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Jumat, 08 November 2013

Pumpkin Spice Dip with Maple Cinnamon Pumpkin Spice Waffle Dippers

I have mentioned it before and I'll say it again...I do not like pumpkin pie.  Yes, I know what you are thinking and just imagine I may nbe the only person that doesn't like it!  They was always made by my precious Mama and Grandma every holiday.  A huge dollop of cream on top and my, oh my, dear Daddy was a happy man!  I on the other hand, never inherited the love of pumpkin pie.  I do love pumpkin bread, cookies, muffins and now, this dip.  Just don't give me a slice Mama's pumpkin pie or I'll have to hurt feeling and not eat it. Check out this recipe on The Great Eggo Waffle Off!

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