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Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

Roasted Caramelized Bacon Asapargus

This has got to be the best asparagus I have cooked!  It is caramelized, has a background taste of bacon cooked in it, a little peppery, a saltiness that is just right and topped with crumbled bacon.  MMMMM...I could have eaten it all!  Next time I will definitely cook two bundles.  <3 and hugs!

Roasted Bacon Asparagus

1 lb asparagus
3 pieces bacon, cooked crisp and crumbled
1-2 tablespoon bacon grease
sea salt, to taste
freshly ground pepper, to taste

Preheat oven to 400F.  Spray cookie sheet with non-stick spray.  Rinse asparagus and trim the tough ends off by bending at the bottom.  The tough part will break off.  

Place on cookie sheet in a single layer and drizzle with bacon grease.  
Roll asparagus around to coat.
Sprinkle with sea salt and freshly ground pepper.
Cook at 400F for 10 minutes.  Check and turn asparagus over.
Cook another 5-10, maybe 15 minutes depending how thick the stalks are or until crisp tender and they begin to caramelize.  
Put on serving plate and add more sea salt and pepper if desired. 
Sprinkle with crumbled bacon.

Can also be viewed at here

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