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Kamis, 29 November 2012

Buttery Buttermilk Biscuits

I finally made biscuits that were light, fluffy, a little buttery and, well, edible!!!  I was so excited I just about drove my oldest by bonkers while riding in the truck yesterday talking about my biscuits!  ~smile~   It was quite an accomplishment for me since I am a Southerner, coming from a line of great women that made the BEST biscuits and couldn't make a descent biscuit.  Here they are...what do you think?

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Rabu, 28 November 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 62

Oh My!  Where has the time gone to?  It won't be long at all and Christmas will be here.  The smiles on children's faces as they open the presents under the tree.  The smells of comfort coming from the kitchen bringing a flood of memories of years gone by.  The beautiful sound of music as you unknowingly sing along, at times soft and wistful and others, loud and strong!  ~smile~  I haven't shopped at all and even forgot about Black Friday with my youngest being in the hospital and my other two sons sick.  Now, my oldest has pneumonia but is getting better as the fluid around his lungs is reabsorbing.  Whew....I'm ready for something good!  For now, let's enjoy a few views of last weeks party and get this week's party started!  Love and hugs dear ones! 

Y'all know I love beautiful Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More!   Please follow her here on facebook and her blog. You'll be so happy you did!    Don't forget to check out the features to see if you are there. 
Have you met lovely Christie of Food Done Light?  She is amazing and I know you will love her, her blog and her facebook page.  Please go over and follow her on both and see if you are featured on her blog.

Rules, yeah, I know.

Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post. We are sorry but recipes without a link back cannot be featured.

Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostess, Joan.

Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.

Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.
Previous week's parties!

Week's 1-29 can be found Here

Now......Let's Party!
 Just put your wonderful dish over there and make yourself at home.
Thank you for sharing your Treasured Recipes and Memories and everything in-between.  Ones that bring you closer to those around you while making memories along the way.  Love and hugs! 
Giving thanks to so many things...especially friendship, like yours.  <3 and="and" hugs="hugs" nbsp="nbsp" p="p">

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Minggu, 25 November 2012

Haystack Squares

My precious Mama would make these every holiday season.  There would be an endless supply of this wonderful candy.  Lines of them on wax paper the length of the table with pieces missing here and there.  ~smile~  I made these today but wanted to make them different.  I made them in squares so they package and handle easier.  Dark chocolate was a bonus that I never had in these growing up but think I will keep for my boys.  Enjoy!

Haystack Squares

1 bag butterscotch chips
1 cup salted peanuts, I used party peanuts with sea salt
2 cups chow mein noodles, broken in pieces
1 cup dark chocolate chips

Spray brownie bite pan or line a 13 x 9 pan with parchment paper.  Melt butterscotch according to directions.  Add peanuts and chow mein noodles. Stir to mix thoroughly.  Stir in dark chocolate chips.  Press into cavities of brownie bite pan or baking pan.  Put in refrigerator to set.  Un-mold or left parchment paper from pan and cut into squares, rectangles or shapes *haven't tried this but it should work*   Enjoy! 

NOTE:  The candy mixture got hard so I put the filed silicone brownie bite pan in the microwave 10 to 15 seconds at the time until candy was just melted, about 45 seconds total.  Be careful you don't heat too much.  The next time I make these, I will do the same and may actually skip melting the butterscotch first and just mix everything together, add to the pan and melt either in the microwave or oven.

I shared this on this amazing party!
The Better Baker Weekend Potluck #46

Jumat, 23 November 2012

Stuffing Bites

What do you do with all the leftover dressing/stuffing you have from the feast you cooked yesterday?  Make stuffing bites, of course!  You don't even had to wait for leftovers..just mix a box or bag of stuffing according to directions, add whatever you want to it, form into a shape, pan fry or bake.  There you go..simple and perfect!  Great for watching the game, as appetizers for your guest, or just popping in your mouth while wrapping presents!  Enjoy! 

Stuffing Bites

Form leftover dressing/stuffing into shapes.  Spray skillet with non stick spray.  Brown bites on all sides.  Serve with Strawberry Cranberry Sauce or cranberry sauce.  Enjoy!  

Rabu, 21 November 2012

Strawberry Cranberry Sauce

I don’t like cranberry sauce and not certain why.  I do like cranberries and strawberries.  Why not combine the two and make a sauce that not only I would eat, but also, my boys, I think, I hope.   I can't imagine where they get their pickiness from!  Surprised smile  
Don't just make this for Thanksgiving...make it all year.  I am even going to put this on a chocolate cake I am making tomorrow.  YUM!  Enjoy!  Love and hugs! 

Strawberry Cranberry Sauce

12 oz fresh cranberries, rinsed and picked through if needed
1 lb strawberries, fresh or frozen, rinsed and tops removed if fresh.  Half sliced and the rest quartered or halved
1/2 to 1 cup sugar, depending how sweet the strawberries are.
1/2 to 1 cup water
2 to 3 Tablespoons orange juice concentrate, optional

What to do

Put half of the strawberries, sliced, in a sauce pan with water and 1/2 cup sugar.   Cook until sugar is dissolved.  Add cranberries.  When cranberries start to pop, add rest of strawberries.  Cook until cranberries stop popping and strawberries are cooked yet still holding their shape.  Taste and adjust sweetness if needed cooking just until sugar dissolves.   Remove from heat and cool in refrigerator.  Enjoy! 

Thursday's Treasures Week 61

Happy Thanksgiving!  Thank you for sharing and being a friend. I always look forward to you being here with us and letting us into your kitchen. I have so much to be thankful for!  My youngest son was in the hospital for 7 days with what started out as the flu for 11 days that turned into pneumonia and then turned pneumonia in both lungs.  My other two boys are sick and on medicine and breathing treatments, also.  But,  my youngest is home and, even though still sick, not nearly as sick as he was.  Giving Thanks to the doctors and medicine that helped my son get better.  We are taking it one day at a time.    Love and hugs!

Here is the Double Dark Chocolate Pie we really love.  

A few, out of many, wonderful links shared last week:
Y'all know I love beautiful Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More!   Please follow her here on facebook and her blog. You'll be so happy you did!    Don't forget to check out the features to see if you are there. 
Have you met lovely Christie of Food Done Light?  She is amazing and I know you will love her, her blog and her facebook page.  Please go over and follow her on both and see if you are featured on her blog.

Rules, yeah, I know.

Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post. We are sorry but recipes without a link back cannot be featured.

Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostess, Joan.

Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.

Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.
Previous week's parties!

Week's 1-29 can be found Here

Now......Let's Party!
 Just put your wonderful dish over there and make yourself at home.
Thank you for sharing your Treasured Recipes and Memories and everything in-between.  Ones that bring you closer to those around you while making memories along the way.  Love and hugs! 
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Ginger Pumpkin Bread with Cinnamon Glaze

Happy Fall Y'all!  This great quick bread, Ginger Pumpkin Bread with Cinnamon Glaze, is perfect for the first day of fall!  So easy and full of the flavors associated with a chill in the air.  If only the weather would get the hint.  

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Selasa, 20 November 2012

Roast Turkey and Being Thankful

Happy Thanksgiving!!!  I made this turkey last Wednesday.  Little did I know it would not be eaten, or even tasted.  My precious 5 year old son, the youngest twin, was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia after being sick with the flu for 11 days.  The pneumonia turned into double pneumonia. Seven days later and we are still at the hospital...hoping and praying he will be released today. We are taking it one day at a time.  

I'm very thankful my youngest son is getting better...slowly. which is fine with me while he builds the strength needed to be well, once again.  For the doctors and medicine that has helped him and now my oldest son.  I'm thank for for all the prayers, support and well wishes from friends, personal and Recipes For My Boys, and family, they are greatly appreciated.  Not only for my youngest but for all of us, my oldest is sick now.  I'm thankful I am able to be beside them, should they need to lean on me.  In front of them, should they need guidance.  Behind them, if ever they start to fall.   I'm Thankful for being Blessed with My Three Boys that fill my heart with love and happiness.   For being given the greatest of all gifts..that of being a Mama to my precious children and wife to a loving, caring husband of 24 years.  I Love You All!  

As this was being published, the nurse came in and said  he could go home!!!!!  So very thankful!!!!

NOTE:  Since we were never able eat this turkey.   I am not certain how the bay leaves will be.  Personally, I think they add a great hint of flavor.  You be the judge as this is my "Tasteless Turkey!" 

Roast Turkey

12 to 14 lb turkey, fresh or thawed completely
 2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 1/2 teaspoon ground garlic
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon white pepper or to taste
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
3/4 teaspoon celery seed
2-3 bay leaves, optional
1 stick butter, very cold, cut in 16 slices
1 lemon, halved

Spray roasting pan and rack.
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
Mix everything except bay leaves and butter together and put in an empty spice container if you have one.  Put aside.
Cut butter and place on plate.  Sprinkle both sides with spice mix using only enough to coat slices.  Alternately, dip each slice of butter in spice mixture to coat each side.
Removed giblets and neck from thawed turkey.  Save if you are going to make gravy.
Rinse turkey, inside and out.  Pat dry. 
Slide fingers under skin, starting at the neck, and gently loosen the skin without tearing it.  
Place slices of spiced butter under the skin on the breast and legs, saving 2 to 4 slices to rub turkey skin with.
Rub turkey with remaining slices of butter.
Put turkey on it's back on rack in pan. 
Squeeze lemon over turkey.
Sprinkle inside and out with remaining spice mixture. 
Put lemon halves inside turkey cavity.
Add bay leaves.  

Cook on lowest rack in preheated 325 oven for 1 hour.  Baste with juice in pan continue to baste every 30 minutes.  Cook for 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 hours or until thickest part of thigh, without touching the bone is 180 degrees F.   Remove from oven, tent with foil and let rest at least 30 minutes before carving.  Enjoy!  

Jumat, 16 November 2012

Dark, Dark Chocolate Pie

This pie is so rich, smooth, velvety and delicious your family and friends will be asking you to make this again even before the first one is gone. There simply isn’t a comparison between this and a store bought pie. Take the time to make smiles from your kitchen.

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Rabu, 14 November 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 60

Please forgive the non-post.  Most of you know what to do without the "rules"  This is what I started yesterday, you can tell I start in the middle, can't ya?  I am  in the hospital with my youngest, he has pneumonia and has had fever and the flu for 10 days.  His twin and older brother are sick as well.  Please pray,  if you believe, for them.  Have a gorgeous week.  Love and hugs! 

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Kamis, 08 November 2012

Sweet and Crunchy Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes for breakfast you may ask?  There isn't any reason not to eat them, right?  We eat them baked, sliced and roasted and boiled.  Whole, sliced or mashed we love them. They are healthy and taste great just as they are.  When topped with homemade granola and homemade maple syrup, they are wonderful! .  Eat them for breakfast, a side or even dessert.  These are perfect sliced, mashed or whole.  Cut down the middle lengthwise of whole sweet potatoes,  push the two sides together, top with granola and drizzle with syrup and/or melted butter/margarine.  Boil, drain , mash and top.  Any way you make them, top with granola and maple syrup and you have a new fav!

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Rabu, 07 November 2012

DIY Homemade Granola

Don't you just love granola?  It goes on everything or can be eaten by the fistful by itself.  So easy  (I'm lovin' all the easy things to make!) and affordable, too!  You can add anything in it and it will always be just right.  Start with old fashion rolled oats, add nuts, seeds, dried fruit, pretzels. cereal, chocolate, butterscotch or cinnamon chips and there ya go.  Ta Da!   The makings of your own granola.  This make 1 1/2 to 2 cups.  You may want to make more. ~smile~  I'm making more tomorrow and will update.

DIY Homemade Granola

1 cup old fashioned rolled oats
1 1/2 tablespoons oil
5 tablespoons homemade maple syrup
1/2 cup broken pretzels, optional, I didn't have nuts so I used them first...very good!
OR, 1/2 cup chopped nuts
1/4 cup seeds
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon cumin
whatever you want to add

Preheat oven to 375
Line rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.
Mix oil, maple syrup, salt, cinnamon and cumin together in bowl.
Add oats, nuts, seeds, and pretzels.  Toss gently to cover all with syrup mixture.
Spread and separate on baking sheet.
Cook for 7- 10 minutes, until light brown, stirring every couple of minutes. Watch carefully, it can burn in no time at all.
Cool completely and store in sealed container or plastic bag.

DIY Homemade Maple Syrup

I don't know about y'all but we go through a lot of syrup in our house.  I got tired of buying it all the time and decided to make my own.  You control the strength of flavor, the add ins and type/amount of sweetener you use.  It's so easy and inexpensive p to do.   Keep it in an old syrup bottle or dispenser for convenience and nobody is the wiser.  ~wink~

DIY Homemade Maple Syrup

1/2 cup water, boiling
1 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon maple extract or imitation maple 
kosher salt, just a pinch, optional
1/8 to 1/4  teaspoon ground cinnamon, or to taste, optional

In a microwave proof large bowl or large cup, you need room for water to boil, stir sugar into heat water and heat to a boil, 2 to 3 minutes, more or less.  Checking after one minute then every 30 seconds to be certain it doesn't boil over. Carefully take out of microwave and stir.  If the sugar isn't dissolved, put back in microwave 30 seconds at the time.  Stir in maple extract and cinnamon, if you want it.  
Alternately, stir sugar into water and heat to a boil.  Cook, stirring, until sugar is dissolved.  Take off heat and add maple extract and cinnamon, if using.
I made this again before starting my pancake using 1/2 cup water, 3/4 cup sugar, 1/2 teaspoon maple extract, a bit of cinnamon, ginger and pinch of salt.   I kept it at a simmer while the pancakes were cooking.  It reduced a bit and was great.  Served it over Pumpkin Pancakes and my oldest said it was an explosion of yumminess in his mouth.

Thursday's Treasures Week 59

Hello Lovely Ones!  This week has been great!  I turned 50 years old!  Yay Me!  I also went over and beyond 5000 on my facebook page!  5199 right now!!!  Woo Hoo!!!!  Many, heartfelt thanks to my gorgeous foodie friends!   Love y'all!

Today, I am very happy to introduce Christie of Food Done Light!!!  She is amazing and I know you will love her, her blog and her facebook page.  Please go over and follow her on both.  :D   I'm so glad she is here... let's face it, Joan and I love our sweets!  We need Christie!!!  Christie lost 32 pounds last year!!! Such an inspiration...You Go, Girl!  On her blog you will find "some original healthy recipes, recipe re-do’s (take a recipe I love and lighten it), and some of my favorite healthy recipes from other inspiring food authors."  

Here is a look at my Dark Chocolate Oatmeal Cake I baked myself for my birthday.  It was good!  

Here are a few of last week's links.  No order of preference, just the way I posted them.  Wish I could feature them all!  

Y'all know I love beautiful Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More!   Please follow her here on facebook and her blog. You'll be so happy you did!    Don't forget to check out the features to see if you are there.  And, Oh,  she has a giveaway going on.  You know you want to enter!  ~smile~ 

Rules, yeah, I know.

Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post. We are sorry but recipes without a link back cannot be featured.

Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostess, Joan.

Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.

Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.
Previous week's parties!

Week's 1-29 can be found Here

Now......Let's Party!
 Just put your wonderful dish over there and make yourself at home.
Thank you for sharing your Treasured Recipes and Memories and everything in-between.  Ones that bring you closer to those around you while making memories along the way.  Love and hugs! 

Thank you for sharing your Treasured Recipes and Memories and everything in-between.  Ones that bring you closer to those around you while making memories along the way.  <3 and="and" hugs="hugs" nbsp="nbsp" p="p">

Senin, 05 November 2012

Chocolate Oatmeal Cake For My Birthday

Yep, it's my birthday.  My 50th Birthday.  One half of a century old.  I have boys.  A 9 1/2 year old and 5 1/2 year old twins.  Hubby of 24 years.  Beautiful friends.  Some loving family.  Dogs, cats, mini horses, big ole pigs and an old goat.  I'm a Blessed and Happy Old Girl!

Here is my birthday cake.  I didn't want an overly sweet cake.  This is dense, moist, rich and chocolaty.  You may want to use regular cocoa and semi sweet chips if you want a sweeter cake.  Love and hugs!

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Chicken Noodle Soup

It's cooler, I want soup!  Hubby, one of the twins and I just love soup!  Homemade soup that is. Soup that is made with love and not from a machine.  Although they do come in handy every now and then when hubby cooks for the boys.  It's just too easy to make soup from scratch.  A little this, some of that.  What's left in the fridge, in the pot it goes and you made a new favorite!  This one, however, is an old classic.  Super easy and ready to eat in 30 minutes.  Enjoy!

Chicken Noodle Soup

2 chicken breast halves
12 cups chicken broth,  homemade or bought
1 1/2 cups celery, sliced
2 cup carrots, sliced, I cut up baby ones
1/2 cup onion, diced
1/4 teaspoon ground white pepper, or to taste
1/2 to 1 teaspoon sea salt, to taste
1/2 teaspoon ground garlic
1 16 oz package thin egg noodles, make your own egg noodles
thyme, optional

Rinse chicken breast.  Put in large stock pot along with broth, celery, pepper, garlic, salt and onion. Bring to a boil and simmer, to low boil, 20 minutes. 
Take chicken breast out and cut into bite size pieces if done, not pink inside. Raise heat to boil broth. Add egg noodles (whole package makes a lot of noodles) , carrots and chicken pieces to pot.  Cook according to directions on egg noodle package.  
Sprinkle with thyme before serving if desired.  

Minggu, 04 November 2012

Pumpkin Spice Bran Muffins

Another muffin recipe for you to enjoy.  Muffins are so easy to make and eat.  This one if full of bran, pumpkin, spice and the dark chocolate chips I added.   Eaten as a snack or breakfast is alright with me.  Enjoy!

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Sabtu, 03 November 2012

Caramel Apple Bran Muffins

Aw, Fall.  I love the crisp air.  Freshly picked apples and pumpkins, gathered nuts for cooking and snacking on.  Love it!  I find myself baking a lot more than usual.  Can you imagine that?  I couldn't possible bake more than last month but yeah, I have!  I love it!

My boys have eaten more muffins in the last 3 weeks than they have ever eaten before!   The Pumpkin Muffins are being made at least twice a week at our house.  I think we are getting a little burnt out on them.  There are just so many days/weeks I can eat Pumpkin Muffins.  ~smile~  I decided to make a new muffin recipe and this one is a hit!  Please note, my muffins rose in the oven then went down again.  I don't know if this is because I let them sit too long or if bran muffins don't rise well.  If you know, please leave me a comment. Let me know how yours turn out.   Heck, I'd love for you to leave me a comment anyway.  ~smile~  Now...what shall I make next?  

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Jumat, 02 November 2012

Homemade Instant Oatmeal

We love oatmeal at our house yet each boy wants their's a bit different.  I've seen this on the internet for some time now and I decided to make my own instant oatmeal so they can each have their own favorite.   Brown or regular sugar, sugar substitute, cinnamon, nuts, coconut, chocolate chips...the possibilities are endless! Putting the Instant Oatmeal in jars so they can be easily accessed and used in the desired amounts, has been great.   I'm cold and ready to make some Instant Oatmeal come on and join me.

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