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Rabu, 12 September 2012

Dark Chocolate Pudding

Halloween is will be here before we know it. Where has the year gone? I declare, the months and years, are flying by before my eyes. It seems like yesterday…. Okay, I won’t go there, for now.

I wanted to make something different for my boys and possibly as a treat for the children at school. Everyone knows about Dirt Puddin’, right? I mean, it has been around forever! Okay, confession, I didn’t know about it until my oldest started Kindergarten, 5 years ago. The teacher made it for Earth Day. Anywho, I wanted to make it for my boys with homemade gummy worms. I’m still working on those, first attempt was a total fail. Not total because the boys got to suck the jello out of straws but they were definitely not worms.

About the pudding,  It’s adapted from Bake for the Cure: A Celebration Of Love & Hope recipe booklet. I just love this little booklet and bought 20 to give as gifts when they came out a couple of years ago.

Dark Chocolate Pudding 

 1/3 cup sugar
 1/3 cup sugar substitute 
 3 Tablespoons dark cocoa, I use Hershey’s Special Dark
 2 1/2 Tablespoons corn starch 
 1/4 teaspoon salt 
 2 cups skim milk 
 2 egg yolks 
 2 Tablespoons margarine 
 1 to 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 
 1/3 cup dark chocolate chips, I used Hershey’s Special Dark

Stir sugars, corn starch and salt together. Whisk in milk and egg yolks. Microwave on high, 5 to 8 minutes, stirring every 1 to 2 minutes. Cook until pudding is thick and has boiled at least 1 minute. Remove from microwave and still in margarine, 
vanilla and chocolate chips.  Enjoy! 

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