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Rabu, 21 November 2012

Strawberry Cranberry Sauce

I don’t like cranberry sauce and not certain why.  I do like cranberries and strawberries.  Why not combine the two and make a sauce that not only I would eat, but also, my boys, I think, I hope.   I can't imagine where they get their pickiness from!  Surprised smile  
Don't just make this for Thanksgiving...make it all year.  I am even going to put this on a chocolate cake I am making tomorrow.  YUM!  Enjoy!  Love and hugs! 

Strawberry Cranberry Sauce

12 oz fresh cranberries, rinsed and picked through if needed
1 lb strawberries, fresh or frozen, rinsed and tops removed if fresh.  Half sliced and the rest quartered or halved
1/2 to 1 cup sugar, depending how sweet the strawberries are.
1/2 to 1 cup water
2 to 3 Tablespoons orange juice concentrate, optional

What to do

Put half of the strawberries, sliced, in a sauce pan with water and 1/2 cup sugar.   Cook until sugar is dissolved.  Add cranberries.  When cranberries start to pop, add rest of strawberries.  Cook until cranberries stop popping and strawberries are cooked yet still holding their shape.  Taste and adjust sweetness if needed cooking just until sugar dissolves.   Remove from heat and cool in refrigerator.  Enjoy! 

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