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Senin, 12 Maret 2012

St. Patrick's Day Blog Hop, Colcannon and Irish Stew

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Many thanks to Joan at Chocolate Chocolate and More for inviting me to be a part of this great St. Patty's Day Blog Hop.  I am honored to be a part of it with these beautiful foodie friends!   If you haven't already, please follow each of us.  I am on facebook, goggle connect, linky follow, networkedblogs, pinterest, twitter, rss  and email subscribe.  Facebook is on the lefthand side and the others are the right hand side of this page.  Enjoy!!  <3 and hugs!

Joan at Chocolate, Chocolate and more made Grasshopper Pie
Carrie at Carrie's Experimental Kitchen made an Irish Feast

I usually end up baking something to blog but this time, I wanted to share Irish Stew and Colcannon instead.   I went on a search for St. Patty's Day recipes and Colcannon was included.  Having no idea what it was, I took a look and so glad I did.  Mashed potatoes, cabbage, ham...foods I love all mixed together with a lot of butter and milk.  Mmmmm Mmmmmm Mmmmmmm!  To add to the yumminess of the dish, I found a folk song to go with it.  LOVE!  After you view the recipes and listen to the great song that is stuck in my head now, please visit my lovely friends in our...St. Patty's Day Blog Hop!  <3 and hUgs!

6-8 medium potatoes
1 head cabbage, cored and shredded
3/4 to 1 pound smoked ham, diced
4 scallions, sliced
1 stick butter, cut in temperature
1/2 to 1 cup warm milk
salt and pepper to taste
fresh, or dried, parsley for topping

Play song while you cook this great dish.  Boil potatoes in salted water until fork tender.  Drain.  Mash together with butter and enough milk to your desired consistency.  Cover cabbage with water, add ham and boil until tender.  Take cabbage out of pot and chop into small pieces along with ham.  Gently mix cabbage, ham and scallions with mashed potatoes.  When you serve, make an indentation in the middle, add butter and sprinkle with parsley.

Did you ever eat Colcannon, made from lovely pickled cream?
With the greens and scallions mingled like a picture in a dream.
Did you ever make a hole on top to hold the melting flake
Of the creamy, flavoured butter that your mother used to make?


Yes you did, so you did, so did he and so did I.
And the more I think about it, sure, the nearer I'm to cry.
Oh, wasn't it the happy days when troubles we had not,
And our mothers made Colcannon in the little skillet pot.
Did you ever take potato cake in a basket to the school,
Tucked underneath your arm with your book, your slate and rule?
And when the teacher wasn't looking, sure, a great big bite you'd take,
Of the creamy flavoured buttered soft and sweet potato cake.
Did you ever go a-courting as the evening sun went down,
And the moon began a-peeping from behind the Hill o' Down?
As you wandered down the boreen where the leprechaun was seen,
And you whispered loving phrases to your little fair colleen

This is all that was left to take a picture of.  :D
Irish Stew

1 1/2 pounds stew meat or chuck roast cut in cubes
1 onion, cut in large pieces
4-6 potatoes, cut in cubes
3 carrots, sliced
3 stalks celery, sliced
6 cups beef broth
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon thyme
1 large bay leaf
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup seasoned flour or flour

Toss stew meat in flour.  Cover bottom of heavy pot or skillet with oil and brown meat.  Add onion and cook until lightly browned.  Add 4 cups beef broth, 1 1/2 stalks sliced celery, garlic, thyme and bay leaf.  Bring to a boil and simmer for 1 1/2 hours.  Stirring occasionally.  Add potatoes, carrots, remaining celery and broth.  Cook until vegetables are tender, around 20 minutes.  Enjoy!  <3 and hUgS!

You may enjoy these also:
Corned Beef, Cabbage and Portobello Wheat Pizza
Non-Traditional Irish Soda Bread

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