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Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

Lemon Raspberry Cobbler

Making this cobbler has been on my mind a lot lately and I just needed to make it.   I bought fresh blueberries and tucked them in the back of the refrigerator.  However, when I went to gather the ingredients, the blueberries mysteriously disappeared and were nowhere to be found.  Well, maybe not so much a mystery.  I pretty much know where they went.  One of my twins just loves them and I'm pretty certain he is behind the missing blueberries.  Since I no longer had the main ingredient for my cobbler, I had to find a substitute.   What to use?  I rummaged through the freezer and found a bag of raspberries.  Yes, they would do.  How did it turn out?  Perfect!  Crackles of sugar top a melt in your mouth lemon cake and saucy sweet, and a bit tart, raspberries underneath!  Yes, I am so glad my son ate the blueberries!  

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