>>>>My blender was FULL!  I made at least 6 cups of liquid.  I made 4 full size yopops and poured the rest in a glass casserole dish.  Just half the recipe if you do not wish to make a lot!  

Clean blueberries if using fresh.  I like to freeze them first and use them right out of the freezer.  They are great to snack on also.
Get pop containers and/or freezer safe pan, ready to pour liquid in.
Blend 2 cups yogurt, 1/2 blueberries, sugar and orange juice. Blend. Add remaining blueberries. Taste.  Add more sugar if desired.  Add rest of yogurt if needed.  
Pour in popsicle molds and freeze until firm, about 3 hours, more or less.  Put bottom of container in warm water for 15 seconds to make it easier to remove from mold.  
For frozen yogurt, pour into freezer proof container. Put in freezer and freeze until firm. Take out, break into chunks. Put in food processor and pulse until smooth or in a chilled bowl and beat with mixer until smooth.  Eat now or return to freezer and freeze until hard.  Scoop out and serve immediately!

Edited to remove 1/2 milk in directions.

 Shared on:

Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

Dark Chocolate Upside Down Cake

An old recipe my Grandma and Mama would make.  It's also known as Chocolate Cobbler.  Very simple yet wonderful.  It's just what your chocolate lovers are wanting!  A thin cake with a thick chocolate sauce. You can easily double this to make a thicker cake.  When ready to serve, cut a piece, flip it over with a spatula and see the amazement on faces gathered 'round.  
Enjoy!  Love and hugs! 

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Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012

Alfredo Linguine Pie you smell that?  It is the smell of something so yummy it will make you want to eat it all for yourself.  Yep, it's gooood!  My boys said they wanted pasta, yes, again this week.  I think they could live off of it and sometimes I think they do!  Pasta, pasta, pasta, oh how many ways can I make thee?  ~smile~  Okay,  I'm going to get right to the recipe, if I don't, I won't be able to share it anytime soon.  I'll be eating it all and then be too full!  Enjoy!  Love and hugs!

Alfredo Linguine Pie

8 oz linguine, cooked according to directions
2 cups alfredo sauce, homemade, or 16 oz jar, I used roasted garlic parmesan tonight
3 eggs
2 cups mozzarella, shredded
parmesan, shaved to top pie

Cook linguine according to directions
While it's cooking...
Spray 9 or 10 inch pie pan.  Mine was glass and 9.5 inches
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
Beat eggs in large bowl
Stir in alfredo sauce and cheese
Drain linguine when cooked and add to bowl with sauce, stir well
Pour into greased pie pan
Cook for 15 minutes
Turn pan around
Cook another 10-15 minutes until starting to brown and is set in the middle

Rabu, 08 Agustus 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 46

It's time to share, view and making new recipes and memories!  I am so glad you are here and love seeing what your bring each week.  Wednesday brings excitement while wondering what amazing recipes you will bring to the table on Thursday.   There is always such a fantastic variety of food to choose from each week.  It's a wonderful place to plan that very special meal, snack, beverage and/or dessert.  
Once again, I am so far behind.  School starts in less than two weeks.  I hope to get back in the routine of things once it does.  
Thank you so much for taking the time to share with Joan and I.  Please stop by her page and blog, Chocolate, Chocolate and More.  love and hugs sweetums! 

Our most viewed recipes last week were:

Please let me know if you would like to co-host Thursday's Treasures one week. We'd love to have you join us!  Love and Hugs!
Rules, yeah, I know.

Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post.
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostesses.
Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.
Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.

Previous week's parties!

Now......Let's Party! 

Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 45

It's August already.  Hot and Humid, August!  I find myself still wanting to bake yet not wanting to because of the heat.  The poor AC runs non-stop while I cook, even with fans blowing to try and cool the air the least little bit.  Perhaps I want to bake more now because I know I shouldn't.  lol  Regardless, I am on a venture to make treats for my little dogs.  I did make some today and my little ones loved them.  The kitties did also.  ~smile~  I hope to have some pet recipes up soon.  Do you cook for your other babies?  Mine were so happy today, each time I went into the kitchen they came running in to see if I made them something new.  Love and Hugs!

Are you ready for Thursday's Treasures?  I  know I am!  Please share your recipes and memories with us..there is no limit.  Also, the party goes on all week.  Come back often to share and get fantastic recipes for your week and weekend.  I'd love for you to share with your friends and fans.  The more company, the better.  

Stop by and give Joan Chocolate, Chocolate and More,  a like and follow her on her blog
and facebook.  You will be so happy you did!  *smile*

Please let me know if you would like to co-host Thursday's Treasures one week. We'd love to have you join us!  Love and Hugs!

Rules, yeah, I know.

Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post.
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostesses.
Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.
Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.

Previous week's parties!

Now......Let's Party!