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Senin, 07 November 2011

Sausage Rolls

An easy make ahead breakfast or after school snack.  Two ingredients and you are set!  Great for appetizers while watching football with spicy or honey mustard.

Sausage Rolls

1 bag frozen yeast rolls
1 package, 10-12 brown n serve sausage links
(double the sausage if you are leaving the sausage whole)

Thaw rolls as directed.
Thaw sausage and cut in half.

Once thawed, stretch dough to make a circle.
Place sausage half inside. 
You can also leave sausage whole, stretch and wrap around.

Roll up and tuck ends over top, flip over and place in greased 13x9 pan. 

If cooking at a later time, spray tops, cover with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator.  Get out in the morning and let them set, and come to room temperature, while your oven is preheating.  Cook as below. 

If cooking now...let double in size. Then place in preheated 350 degree oven and cook for 7 minutes, turn around.  Cook another 5 minutes and check.  These need to be a little dark to cook throughout.  15-18 minutes should be good.
As always, My oven cooks different than yours.  Check before earliest time and adjust time accordingly.

Top with butter and serve.  <3 and Hugs!


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