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Rabu, 26 September 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 53

Hello Lovely Ones! I am so glad you have stopped by today, I just love having you here! Thank you so much for bringing your delicious dishes over….I just love it! Please put it over there on the counter between
and next to
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I cannot wait to dig in! ~smiles ever so big~
Please visit my lovely co-host Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More on facebook and her blog. You'll be so happy you did!
Rules, yeah, I know.
Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post. We are sorry but recipes without a link back cannot be featured.
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostess, Joan.
Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.
Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.
Previous week's parties!
Week 37 Week 36 Week 35 Week 34 Week 33 Week 32 Week 31 Week 30
Week's 1-29 can be found Here

Now......Let's Party!

Rabu, 19 September 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 52

YAY!!! It’s been one year since I started Thursday’s Treasures. I cannot believe the time has flown by! There have been so many Fantasticly, Amazing, Deliciously Scrumptious Recipes shared!!! Words cannot even begin to show the love and gratitude I feel for each of you. You have become my friends…my family. Some of you have been here from them very beginning and some have just joined. I thank each and every one of you from the depths of my heart! My internet service is not working right now..along with my camera! If you do not see a link on this post, please go over and share on Joan’s, my lovely co-hostess, blog…Chocolate, Chocolate and More. I’ll add it as soon as possible so please come back. Oh, if you didn’t know, the party goes on all week. We would love for you to share as many treasured recipes throughout the week also. I wanted to feature some of the very first recipes shared. Historically, I have found when I procrastinate, I pay for it. I had planned on doing this post today. Instead, I spent the morning in the ER with hubby. He is home but has to have tests run to try to find out what is going on. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated. On I go, doing what I can and not what I wanted because I am procrastinate. I teach my boys not to but I do find myself putting things off. Most of the time because I truly don’t have the time…sometimes, just, well, just because I’ll do it later. Lessoned learned and hopefully for real this time. Now, are you ready to party, or should we wait a bit longer? Love You!!!

Sabtu, 15 September 2012

Carrot Cake

I LOVE Carrot Cake!!  I think it is one of my all time favorite cakes.  While I was growing up my Beloved Aunt Ree Ree would always bake our favorite cake on our birthday.  That and a dollar or two in a card were treasured.  We were able to eat the first slice and shared the rest with pleasure.  Lately, I have been wanting one and just haven't been able to make one.  Each time I go to the fridge, I find the mini horses have eaten all the carrots.  I blame my hubby for that but no worries..the minis love carrots, too.

I watched The Pioneer Woman this morning and was inspired to make Sloppy Joe Hoagies and a Carrot Cake.  I wanted to make the Chocolate Dipped Granola Bars but didn't have time.  Perhaps in a day or two when the cake is gone.  The cake is an easy recipe to make.  It's one I have made for many, many, many, many years, yes, that long.  I usually make a little icing.  My boys and I eat it as is.  Hubby likes the icing so we let him eat it all if he wants.  Enjoy!

This recipe can also be found here.

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Sloppy Joe Hoagies

I didn't know what I wanted to fix for supper tonight until I watched Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman.  Don't you just love her?  I do!  She made sloppy joes.  I have been meaning to make them for a while now and tonight seemed like a great time!  These are super simple and easy to make.  If you make your's like your Mama did, they probably taste about the same.  This is a basic recipe.  Feel free to grate or dice other veggies in also.  I was going to add a tomato that looked lonely on my counter but forgot about it while I was getting out some fall decorations.  It's a great way to sneak them in without being caught.  ~smile~  I put the sloppy joe mixture in a hoagie roll, it was actually a potato roll because that is what I had,  so it would be easier for my boys to eat.   Most of it actually made it to their hungry little mouths instead of on the plate.  Enjoy!

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Rabu, 12 September 2012

Dark Chocolate Pudding

Halloween is will be here before we know it. Where has the year gone? I declare, the months and years, are flying by before my eyes. It seems like yesterday…. Okay, I won’t go there, for now.

I wanted to make something different for my boys and possibly as a treat for the children at school. Everyone knows about Dirt Puddin’, right? I mean, it has been around forever! Okay, confession, I didn’t know about it until my oldest started Kindergarten, 5 years ago. The teacher made it for Earth Day. Anywho, I wanted to make it for my boys with homemade gummy worms. I’m still working on those, first attempt was a total fail. Not total because the boys got to suck the jello out of straws but they were definitely not worms.

About the pudding,  It’s adapted from Bake for the Cure: A Celebration Of Love & Hope recipe booklet. I just love this little booklet and bought 20 to give as gifts when they came out a couple of years ago.

Dark Chocolate Pudding 

 1/3 cup sugar
 1/3 cup sugar substitute 
 3 Tablespoons dark cocoa, I use Hershey’s Special Dark
 2 1/2 Tablespoons corn starch 
 1/4 teaspoon salt 
 2 cups skim milk 
 2 egg yolks 
 2 Tablespoons margarine 
 1 to 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 
 1/3 cup dark chocolate chips, I used Hershey’s Special Dark

Stir sugars, corn starch and salt together. Whisk in milk and egg yolks. Microwave on high, 5 to 8 minutes, stirring every 1 to 2 minutes. Cook until pudding is thick and has boiled at least 1 minute. Remove from microwave and still in margarine, 
vanilla and chocolate chips.  Enjoy! 

Thursday's Treasures Week 51

Hello Gorgeous!  Yes, you!  I am so happy to see you here and 
missed you so much last week!  
I absolutely LOVE all of the amazing recipes you linked up here and with lovely co-hostess, Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More.  

I cannot believe how fast the time is going by.  Next week will be 1 year of 
Thursday's Treasures!!!  There have the BEST recipes shared here.  I wish I had the time to organize all the links.  Wouldn't that be awesome!  Alas, there isn't enough time to do much of anything.  The day starts before 5 am and ends after 12 am for me and I still don't have everything done that needs to be done.  Maybe one day....

I entered a contest Makin the Bacon on facebook.  I would love if you could vote for my Roasted Bacon Asparagus.  Even those that don't like asparagus will love it!  

Here are just a few of the terrific recipes y'all shared with us last week.  I cannot wait to see what this week brings.  Love and hUgs, Sweetums! 

Please visit my lovely co-host Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More on facebook and her blog.  You'll be so happy you did! 

Rules, yeah, I know.

Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post.   We are sorry but recipes without a link back cannot be featured.
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostess, Joan.
Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.
Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.

Previous week's parties!
Week's 1-29 can be found Here

Now......Let's Party! 

For now here's the link.  Have a beautiful week with a lot of Love and hUgs! 

Rabu, 05 September 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 50

I'm sorry about the short post or lack there of.  I'm sick and have been in bed since yesterday.  I'll try to edit the post later to add featured links.

Please visit my lovely co-host Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More on facebook and her blog.  You'll be so happy you did!

Rules, yeah, I know.

Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post.   We are sorry but recipes without a link back cannot be featured.
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostess, Joan.
Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.
Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.

Previous week's parties!
Week's 1-29 can be found Here

Now......Let's Party! 

For now here's the link.  Have a beautiful week with a lot of Love and hUgs!

Minggu, 02 September 2012

Dark Chocolate Bean Cake with Raspberry Sauce

I am always looking for new recipes to make.  Especially ones I can sneak something healthy into like veggies or beans.  This time I used beans and nobody was the wiser.  It has a slightly different texture but not in a bad way.  It is a thin cake and will be eaten in no time at all.  I made this last night and it is already gone.  Make it for your family and don't tell them what the secret ingredient is.  You'll smile as they eat it and rave about their newest favorite cake.  Enjoy!

Dark Chocolate Bean Cake 

1 large can white beans, rinsed and drained
3 large eggs
1/2 unsweetened dark cocoa
3/4 to 1 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 to 1 cup dark chocolate, chopped, or mini semi sweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Grease 8" springform pan. 
In a food processor, mini processor (that's what I used) or blender,  pulse or blend, beans and eggs until smooth.  Put in bowl and whisk in cocoa, sugar, soda, salt, and vanilla extract.  Stir in chocolate chips, as many as you wish.   
Pour into a greased 8" in springform pan.  
Cook in preheated oven for 15 minutes, turn and cook another 12-18 minutes until toothpick comes out clean. 

Raspberry Sauce

2 cups raspberries, fresh or frozen, I used frozen
1/4 cup water
3 tablespoons granulated sugar, more if desired
1/2 to 1 teaspoon vanilla or almond extract, optional

While cake is cooling, heat water and sugar until sugar is dissolved to make a light syrup.  
Add 2 cups raspberries to light syrup.  
You can add more water and sugar to make more syrup. 
Heat raspberries.
Spoon over whole cake or individual slices.  
Keep refrigerated if sauce is over cake.  
