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Rabu, 25 April 2012

Thursday’s Treasures Week 31

Thank you so much for the Treasured Recipes and Memories you shared with us last week. There were many delicious and amazing recipes!  I love them all!  Two were tied as being viewed the most,  Joan, of Chocolate, Chocolate and More and Ann, of Sumptuous Spoonfuls.  Love you both!  <3 <3  These are gorgeous pictures that accompany your fantastic recipes! Congratulations to you both!   <3 and hugs sweet friends!
Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More Grilled Nutella and Cream Cheese Sandwich

Ann of Sumptuous Spoonfuls shared her Rainbow Fruit Kabobs
Are you ready for another Thursday’s Treasures?  I know I am!  Y’all know by now what to do.  Rules are the same as before.  
Please follow me at one, or more, of my following thingies on the right hand side.  (What do you call a group of them, anyway?)
Show a link to this week’s Thursday’s Treasure on the recipe you linked up .  I need to make a new button, if I can remember how!  ;D
Please visit others..that’s what it’s all about! 
Okay, I think I have covered it all.  I’ll so looking forward to your new Treasured Recipes and Memories. 

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