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Selasa, 10 September 2013

Potato Gnocchi

I have never made gnocchi before.  Ever so often, I will get a whim to make something new.  Actually, it happens quite often.  I'll get a light bulb moment and I just have to make that special something.  This, was one of those moments.  Certainly, they can 't be that hard, can they? The making part of the recipe was not that difficult.  When it came to the pattern, you know, the little lines, it was a bit hard.  I used a fork to go around the little pieces and that did not work well for me.  I then made little balls and indented with a wooden spoon handle.  Those shapes were easy enough to make.  The end result was the same ... light potato and cheese pillows topped with a simple tomato sauce.  Perfect! 

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