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Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

Spinach Squares

I love spinach but it wasn't until recently that I decided I did.  I despised it as a child and would refuse to eat it, turning up my nose and closing my lips tightly.  Now, I eat it weekly baked or raw, I want it!   One of my twins eats it raw..he loves salads!  The other two boys, well I'm working on them.  Trying new ways.  They'll come time.

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Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Thursday's Treasures Week 75

I hope each of you have had a wonderful week!  It's always busy here and especially this past week when my twins turned 6.  I'm getting ready for their party this weekend...the fun never stops!  

I am honored to host a giveaway for a Lodge 15" Carbon Seasoned Steel Skillet Giveaway, sponsored by Lodge Manufacturing.  I absolutely love my skillet and use it almost daily.

These wonderful features are just a few of the many links shared last week.  There were others that I wanted to share but there wasn't a link back.  Please link your recipe back so we can easily share.  If you are featured, please grab my Featured On button to add to your post and/or blog.  

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Perfect Scrambled Eggs

My boys favorite way to eat eggs is scrambled.  It doesn’t matter how many times I ask, it’s always the same.  These soft scrambled eggs turn out perfect every time.  

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Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Bakin’ Bacon

My oldest has a huge FCAT Writing test today so I got up early and made his favorite breakfast; bacon, scrambled eggs and homemade biscuits.  Making bacon in the oven is a great way to cook it.  The oven does all the work for you so you don’t have to stand in front of the stove getting splattered and well, using time that is always in demand.  I was able to get the biscuits ready and lunches packed while the bacon was bakin’ away.  Next time you need to cook a whole package of bacon..heat up the oven and get your baking sheet out.

By clicking on the advertisements on my blog, you are helping support it.  Please take a moment to check them out when you visit. Thank you!

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Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Lodge 15" Carbon Seasoned Steel Skillet Giveaway

Oh yes, you read right.  I am truly honored to host a giveaway, sponsored by Lodge Manufacturing, for their amazing 15” Carbon Seasoned Steel Skillet. Whether you are a seasoned chef or an every day, have to get supper on the table in a hurry cook, this skillet is definitely for you!  I have had my fantastic skillet a few weeks and I can honestly say it has been used almost daily.  It is an amazing piece to add to your kitchen collection.  Lodge Carbon Seasoned Steel Skillets are among the best of company with made to last Cast Iron Cookware.  Lodge has been a cooks favorite over 100 years and will be centuries to come.  What a great heirloom to leave your children and grandchildren.  Passed down generation to generation...Lodge Cookware carries with it memories of the special people in your life and the recipes they made with love.

Picture borrowed from

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Rosemary Garlic Butter Roast Chicken

Roast chicken was always a Sunday lunch type of meal.  Coming home from church with Mama and Daddy and sitting down a down home meal of comfort.  It's not just for Sunday's any more.  We have this at least once a week.....In our home, comfort food can be found every day of the week. Enjoy!

Enter to win this fantastic Lodge 15" Carbon Seasoned Steel Skillet
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Sweet and Savory Focaccia

This is the first time I have made focaccia.   I used a salad kit with dried sweetened fruit, pralines, crumbled blue cheese.  I even topped it with a few baby greens and blue cheese vinaigrette.  Add your own fruits and nuts, cheese and herbs to make this your own.  Enjoy!

Enter to win the 15" Lodge Carbon Seasoned Steel Skillet I used to bake this focaccia in. 
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Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

Pot Pie Your Way

My oldest has been wanting me to make a pot pie lately.  Of course, I had to oblige.  This was so easy to make .... I don't know why I haven't done so before.  Use any leftover meat and vegetable combinations to make this comfort food.  Enjoy!

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Homemade Cream of Soup Base

You don’t have to buy those cans of "cream of" based soups again. Use this as a start for everything from soups to casseroles. Add your own meat, vegetables, herbs and seasonings to this base to make your best recipes homemade!

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Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Lego Gummies For My Twins Birthday

My boys are turning 6!  Where does the time go?  I have no idea.  It's bittersweet .. I miss the cuddles of newborn babes in my arms.  Giving thanks for the many blessing in my life, these two little miracles and their older brother.  I wonder what the precious little faces looking up at me will become...anxious to see my boys grow and revel in the strength they show in all aspects.  They are becoming wonderful young boys as I treasure each day and tuck away the precious memories of them year by year.

I wanted to make these two special boys something +LEGO  for their birthday celebration. 

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Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

Thursday's Treasures Week 74

It's my favorite time again!  Time to share some of the fantastic links shared last week and to see what you have for us this week.   I am beyond thrilled how Thursday's Treasures has grown, and is growing, each week.   Do you think we could reach 200 this week?  I think we can.  Ready, set, link!  

These are some of my picks from last week.  They aren't in any order, just the way I picked and clicked.  If you are featured here, please pick up my "featured on" button.  Also, if you have been featured in the past, before I made the button, feel free to grab the button and add it to your blog.  

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Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Chicken and Dumplings...Comfort Food For Hubby

Hubby isn't well.  The boys gave it to me and then to him.  He hasn't been sick in years and truly thinks he is invincible.  No germs will touch me!  Uh Huh!  They finally caught up with him and while he is sick, has a fever and all the other yucks...he keeps going.  I wanted to make him something to comfort him and the first food that entered my mind was Chicken and Dumplings.  I love them!  He loves them!  We all love them!  Well, maybe not my picky one(s), but that's just a matter of time.  If you, or someone dear to you, is in need of some down home comfort food, this is it.  Enjoy the feeling!

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Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013

Baked Cheese Grits and Eggs

Grits are a staple in the South.  I've eaten them all my born days. Always. Not that I remember, but I just bet you, grits were my first food.  Mixed up with an egg, yep,  I just bet ya.  That's the way my precious Daddy ate his for breakfast, it was always the same way.  He would put his 2 sunny side up eggs on top of a plate full of grits, chop them up and mix it all together.  Eaten with thick rind bacon and homemade fluffy biscuits ...YUM!  If you haven't tried it, you need to.  These baked grits are great made with bacon or sausage and cutting down, or eliminating, the cheese.  Alternately, you can bake in individual baking dishes.

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Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

Chunky Banana Nut Dark Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Spice Cookies

Yes, you read it right!  These cookies are great!   At least my boys think so.   Dark chocolate, spices, bananas and nuts.  You can add dried fruit, too, if you wish.  With flax seed, wheat germ, wheat and soy flours, and of course oatmeal...what's not to love!   I bet you could even get away with eating these for breakfast, I did!

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Rabu, 13 Februari 2013

Thursday's Treasures Week 73

Thank you for joining Thursday's Treasures again!  I love that you stop  by and share each week and always enjoy everything you bring.  Please, make yourself at home.  Get comfy.  Get your coffee, hot or sweet tea and get inspired!  

Here are some of the many wonderful links shared last week.  You know, I wish I could share them all!   Please grab my "I was featured on" button to add to your featured link. 
If you would like to be featured, please add a direct link back to this post so others may enjoy it also.  Have a gorgeous week!  Love and Hugs!

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Senin, 11 Februari 2013

Cara Cara Orange Coffee Cake

If you have never tried Cara Cara Orange Coffee Cake, or any orange coffee cake for that matter, you need to!  It really is amazing!  Hubby thinks so, too.  I cut a piece to take a picture later, put it aside and went about cleaning the mess I made in the kitchen.  I am a messy one!  When the kitchen was clean,  I went to take the picture of my perfect little piece of Cara Cara Orange Coffee Cake and it was gone!  Geez, I thought after hubby ate three pieces, this piece would be safe.  No!  He ate it!  Hence, the photo below is not the perfect piece I wanted to take a picture of.  I had to take a picture in a hurry and hope for the best.  This is it in all its glory.  From now on, if I want to take a picture of something I'll snap away or I'll hide it!  Enjoy!

By clicking on the advertisements on my blog, you are helping support it.  Please take a moment to check them out when you visit. Thank you!

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Jumat, 08 Februari 2013

Homemade Cake Release

I am forever having my cakes stick to my bundt pan.  Always!  It never fails.  Whenever I want to bake a bundt cake I am both filled with excitement and dread.  Now, there are no worries!  I remembered my step daughter, Carla,  told me about making your own cake release and I have finally made it!  This recipe has been around forever, I don't know why I haven't been using it before now.  It was such a relief to see my little bundt cakes come out of the pan without sticking.  Love this!  Just brush the cake release in your pan and wait for your perfect cake to come out of the oven.  Use them with my Sour Cream Pound Cake, Lemon Fizz Cake, Cooked Apple Coffee Cake, Carrot Cake .. everything you bake!  Use what you want and leave the rest in the refrigerator.  Now, get out your bundt pan and bake away!

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Such an easy meal to prepare.  Serve it with jasmine rice,  over Egg Noodles or with One Hour French Bread.  Any way you plate it, it is bound to be a hit! 

This is another meal I prepared in my Lodge 15” Seasoned Steel Skillet.  I love it!  Be certain to stay in touch by blog or otherwise.   I will be hosting a giveaway sponsored by  Lodge Manufacturing, sometime in the next two weeks.

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Kamis, 07 Februari 2013

Roasted Rosemary Turnip Roots

When I was younger, you couldn't get me to eat turnips for nothing!  Nope, nothing!  No way, no how!  Fast forward a gazillion years...I love them!  I cook them with ham seasoning but my very favorite way to eat them is roasted.  Oh. My. These are so good!  I could grab and eat them right out of the oven.  Yes, I love them that much now.   So much so, I cooked them twice, in two days, in my Lodge  15" Seasoned Steel Skillet.  This is perfect to roast vegetables in!  I roasted 1 pound and could easily fit another pound in.  The larger ones were quartered, the smaller halved.  Simply seasoned yet robust in flavor.  Try them...I know you will love them also.  Oh,  just in case you hadn't heard.....I am very honored to be hosting a giveaway sponsored by Lodge Manufacturing.  It's for their amazing 15" Seasoned Steel Skillet.  I have cooked in it every day and l just love the ease of cooking from stove top to oven to grill.  It is large enough to accommodate food for my growing boys and much more.  Perfect!  The giveaway will start sometime in the next two weeks.  Stay connected with me so you won't miss out on this fantastic skillet.

Roasted Rosemary Turnip Roots

1 pound turnip roots peeled, halved or quartered
1 1/2 Tablespoon olive oil
1 1/2 Tablespoon fresh rosemary, minced
sea salt

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
Mix oil and minced rosemary.
Place peeled and cut turnip roots in skillet.

Brush with oil and rosemary, saving a little oil to brush once out of the oven.
Sprinkle with sea salt.
Cook 10 minutes, turn skillet around. 
Cook another 10 to 15 minutes until done.  Just until fork tender.
Carefully, take out of oven.  Brush with remaining oil.  


Alphabet Soup

One of my twins is home sick today with a horrible cough and low grade temperature.   Being sick has not bothered his appetite in the least.  He asked for my Microwave Pancakes for breakfast.  A couple hours later and he was asking for soup.  While he was eating his soup, he asked for a milkshake.  If the adage; starve a fever, feed a cold, holds true...he's got a cold!  ~smile~

Alphabet Soup

8 cups chicken broth
1/2 cup onion, finely diced
1/2 cup celery, finely diced
1/2 cup carrots, finely diced
3-5 cloves garlic, 1 Tablespoon minced
1 to 2 teaspoons fresh rosemary, finely cut
1 to 1 1/2 cups alphabet pasta
1 teaspoon olive oil

In a heavy stockpot,  heat oil on medium.  Add onion when hot, stirring for 2 minutes.  Add celery and carrots.  Stirring for 2 minutes.  Add garlic, stirring for 1 minute.  Add chicken broth.  Simmer 10 minutes.  Add pasta, 1 1/2 cups makes a lot of may want to use 1 cup if you want more broth.  Stir occasionally.  Simmer 6 to 8 minutes or until tripled in size.   Add rosemary last 5 minutes.   Serve with crackers or One Hour French Bread.  

Feel better sweetie! <3 and="" hugs="" nbsp="" p="">

Rabu, 06 Februari 2013

Thursday's Treasures Week 72

My oldest son, 9 years old, was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis last Friday.  He has been having a lot of pain and swelling in his knees, one worse than the other.  His back, ankles, wrists and fingers also have been causing him pain.  He was put on NSAID's over 3 weeks ago.  The doctor increased the dose last week when he was diagnosed.  Yet he still has pain and now, his tummy hurts from the medicines.  I have to find an alternative..I cannot bear to hear his heartbreaking moans all day and all night.  I have had arthritis over 30 years.  I know his pain.  I hate his pain.  I would gladly take it away and add it to mine if I could.  We hope, we pray, we look for ways to comfort, we listen, we hug, we give meds, we hear cries, we wait to see what tomorrow brings....

Please hang in there with me...I'm not ignoring you.   I'm close by and will definitely be  sharing and commenting as often as I can.  ~smile~   Did you hear my secret?  I'm having a giveaway sponsored by Lodge Manufacturing!!!! I love all of their cookware and this one  is absolutely amazing.  Are you ready for this?  It is their  15" Seasoned Steel Skillet!!!!  I know!  It is fantastic! I am so excited!!!!!!  Be certain to check back often.  I'll open the giveaway for entries sometime in the next two weeks. Follow me on Google Connect, Facebook, Pinterest, Google + (which, I know nothing about, by the way) Twitter, email, RSS Feed...All are on the right side, you may need to scroll up or down to find them all ----->>>>>>> see?  Pick one or pick all!  Just be certain you are following me in some way or fashion so you don't miss out.  Now, on with the party!  Love and HugS!

Please add a direct link back to your post you link up.  Either with Thursday's Treasures button or text link.  I am always thrilled to pick out your fantastic links to be featured.  It is disheartening to see one I want to feature, go to your blog, only to see there isn't a link back.  A link back shows you are excited to be sharing with us and also have a chance to be featured!  I'd love for you to share the post you link up on facebook.  That way, your fans get another view of your amazing post and you are also inviting them to share on and view Thursday's Treasures.  And, (you knew that was coming, didn't you?) it is also easier for me to share on facebook, which is automatically shared on twitter when I do.  If you don't have a facebook page, no worries...I share those that are not on facebook each week also.  Maybe you could share on pinterest?  It's a Win-Win all the way around.  

Some of the many wonderful links shared.  You know I wish I could feature them all.  If you are featured, please grab my "featured on" button!  

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Minggu, 03 Februari 2013

Tomato Soup

I have never liked tomato soup.  There, I said it.  While I'm at it...I don't like mayonnaise or that other whipped stuff either.  I like love tomatoes cooked in soup and sauces, why not soup?  Hmmm,  I'm not certain but I think it may have something to do with trying to make canned tomato soup when I was young...a very long time ago, and not adding enough water to it.  BLAH!.....As my youngest would say!   I decided to make tomato soup today and so glad I did!  The soup is plain and simple yet bursting with flavor. You will never want to buy canned soup again once you make it at yourself.  This can be made in under an hour...30 minutes or less if you want.  You can change it up by adding bay leaves, basil, oregano, cream, lemon zest or whatever you like.  Enjoy!

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Jumat, 01 Februari 2013

Meyer Lemon Pudding Cake

If you love melt in your mouth, light as a cloud, creamy, lemony/orange deliciousness of Meyer Lemons, this is for you! Oh. My. Goodness! I was very pleased the way this turned out.  This pudding cake could be a light, airy custard, a fallen soufflé, or baked mousse!   Yes, it is that good!  I added Homemade Lemon Curd and my mouth experienced an explosion of a lemon cloud!  Topped simply with powdered sugar was pretty amazing, too! Feel free to substitute whatever lemons you have for the Meyer Lemons.  Oh,  this is a thin "cake" ... you will want to double this if you are serving it for company!

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