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Rabu, 19 September 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 52

YAY!!! It’s been one year since I started Thursday’s Treasures. I cannot believe the time has flown by! There have been so many Fantasticly, Amazing, Deliciously Scrumptious Recipes shared!!! Words cannot even begin to show the love and gratitude I feel for each of you. You have become my friends…my family. Some of you have been here from them very beginning and some have just joined. I thank each and every one of you from the depths of my heart! My internet service is not working right now..along with my camera! If you do not see a link on this post, please go over and share on Joan’s, my lovely co-hostess, blog…Chocolate, Chocolate and More. I’ll add it as soon as possible so please come back. Oh, if you didn’t know, the party goes on all week. We would love for you to share as many treasured recipes throughout the week also. I wanted to feature some of the very first recipes shared. Historically, I have found when I procrastinate, I pay for it. I had planned on doing this post today. Instead, I spent the morning in the ER with hubby. He is home but has to have tests run to try to find out what is going on. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated. On I go, doing what I can and not what I wanted because I am procrastinate. I teach my boys not to but I do find myself putting things off. Most of the time because I truly don’t have the time…sometimes, just, well, just because I’ll do it later. Lessoned learned and hopefully for real this time. Now, are you ready to party, or should we wait a bit longer? Love You!!!

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