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Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Chicken and Dumplings...Comfort Food For Hubby

Hubby isn't well.  The boys gave it to me and then to him.  He hasn't been sick in years and truly thinks he is invincible.  No germs will touch me!  Uh Huh!  They finally caught up with him and while he is sick, has a fever and all the other yucks...he keeps going.  I wanted to make him something to comfort him and the first food that entered my mind was Chicken and Dumplings.  I love them!  He loves them!  We all love them!  Well, maybe not my picky one(s), but that's just a matter of time.  If you, or someone dear to you, is in need of some down home comfort food, this is it.  Enjoy the feeling!

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