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Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 36

I am so excited!  There were so many wonderful links last week!  I love reading them and making plans to make them.  There was a great variety and all looked so Delicious!  You really need to check them out, along with the previous weeks.

Beautiful Joan  Chocolate, Chocolate and More , is co-hosting again with me this week and will be each week!!  I just love Joan, her blog, facebook page and All her amazing recipes!  Please visit her on her facebook page and give her a "like" with <3 and hugs from me.  Also, follow her on her blog, pinterest, e-mail, get the idea.

Here are a few of the most viewed recipes from last week.

Firecracker Cake

Raspberry Cheesecake Chocolate Cupcakes

Oreo Cheesecake Cookies

Okay, you know how to play! ~smile~

Link to your recipe, not your blog.
Link back to this post.
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it.  Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.  
Share as many recipes as you like. 
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as you do.
Leave a comment.  I love to know you were here.  
Y'all have a beautiful week.  Be good to yourselves and each other.  

Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

Fried Pickles

I have been craving fried pickles, doesn't that sound like a country band?  Introducing Fried Pickles as they sing their new song,  Fried Chicken and Butter Beans where did I go wrong?!  Sorry, couldn't help that.  ~wink~   although I have never eaten them before.  When they kept popping up on my computer screen, I took that as a sign I needed to make them.  ~smile~  My first attempt was a huge failure.  They reminded me of The Andy Griffith Show when Aunt B makes Kerosene Cucumbers!  (remember that one?)  Yep, they were that bad.  Hubby told me he hoped I hadn't made a lot of them as he didn't want to waste food!  LOL  SALTY, does not even begin to describe those little circles of puckering pickles!  I used the seasoned flour I was going to fry pork chops in. BAD idea!  I tried again, this time rinsing the slices...duh? and soaking them in buttermilk.  Much better!  I tried to get hubby to try the second batch but he evidently didn't hear me tell him I changed the recipe.  I got to eat them all!  I only made a handful, cause you know, I was a little shy to try them again myself.  ~smile~  <3 and hugs!

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Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 35

I am so happy to have Bobbi, Bobbi's Kozy Kitchen and Joan, Chocolate, Chocolate and More co-host this week!  Bobbi is such a wonderful friend and makes everything you could imagine..only better!  Joan is such a darlin' too!  She is the one to turn to for your best desserts..chocolate and more!  Please visit each of them, you will absolutely love them both!  I do! <3 <3
Bobbi's Kozy Kitchen on facebook and her amazing blog  Bobbi just started a linky party and oh, you have to see her Sammie while there!  Manic Monday
Joan's Chocolate, Chocolate and More on facebook  and the sweetest blog  Her Zucchini Bites look absolutely amazing!

The most viewed recipes of last week were The Better Baker's 

Deep Dish Gooey Cookie Pie 

Inside BruCrew Life 

Love each and every one of the recipes shared with us last week.  Please feel free to share as many as you like.  <3  

Rules..Yeah, you know they are here.  

Follow each blog, facebook and pinterest so you can stay up to date.
Share the party..I know your friends will love it, too!  
Link back to your original recipe, not your blog.  
Visit others..they love company as much as we do.
Leave a comment when you visit, that's the neighborly thing to do.  
Please return each week, I love your smiling faces, treasures recipes and precious memories that sometimes accompany them.
Have a beautiful week, be good to yourselves and others!  <3 and hugs!

Senin, 21 Mei 2012

Bavarian Pork Chops

We had this for supper last night.  A easy and fast main dish and I finally got to use scallions from our little garden.  ~smile~  I found this recipe for Bavarian Pork on the package of pork hubby bought.  I followed their recipe with only a couple minor changes.  We really liked this and I will certainly be making it again.  Served it on buttered egg noodles..mmmmm.   Hope you like it too.

Bavarian Pork Chops

4 pork loin chops 
8 oz portabella mushrooms, sliced
2 scallions, sliced
1 cup flour
1 tablespoon minced garlic
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme leaves
sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste
8 oz beer, chicken or vegetable broth
cooked buttered noodles

Cook noodles according to directions.  Spray non stick skillet and melt butter over medium high heat.  While the butter is melting, lightly flour pork.   Once butter is melted and heated,   Brown chops on each side for 1-2 minutes.  Put aside and add garlic, scallions, mushrooms, thyme and a pinch of salt and pepper to skillet.  Cook until onions are soft, 2-3 minutes.  Return pork, add beer or broth to skillet, cover and cook for 7 minutes or until internal temperature is 145 F.  Season with salt and pepper to taste.  Let rest 3-5 minutes.  Serve over buttered egg noodles sprinkled with parsley.  Enjoy!  <3 and hugs! 

Homemade Pop Tarts

My boys love pop tarts but I don't love for them to eat them.  I thought I would try making my own out of pie crust since I have seen them posted around.  I had a pie crust in the refrigerator, yeah I know, but it is easy for a quick morning..uh, snack, breakfast, delight?   One packaged pie crust made 3 pop tarts with spare pieces of crust.  You can toss these in cinnamon sugar and cook them at 375 degrees F for a few minutes, until brown.  Back to the pop tarts.  Gather whatever it is you, and your kids, like in them.  I used peanut butter, grape jelly and strawberry preserves for my boys.  Nobody was arguing because they didn't want what the other picked out at the store.   So nice!  I made the pop tarts with Wilton's rectangle mini pie mold at Walmart.  If you don't have one..just cut the pie crust into 6 equally shaped rectangles, about 2x4".

Peanut Butter Pop Tart

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Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

Chocolate Cheesecake Cup Cake

I am so loving playing with cups!  My boys love it too.  They get to eat all the fun!  These are the perfect size for individual servings.  Everyone gets to create their own cakes!  I even refrigerated leftover cake mix last night and baked more today.  Try these with whatever you have on hand to fill them with.  I tried cheesecake in one and it was great.  The plain one was moist!  Add chocolate chips, m&m's, nuts, preserves, get it, don't you?  I'll see you 'round the microwave!  <3 and hugs!

Chocolate Cheesecake Cup Cakes

dark chocolate cake mix
ingredients to make cake according to directions
fillings of your choice
16 oz cup

Cheesecake Filling

8 oz neufchatel cream cheese  
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla, optional

Mix in bowl until fluffy.  

Mix cake according to directions.  Spray cup.  Add 1/2, more of less, cup cake mix.  I just used a regular tablespoon and added three heaping spoonful.  Add tablespoon of filling, more or less, there are really no set amounts.  Cook in microwave, mine is 1100 watts) for 40 seconds.  It should be soft yet set when touched.  Run knife around edge and plate.  Add your favorite toppings.  I just used the homemade chocolate syrup I made the other day. 

This is a plain one.  Very moist and really didn't need the chocolate syrup, but it was requested.
<3 and hugs! 

Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012

Pineapple Upside Down Cup Cake

A couple of days ago I saw an article in our newspaper about cooking in a cup.  Did you happen to see that?  I was intrigued by this as my family is getting to be so very Picky lately!!  This will be perfect for me.  I can cook what is wanted.  Really wanted.  It's just that easy!  No waste when everyone wants something different.  Here is one of the "cup cakes" I have made.  Play around and make up your own.  I'd love for you to share on my page.  Have fun and enjoy!

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Cheeseburger and Taters Casserole

I made this for hubby and I while the boys ate turkey burgers and oven fries.  It was fast to put together and very tasty.  The 1/2 lb turkey made a very thin layered casserole.  Try it next time you want your cheeseburgers and taters a little different.  

Cheeseburger and Taters Casserole 

1 lb ground turkey or sirloin, I used 1/2 lb turkey burgers...that's what I had 
1/3 - 1/2 small onion, sliced thin.
few mini sweet peppers or 1/2 - 3/4 colored pepper, sliced thin.
sea salt or seasoned salt, to taste*
fresh ground pepper, to taste*
coarse ground garlic with parsley, to taste*
*or just sprinkle on top
can fat free mushroom soup
1/4 cup, or more, cheddar cheese, grated
2 medium potatoes,  peeled and sliced thin

NOTE:  If using 1 lb ground meat, you may want to use the greater amount of cheese, onions and peppers.  Divide the meat, soup, and cheese and make two layers.  

Brown meat of your choice with onion and sweet pepper.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Grease 8x10" pan.
Put cooked ground meat on bottom of pan.
Half if using the greater amount of ingredients.
Sprinkle with seasonings.

Spread soup over meat.  Use half if you added more ingedients.

Layer the cheese, all or half, next. 

Add sliced potatoes on top of the soup. Half if making another layer.
Sprinkle with seasonings.
Repeat layers if making with extra ingredients.
Cook in preheated oven, check at 10 minutes.  

Turn pan around and cook another 5-10 minutes or until potatoes are done.  
Enjoy, <3 and hugs! 

Jumat, 18 Mei 2012

Garlic Parmesan Bruschetta

I made the boys spaghetti and garlic parmesan bread last night.  While I was making the bread, I noticed tomatoes my step daughter, Bonny, gave us.  MMM  I would put them on the garlic parmesan bread for hubby and I.   They were wonderful and I ended up eating only the bread!

Garlic Parmesan Bruschetta

1 loaf french bread, sliced thick
3-4 tomatoes, depending on size, sliced
1 stick butter, I used salted, at room temperature
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1/2 cup parmesan cheese, grated
sea sprinkle on tomatoes
1 cup mozzarella cheese, grated...I used 4 string cheese sticks , yeah I know
italian seasoning
olive oil or spray to grease pans
*olive oil to drizzle*
cookie sheets

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Spray cookie sheets.  Slice tomatoes, put on paper towels, pat dry and sprinkle with salt.  Mix minced garlic and parmesan with soft butter.
Spread on tops and bottoms of slices of bread.
 *If you want to substitute the butter for olive oil, drizzle a little over the bread.  Mix the garlic and parmesan together and put on slices.* 
Cook 3-5 minutes until bottom is light brown.  Take out of oven.  Flip slices of bread over and top with tomatoes, shredded mozzarella and italian seasoning.  Back in the oven for another 3-5 minutes until cheese is melted.  
Alternate method to cook.  Spread garlic parmesan butter on top side of bread.  Put under the broil for 2-4 minutes.  No set time...all ovens are different.  Keep oven door open and Always watch to be certain it doesn't burn.  It will go from just starting to melt to inedible burnt if you aren't careful.  Just sayin'!

Enjoy!  &lt;3 and hugs!  

Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 34

I am truly honored to have Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More.. and Ann of Sumptuous Spoonfuls  co-hosting with me this week.  We had an amazing party last week when Joan co-hosted.   A very big thank you to everyone that shared their treasured recipes and memories.  I seriously want to try them all!  <3

Joan shared two awesome recipes with popcorn!  She made a great batch of Cherry Cotton Candy and another wonderful one of Peanut Butter!  Oh My Gosh!  My boys are going to be so happy when I make these!  I can't wait for movie night.  Many thanks for these great ones!  <3

Ann always has the most delicious and gorgeous food!  I could just eat the screen sometimes while visiting her blog.  Honestly, it's that great!  Take a look at her Baked Strawberry Rhubarb French Toast for Mom and her Chive Flower, Mushroom, White Bean and Walnut Salad just to mention a couple!  Her salads are the best of the best.  If you are ever in need of a great recipe for one, you know where to go!

Our most viewed recipe was from Back For Seconds  I absolutely love everything shared!!  Please leave a like with <3 and hugs from us.    
Please visit her and leave a comment saying you saw her adorable flowers here. 

Our second most viewed recipe was from The Fountain Avenue  Always the best recipes shared.  Love, Love!  Please leave her a like with <3 and hugs from us.  
Leave her a comment saying you saw her delicious cake here.  

Now the fun begins!  Rules...Yeah, you know they are everywhere!

Please link directly to your recipe, not your blog itself.
Link your recipe back to Thursday's Treasures Week 34.
Follow Joan, Ann and I on our blogs with linky followers, networkedblogs, google connect, facebook, twitter, pinterest, email, rss.......nanananananaw.  lol  You get the idea.  ~smile~
Please visit others...they really do love it when you visit.  I know I do, don't you?  
Okay..I think that is it.  
I hope you have a beautiful week.  Be good to yourself and each other.  <3 and hugs! 

Links to previous weeks

Enjoy!  <3 and hugs! 

Homemade Chocolate Syrup

My boys drink a lot of milk and in their milk...they want chocolate!  I get so tired of paying for a little bit of syrup that doesn't last long.  At least when one certain twin makes his own!  ~smile~  I decided to make my own.  I gave it to the boys to try and they loved it and told me it was more chocolaty than their usual milk.  Yep, I'm a happy Mama.  <3 and hugs dear!

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Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

Cheesecake and Chocolate Pie

I made this for Mother's Day..problem,  I waited until late afternoon to make it.   Needless to say, there were a few unhappy people until I reminded them of the Lemon Fizz Cake I made the day before.   Their smiles came back.  ;D   I'm sorry for the lack of pictures.   I cannot find the ones I took while fixing it.  Hmmmm,  I wonder what became of them?  I'll post them when and if,  they are found.  In the mean time....enjoy this one!  <3 and hugs!

Cheesecake and Chocolate Pie

1 cup self rising flour
1 - 1 1/2 cups pecans, chopped to make 1/2 cup..more or less
3/4 stick margarine, melted
8 oz neufchatel cheese 
1 cup sugar or splenda
16 oz cool whip, lite o fat free - divided
2 small boxes instant sugar free chocolate pudding
2 to 2 1/4 cups milk
grated chocolate and/or chocolate chips to garnish

Here's how to make it

Mix flour, pecans and melted margarine.  Pat in pan and cook for preheated 350 degree F oven for 15 minutes.  Let cool.

While the crust is cooling, beat together cream cheese and sugar.  Fold in cool whip.  Spread on top of crust.

Beat pudding and milk together until thick.  Spread on top of cream cheese mixture.

Top with remaining cool whip.  Refrigerate 4 hours to overnight.   We like our frozen!  

An easy way to eat frozen pie!  Enjoy!  <3 and hugs! 

Roasted Frozen Broccoli

My oldest told me he loved broccoli.  I was actually being to doubt that this is true.  It seemed every way I made it wasn’t the way he liked it.  I cooked it in soup, casseroles and covered in cheese to no avail.  Last night I decided to roast it in the toaster oven. Jackpot! He loved it!  I put the frozen broccoli florets in the toaster oven with only a spray of olive oil and kosher salt. There is so much that can be done with this.  When it comes out of the oven add a splash of lemon juice and fresh ground pepper. Sprinkle it with grated parmesan and/or cheddar.  Cut it up and add to cooked rice.  The possibilities are endless.  Very easy and great,  just as it is.

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Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

Lemon Fizz Cake

Here is another one of the old recipes I found.  Yeah I know, it is a cake.  I do declare, I need to find a job at a bakery so I will stop baking at home all the time.  ;D  I made this for my Mother's Day cake but my boys got a hold of it so I'll be making something else I suppose.

I hope each of you have a Beautiful and Blessed Mother's Day.  Please tell that special lady in your life how much you love them and just how much they mean to you.  Tomorrow is never a promise.  I don't have any special ladies to physically hug tomorrow but their memories are like hugs in my heart.  <3 and hugs to you and the lady in your life and lives in your heart!
Lemon Fizz Cake

white or lemon cake mix
instant lemon pudding, I used vanilla and 1 teaspoon lemonade kool-aid mix 
1  to 1 1/2 cups lemon lime soda
3/4 cup oil
3 eggs
1 teaspoon lemon juice 
granulated sugar


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  

Grease bundt pan with shortening and sprinkle granulated sugar to completely coat.  

See the fizz? :D

Mix cake mix and pudding together in bowl.  Add oil, eggs and lemon juice and 1 cup soda.
Mix for 2-3 minutes.  Add additional soda if needed, I didn't need it.  My cake didn't fill the pan as most bundt cakes will.  I think it may the different cake mix I used.
Pour into prepared bundt pan.  Cook for 20 minutes, turn pan around and cook an additional 15-25.  Always check before earliest time, my oven cooks different than yours.  It's done when toothpick inserted comes out clean.  Mine took 45 minutes.  Let cool 10-15 minutes.

Turn out onto serving plate.

Lemon Glaze

1 cup powdered sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
(I had to edit this.  I wrote powdered sugar where the lemon juice is now.  The raccoon that broke into the garage last night, was trying to get in again.  lol  I got up to check on it and typed it again. )

Mix together and drizzle over warm cake.

An anxious little hand couldn't wait!  <3
Enjoy!  <3 and hugs! 

Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

Thursday's Treasures 1st Co-host is Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More....

I am truly honored and thrilled to have Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More... (facebook page, please leave a like with <3 and hugs) as my first co-host on Thursday's Treasures.  She is truly an amazing lady, friend, mom and foodie.  I just love her blog, her page and Her! Always supportive, kind and there to share a smile.  I look forward to her posts on facebook and blog each day 'cause I know I will love what I see.  If you want something delicious and oh, so, know where to look.  But that's not all, there's more!  She will woo you with her

or her 

and then you have to go back over and over again to view her magnificent desserts!  Look how wonderful these look yet she makes it easy.  Joan brings us the best of it all!  

Chocolate Covered...Everything

Wait till you see this post!  Perfection!!!  <3

Petite Fours

Thank you so much Joan!!!  <3 and hugs sweet friend!

Thursday's Treasures Week 33

Thank you all so much for sharing your Treasured Recipes and Memories!  Everyone so loves reading and making them!  Last week's most viewed recipe is made by Isabelle Isabelle at Home (facebook page, please leave a like with <3 and hugs)  Sad Cake.  I know she would love for you to follow her blog also.  ;D
I wanted to make it today and was so caught up making gifts for the teachers..I didn't get a chance.  Hopefully, I'll have time very soon because it looks wonderful! <3

Isabelle at Home Sad Cake
Time to link up your favorite recipes and memories.  Link as many as you's open all week.

Here are the rules...

Please follow Joan, Chocolate, Chocolate and More on facebook and blog. Please check out her linky followers, pinterest, email, rss feed....and follow what you like so you won't miss any of her amazing posts!
Do the same for me, please.
Link to your recipe, not your blog.
Show a link back to Thursday's Treasures on your recipe.
Visit know they love having you over and much as you do.
Please leave a comment and say thank you to Joan.
Now, go on and link up your Treasures for us to enjoy!  <3 and hugs!

Here are links to previous weeks:

Week 32
Week 31
Week 30
Beginning through Week 29

Get comfy, grab a drink and some snacks.  This may take a while and I guarantee you will get hungry looking at all the delicious recipes!
 <3 and hugs!

Senin, 07 Mei 2012


I'm excited about Caterina sharing her amazing recipes with me.  Let's start with a delicious Brown Rice Salad for Caterina's first recipe.  So delicious and flavorful!  A soon to be favorite!  Thank you again, sweet friend!  <3 and hugs!

This rice salad is truly one of a kind. The recipe comes from a famous Spa here in South Africa. About 35 years ago, they published a recipe book, and I have been making it ever since. It keeps very well, and the flavors improve when allowed to stand at least 24 hours before eating.












 1/2 CUP OIL







Meet Caterina, She Will Be Sharing Traditional Italian and Health Conscious Recipes

I am honored to introduce a dear, sweet,  and gorgeous friend I met on facebook, Caterina Ciman.   Today just happens to be her birthday!  Happy Birthday my lovely friend!  <3 and hugs!

While we have never met, or talked, in person, we have chatted and e-mailed and become very good friends.  She is such an inspiration and I know you will feel the same.  You can join Caterina on facebook here.  Losing weight and maintaining it her passion.  Caterina has her own business in weight loss and maintenance and is gracious enough to share some of her amazingly delicious, traditional Italian recipes.  She also shares some health conscious recipes with us.  All of which I am so happy to have on hand. ~smile~  (I'll share a recipe later today)  Please say hello,  Happy Birthday, and welcome her to Recipes For My Boys!  Thank you once again,  Caterina!  <3 and hugs!

Written by Caterina:

I was born in Cape Town, South Africa, on 7th May, 1956 to Italian immigrants Ines Coltri, who came from a wealthy family living in Verona, and my papa', Giulio Lorenzi whose family were stone masons. I have an older brother, Giovanni, who is four years older, and has been a giant pillar of support, in so many ways,  to my parents as they grew old, to me and my family, and to the general Italian community in South Africa.

As a child I was always passionate about cooking and baking. When mama used to go for her nap on Saturday afternoons, I used to sneak into the kitchen and bake scones or biscuits. I would prepare a tea tray for her, take it to her room, and then rush back to the kitchen to clean up. Heaven forbid if she came there and anything was out of place.

Whenever mama used to make pasta, gnocchi, ravioli etc., all by hand, and I was always hanging onto her apron strings to see if I could learn anything. Sundays used to be papa's turn. His specialty "Brodo" or briefly... Chicken soup, roll-mops, and "Salsa Verde." He took such pride in the food preparation, (that is an Italian trait) and was also very conscious about cleaning up after himself.

I am married for 37 years to Santino, We have been together since 1969 and we have two beautiful daughters, Natasha who is 36 years old, and Martina who is 34 years old this year. Between them they have given us 5 grandchildren, who are the absolute light in our lives.

My passion for cooking and baking is still as strong as ever. I have been working in the weight management business for 24 years now, and for the last 10 years, I started my own little private business in the same field. What makes my business unique is the fact that I teach people how to prepare healthy meals as well as offering motivational support during their journey. That means I constantly need to come up with new recipes and ideas to make food interesting and appealing as well as healthy for the person who wants to seriously take care of themselves, whether is is weight loss or maintenance.

I want to thank you Debi for this wonderful privilege and opportunity you are giving me to tell my story and to share some of the knowledge that I have gathered over the last 24 years. I will be sharing some traditional Italian recipes as well as some of the more healthy recipes for the weight conscious person.

Eating healthily is very simple. It means that you eat food that is as natural and as fresh as you can possibly afford, without cooking it to death. If your great grandmother went into the supermarket today to do her shopping, I bet she would not be able to recognize three quarters of the food on the shelves. If you start off with fresh and natural ingredients, the end result can only be wonderful and healthy for you.

I also grow most of my own herbs, which add a special touch to the dishes that I prepare. Many people who try my recipes often say, "But mine wasn't as good as yours." Well the only explanation for that, is that I used fresh herbs, and add lots and lots of love. Anybody who has attended a demonstration, knows that I always say, "You need to make love to your food when you prepare it...then it will love you back."

Portion control plays a huge roll when it comes to weight loss or maintenance, and I recommend 5-8 portions of vegetables, 3 of which can be fruit. Taking note that variety and color is essential. Eating green, orange, yellow and red fruit and vegetables is the pathway to great health. Also including healthy fats like olive oil, a limited amount of protein and carbohydrates rounds of the eating plan very well. The mistake most people make is to go on a "diet", which implies that when you reach your target, you will go off it, and that is when the problem starts.  You need to take a good and honest look at your lifestyle. A question you need to ask yourself is, "What habits got me to this weight, or unhealthy state, and what do I need to change?" If you go on a "diet", lost the weight and go back to your bad habits, you will surely gain the weight back again. Those bad habits need to be changed, and notice I said "changed", which means you replace the bad, unhealthy habit, with a good, healthy and wiser habit or food choice.

Eating variety is very important because it provides you with a variety of nutrients, and it keeps your menu interesting too. Another point I would like to emphasize, is that we must eat seasonally. The "rest" your body has from one season to the next is essential.

Food preparation is just as important. You cannot expect to fry everything and still be healthy. That has to change. Try grilling, baking or even barbeque. Keep it interesting...always.

Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

Cheesecake Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookie “Pie”

This is an old recipe I found a while back.  I just love that, don’t you?   It is such a joy to find old recipes I haven’t made in a long time and have completely forgotten about.  I have a lot more too come.  ;D  
This isn't a cake but is in the shape of a cake and looked so much like a cake that I called it a cake.  LOL  Sorry about that, I got carried away.  ~giggle~
NOTE:  If you are on a diet, you will have to watch yourself with this one.   

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Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 32

Yay, It's Thursday! That means the weekend is almost here and Thursday's Treasures is open. Thank you all for sharing your treasured recipes and the precious memories that go along with them. There are so many wonderful recipes that I do not know which one to cook first!

Last week's most viewed recipe was Deb's of Debz Delicious Meals Scalloped Chicken and Pasta! It looks amazing! Please be certain to stop by and visit her on her blog and facebook. Tell her you saw her great recipe here and give her page a like if you haven't already.

 I'm looking forward to your recipes this week. Share as many as you like, it's open all week. Y'all know the rules: 

 Please follow me on linky followers, facebook, networkedblogs, email, pinterest (I share the recipes there each week) or whatever else there is to follow. ~smile~ Link up to the recipe itself, not your blog. 

 Visit others and leave them a comment, they'd love for you to. ~smile~ 

 I guess that's about it. Y'all have fun and be good to yourselves and each other! <3 and hugs!

Here are links to previous weeks.  Sit back and enjoy!  <3 and hugs!
Week 31 of Thursday's Treasures
First 30 Weeks of Thursday's Treasures

Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

Taco Seasoning

My oldest loves tacos and burritos and, well, just about anything Mexican.  I decided I would make my own seasoning instead of buying it pre-made.  This recipe is the result of several different recipes I found while searching on the internet, jotting notes from hither and yon.  We really like this one, I hope you do too.  Enjoy!  <3 and hugs!

By clicking on the advertisements on my blog, you are helping support it.  Please take a moment to check them out when you visit. Thank you!

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