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Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

Picture Tiles

I always take a LOT of pictures.  And, I do mean a LOT!  There is a camera with me 99% of the time.  When I go out the door I grab my camera before I do my phone, which is does nothing except help me locate my hubby while we shop, btw.  At any given time there is a camera, if not two, in my purse, pocket or hand.  ~smile~  It is only natural, then, for me to give gifts of pictures for all occasions.  Whether it is DVD's for the teachers at the end of school or my last project..picture tiles.  They can be placed on an easel on your desk, used as coasters and I'm certain I can find a way to hang them on the wall.  I made these for an end of the year present for my twins pre-k teachers.   I'm going to make them again for hubby as a gift for Father's Day along with a picture of our oldest son.  You can have your child draw or write something to put on the tiles instead of, or in addition to, the pictures.  These are so very easy to do and can be made in no time at all.  Run to Lowes to pick up some tiles and hurry back to make these adorable gifts in time for Sunday.  Have fun!  <3 and hugs!

Picture Tiles

tiles..any size you want
mod podge
foam paint brush
spray can of clear acrylic sealant that is moisture proof if using for coasters
newspapers, optional

Pick out your precious pictures and trim to fit your tiles.
Apply a layer of mod podge on the back of the picture.
Place picture on tile leaving a border, if desired
Once dry, apply a coat of modge podge.  
Let dry, takes 5-10 minutes, apply another coat.
Repeat 5 - 6 times.
Once dry, take outside and place on something you do not mind getting the sealant on.
Make certain the area is well ventilated. 
You may want to put newspapers down.
Spray according to directions on can.
Let dry and spray again.  
Repeat 5-6 times. 
There you go!  You have made an amazing gift for someone special! 

Happy Father's Day to all you wonderful Daddys!

Shared on
The Sunday Showcase Party #106

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