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Selasa, 22 November 2011

Thanksgiving Dinner

Today is Thanksgiving. On this day I am Giving Thanks for a Wonderful Husband, My Beautiful and Precious Three Sons, Our Health, Our Home, Our Ability to Provide for Our Children, Our Animals that bring us Enjoyment and Love, Our Family, and Our Sweet and Beautiful Friends Here! Y'all really make the days Brighter, the Laughter Louder, the Smiles Bigger and the Love Warmer. Thank You for Being a Friend! May each of you have a Beautiful and Blessed Day! Much ♥ and Many Hugs!

Thanksgiving Dinner will be the same for us this year....

Traditional southern food.

Making too much!
Eating too much!
Eating at noon or as close to that time as possible.
And,  We will be eating alone.....Again.  It's just the 5 of us but I cook like I am cooking for a whole house full of company on the holidays.  ~smiles~

Turkey is roasting in the oven at 300 degrees.  Been in one hour, going to check it now, rotate, baste and tent with foil if needed.   It has been sitting in a brine overnight.  Here is a link to the brine, it is the same I used for our Smoked Turkey.

Along with our turkey I will make:

Ranch Deviled Eggs
Sweet Potato Chips
Green Beans with Almonds
Turnip Greens
Creamed Corn and Bacon, Corn Pudding or Corn On The Cob
Baked Sweet Potatoes
Garlicky Mashed Potatoes
Chicken and Corn Bread Dressing
Corn Bread
Yeast Rolls, cheating and using the frozen ones..y'all know how much I like them.  ~smiles~
Gooey Brownie Pecan Pie Without Crust we already ate most of this last night.  ~bigger smile~
Mama's Blueberry Cake

Have a Beautiful Thanksgiving with your Loved Ones.  Thinking of you all and also those not with us any more.  They Are Always In Our Hearts and Precious Memories.  <3 <3 <3

I'll set a place at the table for you......<3 and Hugs!

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