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Senin, 11 Februari 2013

Cara Cara Orange Coffee Cake

If you have never tried Cara Cara Orange Coffee Cake, or any orange coffee cake for that matter, you need to!  It really is amazing!  Hubby thinks so, too.  I cut a piece to take a picture later, put it aside and went about cleaning the mess I made in the kitchen.  I am a messy one!  When the kitchen was clean,  I went to take the picture of my perfect little piece of Cara Cara Orange Coffee Cake and it was gone!  Geez, I thought after hubby ate three pieces, this piece would be safe.  No!  He ate it!  Hence, the photo below is not the perfect piece I wanted to take a picture of.  I had to take a picture in a hurry and hope for the best.  This is it in all its glory.  From now on, if I want to take a picture of something I'll snap away or I'll hide it!  Enjoy!

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