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Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013

Giving Thanks for Giving .. #CookingPlanIt Let's Your Hero Shine

#contest #heros

Holidays seem to bring out the best in people.  Sharing and caring.  Helping others.  Collecting food, clothes, presents for those that need a little extra.   A person that goes that extra mile? Gives unconditionally?  An angel that is always caring for the person down the street, around the corner or a friend of a friend?  Volunteers more hours than he/she is at home? Someone that is always the first to step up and out to help a neighbor and/or the community?  An unsung hero that never asks for anything in return, gets pleasure in helping and keeps the holiday spirit of love, caring, giving and sharing alive year round? Did a face flash in your mind as you were reading?  A simple nod, know just that person?  If so, now is the time to honor them.  This is your chance to honor those that give.  As a Cooking Planit Partner (remember the fantastic T-Fal giveaway?!), I am thrilled to be able to offer you an opportunity to let your hidden hero shine. 

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