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Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012

Cheeseburger and Taters Casserole

I made this for hubby and I while the boys ate turkey burgers and oven fries.  It was fast to put together and very tasty.  The 1/2 lb turkey made a very thin layered casserole.  Try it next time you want your cheeseburgers and taters a little different.  

Cheeseburger and Taters Casserole 

1 lb ground turkey or sirloin, I used 1/2 lb turkey burgers...that's what I had 
1/3 - 1/2 small onion, sliced thin.
few mini sweet peppers or 1/2 - 3/4 colored pepper, sliced thin.
sea salt or seasoned salt, to taste*
fresh ground pepper, to taste*
coarse ground garlic with parsley, to taste*
*or just sprinkle on top
can fat free mushroom soup
1/4 cup, or more, cheddar cheese, grated
2 medium potatoes,  peeled and sliced thin

NOTE:  If using 1 lb ground meat, you may want to use the greater amount of cheese, onions and peppers.  Divide the meat, soup, and cheese and make two layers.  

Brown meat of your choice with onion and sweet pepper.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Grease 8x10" pan.
Put cooked ground meat on bottom of pan.
Half if using the greater amount of ingredients.
Sprinkle with seasonings.

Spread soup over meat.  Use half if you added more ingedients.

Layer the cheese, all or half, next. 

Add sliced potatoes on top of the soup. Half if making another layer.
Sprinkle with seasonings.
Repeat layers if making with extra ingredients.
Cook in preheated oven, check at 10 minutes.  

Turn pan around and cook another 5-10 minutes or until potatoes are done.  
Enjoy, <3 and hugs! 

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