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Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Banana Mango Frozen Yogurt

AWWWW.....Brain Freeze!!!  This was the effect of eating too much of this, too fast!!!!!
Lucas is sick and wanted frozen yogurt.  Hubby didn't get a chance to get any while filling prescriptions today, so...I made some!  It isn't overly sweet so add the orange juice if you like it on the sweet side.  Hope ya like it!  We did!!!

Banana Mango Frozen Yogurt

3 bananas
1 9 oz can mango nectar, I buy Goya
1/4 cup greek yogurt
2-3 Tablespoons orange juice concentrate, optional if you want it sweeter

Pour mango nectar into a freezer worthy container.  Place in freezer along with bananas, in peels.  Freeze for 3 hours or so.  
When ready to make....  
Cut bananas and mango nectar into chunks.
Put into food processor or blender, along with greek yogurt.  
Pulse until incorporated.  Serve immediately or place in freezer for later. 
Makes 6 4oz servings.  Easily doubled.  You will need to.  Enjoy!  <3 and hugs! 

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