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Selasa, 22 November 2011

Baked Sandwich

If you have been around here for any amount of time, you will know that I like to use frozen dough.  We like to make this for lunch or a light supper.  You can make this so many ways.  Add crumbled cooked sausage, scrambled eggs, onions, peppers and cheese for a breakfast sandwich.  Use pizza, or spaghetti sauce,  your favorite pizza toppings and you have a great pizzawich.  The possibilities are endless.

A great way to satisfy everyone while you are cooking your holiday meal or use up that leftover turkey.  <3 and Hugs!

Baked Sandwich

1 loaf frozen dough, thawed
sliced veggies
mustard, optional
flour to roll dough 

Sprinkle counter, or wax paper, with flour and roll out dough to a large rectangle.  Do not roll it too thin.
Top with mustard, if you using, meat, cheese and veggies.  
Or, whatever you are using inside.
Roll tightly width wise sealing ends as you go.
Wet edged and pinch to seal.
Place sealed side down on a greased cookie sheet.
Bake in preheated 350 degree oven for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown and done.  
Turn around after 10 minutes.  
Start checking in another 5 minutes or so.
As always...My oven cooks different than yours.  Please adjust time accordingly. 

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