My middle son, my oldest twin and self proclaimed vegetarian (although will eat chicken strips and an occasion cheese burger) loves spicy food. Anything with beans, chilies and a bite is just fine with him. He even eats onions like potato chips, honest! This recipe was thrown together for him..a little on the mild side tonight after eating raw onions by the handful! He must have approved as he gobbled up two bowls. Made in the microwave, this was a one dish supper. You can easily cook this on the stove, in the oven or a big pot in the crock pot. My least double the recipe. You will be glad you did.
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Senin, 30 September 2013
Microwave Chili Beans Succotash
Chili Beans,
Lima Beans,
Main Dishes,
microwave recipes,
One Dish Meal,
side dish,
Apple Pecan Cinnamon Roll Cobbler
Hey Y’all! If you have extra apples and pecans (pronounced Pah-cahns) sitting around – without any particular use in mind…this is definitely the recipe you are looking for! You may need to visit the local grocery store for cinnamon rolls or, if you are feeling it, make your own. I make them from scratch, biscuit mix, and frozen dough. Hubby buys them in handy tubes to pop open and bake, which is what I used for this Apple Pecan Cinnamon Roll Cobbler,
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Apple Pecan,
cinnamon rolls,
Minggu, 29 September 2013
Pasta Pizza Casserole
Friday night is pizza night at our house. Usually. Since my youngest son has been sick, I didn’t feel like making homemade pizzas but wanted to make something similar. This Pasta Pizza Casserole turned out to be perfect. Cheesy and saucy (if you add more, I didn’t) with your favorite pizza toppings. Cooked in a casserole while you tend to more pressing nebulizers and meds and making certain others are not neglected.
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main dish,
Main Dishes,
Jumat, 27 September 2013
Crock Pot Pumpkin Spice Oatmeal
It’s Fall! Hopefully, we will see a change in the weather, something other than rain and heat would be welcomed. How is the weather in your part of the world? Wishing you comfort and sunshine, wherever you are.
I seem to think of using pumpkin when Fall is officially here and visual at the market. Making me want to take them home to decorate, display and eat them. I did buy a pie pumpkin a couple of days ago but ended up using canned pumpkin for this Crock Pot Pumpkin Spice Oatmeal. This is the first time I have cooked oatmeal in the crock pot and very pleased I did. It was like eating a Pumpkin Spice Muffin in a bowl. Warm and soft and quite filling. This is definitely a keeper and will be made often.
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I seem to think of using pumpkin when Fall is officially here and visual at the market. Making me want to take them home to decorate, display and eat them. I did buy a pie pumpkin a couple of days ago but ended up using canned pumpkin for this Crock Pot Pumpkin Spice Oatmeal. This is the first time I have cooked oatmeal in the crock pot and very pleased I did. It was like eating a Pumpkin Spice Muffin in a bowl. Warm and soft and quite filling. This is definitely a keeper and will be made often.
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Kamis, 26 September 2013
Alfredo Spaghetti Squash
Do you like spaghetti squash? I have cooked it several times and ways, yet my boys would not eat it. ( They are getting so picky lately, something I definitely need to work on.) I have tried salt and pepper, butter and parmesan, spaghetti sauce..nope, nothing from my twins. This time, I decided to go with alfredo sauce. Good news, my oldest loved it! He pretty much likes any white sauce and white pizza, just like his Mom. The twins, well, they were being pretty negative about trying a new dish. I'll keep making it, next time..I'll start, making it simple with a little salt, pepper, butter and parmesan. Sooner or later they should like it, right?!
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Roasted Vegetables,
Spaghetti Squash,
Rabu, 25 September 2013
Thursday's Treasures Week 105
Another week has passed filled with rain, rain and more rain in Florida. I hope you days were radiant whether filled with rain or shine! It's that time again, time for Thursday's Treasures! If you would like to join me and Christie, as a co-host of Thursday's Treasures, please let us know!
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linky party,
Thursday's Treasures
Senin, 23 September 2013
Banana-Pecan Sticky Rolls
An old recipe that is a great start to any morning! These Banana-Pecan Sticky Rolls are easy to make and fun to eat!
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Sabtu, 21 September 2013
Pizza Bianca
Friday is pizza night at our house which usually includes a movie and/or games. Pizzas are usually homemade, from crust to sauce and even mozzarella cheese. Some weeks they are completely from scratch, Some weeks are east going with fast crusts or even, gulp, frozen. Yes, we do. We have frozen pizza .. Once In A While. Life gets fast and although there are super easy homemade alternates, at times I am just too tired. That said…I think I will make some pizzas and freeze them, just for those busy nights. These are great pizzas without sauce. You could add garlic, parsley, basil, oregano (you get the idea) to the dough. Diced chicken and mushrooms would be great on this pizza. Oh…and, spinach! Let's make some pizzas.
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Mozzarella Cheese,
Kamis, 19 September 2013
Multi Grain and Quinoa Whole Wheat Cake
Looking for a different cake? You have found it here! I am truly amazed how this Multi Grain and Quinoa Whole Wheat Cake turned out. We love it! I used Minute Multi Grain and Quinoa Medley to make the cake. It is amazing!

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Whole Grains,
Whole Wheat
Rabu, 18 September 2013
Thursday's Treasures Week 104
I am so glad to see you here, once again! Thank you for stopping by, to share your amazing creations and, hopefully, take with inspiration to share with your friends and fans. If you would like to co-host with Christie and I, please feel free to email or message me.
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Jumat, 13 September 2013
Fresh Tomato Pie
This is another recipe that includes mayonnaise, which I do not like at all, and is amazing! Fresh tomatoes and a convenient biscuit mix (homemade), result in a pie that is pure comfort in it’s simplest form. Go on outside and pick some tomatoes, beg your neighbors, or head out to the farmers market, do whatever you have to do to get fresh tomatoes to make this Fresh Tomato Pie!
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Rabu, 11 September 2013
Thursday’s Treasures Week 103
This is the last Thursday’s Treasures Joan, Chocolate, Chocolate and More, will be hosting. Bittersweet feelings flow as Joan continues to move forward and grow her fantastic blog. There is no limit, how far she will go. I am honored to have had her with us. Thank you, Joan, for being a lovely and gracious host. It has been such a pleasure to share each week with you. You will be greatly missed. Love and hugs, sweet friend!
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linky party,
Thursday's Treasures
Chocolate Pumpkin Muffins
I saw my sweet friend Michaela, An Affair From the Heart, make 2 ingredient Pumpkin Spice Muffins. Awesome! I knew I had to make them for my boys but opted for a different cake mix.
My youngest said these are yummy, moisty and delicious! Yes! Another score!
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My youngest said these are yummy, moisty and delicious! Yes! Another score!
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Selasa, 10 September 2013
Potato Gnocchi
I have never made gnocchi before. Ever so often, I will get a whim to make something new. Actually, it happens quite often. I'll get a light bulb moment and I just have to make that special something. This, was one of those moments. Certainly, they can 't be that hard, can they? The making part of the recipe was not that difficult. When it came to the pattern, you know, the little lines, it was a bit hard. I used a fork to go around the little pieces and that did not work well for me. I then made little balls and indented with a wooden spoon handle. Those shapes were easy enough to make. The end result was the same ... light potato and cheese pillows topped with a simple tomato sauce. Perfect!
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Senin, 09 September 2013
Cooking Planit T-Fal Giveaway Winner
It has truly been an honor to host my Cooking Planit T-fal Giveaway and be one among 50 fantastic bloggers!
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Okay...I know you are patiently waiting...the winner is:
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Jumat, 06 September 2013
Peanut Bars
We love the way these bars turned out! A dense yet soft cake, gooey filling and satisfying peanutty topping! Yes, we are happy about this one!
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Cornmeal Shrimp and Cooking Planit
If you have been around my blog lately, you know I am hosting a Cooking Planit T-fal Giveaway. September 2-8, 2013. I was gifted a set of T-Fal to review and I absolutely love. Have you heard of Cooking Planit? It is a great website, and app, to use when you want a complete meal ready at the same time. There is also a shopping list available to conveniently check what ingredients you have on hand and what you need to purchase. I use Cooking Planit website (my review), since I don't have an iphone or ipad and cannot access their free app. I am happy to say, an android app is in the making and will be available in the near future!
On Labor Day I was looking on Cooking Planit to find something fast and delicious to make as an appetizer while waiting for our meal to cook. Did you have a great Labor Day? Did you Barbeque? We ended up cooking indoors since the clouds were gray and the weather not promising for grilling, as planned. There are so many wonderful recipes to choose from. I typed in shrimp in the search bar and narrowed it down to recipes only instead of meals. There I was offered 17 recipes to chose from. Awesome! While they all looked amazing, I picked the Quick Cornmeal Shrimp. Fast...oh is!
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On Labor Day I was looking on Cooking Planit to find something fast and delicious to make as an appetizer while waiting for our meal to cook. Did you have a great Labor Day? Did you Barbeque? We ended up cooking indoors since the clouds were gray and the weather not promising for grilling, as planned. There are so many wonderful recipes to choose from. I typed in shrimp in the search bar and narrowed it down to recipes only instead of meals. There I was offered 17 recipes to chose from. Awesome! While they all looked amazing, I picked the Quick Cornmeal Shrimp. Fast...oh is!
I made these delicious Quick Cornmeal Shrimp for a fast snack to share with my family this Labor Day.
#tfal T-fal,
Cooking Planit,
Rabu, 04 September 2013
Thursday’s Treasures Week 102
Yay! We have a winner of our 100th week $60.00 Amazon Gift Card! Congratulations, Divi M of Diddles and Dumplings! We are so excited! Thank you all for entering.
I am having a Cooking Planit T-fal Giveaway and would love for you to enter. You may also enter at some of these other lovely bloggers, here.
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I am having a Cooking Planit T-fal Giveaway and would love for you to enter. You may also enter at some of these other lovely bloggers, here.
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linky party,
Thursday's Treasures
Senin, 02 September 2013
Southern Skillet Green Beans with Ham
As a Southerner, food is about the seasoning. Seasoned with love and pork is just about all there is to cookin’ a great meal. Y'all know, everything is better when there is pork in it. Beans of every sort have a hunk, or pieces, of ham, bacon, salt pork or hog jowl. This dish is a skillet stir fry of a Southern classic…Green Beans with Ham. I used my new T-fal skillet, I received as a gift to review from Cooking Planit, to make this comfort dish. You can read my review for T-Fal here and for Cooking Planit here. Enter my Cooking Planit T-Fal Giveaway!
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Green Beans,
Cooking Planit T-fal Giveaway
It's finally here! Labor Day and my Cooking Planit T-fal Giveaway! I am so excited to offer you a chance to win a 12 piece set of T-Fal Stainless Steel Thermo-Spot Cookware and a free Cooking Planit app! #Cooking Planit is great app for family meal planning using your digital cooking assistant. I use the free Cooking Planit website since I do not have an iphone or ipad. Get your free app here. I cannot wait for the android version to come out. And, let's not forget how much I absolutely love this set of T-Fal! You can read my review, here.
Minggu, 01 September 2013
Cooking Planit Review Grandma Rose's Spaghetti and Meatballs Meal and Upcoming Cooking Planit T-fal Giveaway
When asked to be a part of this humongous Cooking Planit T-fal Giveaway with 49 other lovely bloggers, I was excited, honored and ready to explore both Cooking Planit and T-fal. Each were new to me. (Visit here to see my review of T-fal.) Cooking Planit is a fantastic cooking website and app. At Cooking Planit, you are able to plan multiple dishes and have them ready at the same time. There is a convenient shopping list so you can check the ingredients listed to see what you need to purchase to make your meal. The handy cooking timer will let you know when to go forward with the next step. On the website, a ring will let you know. On the app for your iphone or ipad, a voice tells you when time has come to an end.
Cooking Planit, is great for meal planning and those with busy schedules..yes, I know this includes you. Head on over to Cooking Planit to sign up for a free account and start planning your meals today.
For my review, I chose Grandma Rose's Spaghetti and Meatballs and Cheesy Garlic Bread meal.
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Cooking Planit, is great for meal planning and those with busy schedules..yes, I know this includes you. Head on over to Cooking Planit to sign up for a free account and start planning your meals today.
For my review, I chose Grandma Rose's Spaghetti and Meatballs and Cheesy Garlic Bread meal.
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