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Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

Roasted Frozen Broccoli

My oldest told me he loved broccoli.  I was actually being to doubt that this is true.  It seemed every way I made it wasn’t the way he liked it.  I cooked it in soup, casseroles and covered in cheese to no avail.  Last night I decided to roast it in the toaster oven. Jackpot! He loved it!  I put the frozen broccoli florets in the toaster oven with only a spray of olive oil and kosher salt. There is so much that can be done with this.  When it comes out of the oven add a splash of lemon juice and fresh ground pepper. Sprinkle it with grated parmesan and/or cheddar.  Cut it up and add to cooked rice.  The possibilities are endless.  Very easy and great,  just as it is.

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