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Senin, 02 September 2013

Southern Skillet Green Beans with Ham

As a Southerner, food is about the seasoning.  Seasoned with love and pork is just about all there is to cookin’ a great meal.  Y'all know, everything is better when there is pork in it.  Beans of every sort have a hunk, or pieces, of ham, bacon, salt pork or hog jowl.  This dish is a skillet stir fry of a Southern classic…Green Beans with Ham.  I used my new T-fal skillet, I received as a gift to review from Cooking Planit, to make this comfort dish. You can read my review for T-Fal here and for Cooking Planit here.  Enter my Cooking Planit T-Fal Giveaway!

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