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Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013

Tuna Fish Casserole

This casserole reminds me of Mama.  She would make this after coming home late from work.  Something easy to throw together while she helped with homework and listened intently about my day.  I didn't like it then, but I love it, and the warm memories it brings.  

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Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Thursday's Treasures Week 92

Another week has passed and it's my favorite time again.  I get to see your amazing creations and share with family and friends!

These are some of the wonderful links shared with us last week.  Please grab my button if you are featured.  I'd love for you to grab my Thursday's Treasures button, also.

Oh Sew Crafty Life Simple 4th of July Desserts

Back For Seconds Easy Homemade Twix Bars

Recipes and Ramblings with the Tumbleweed Contessa 4th of July Hat

Please take a moment to stop by and see my lovely co-hostesses on their blogs: Joan @ Chocolate, Chocolate and More and Christie @ Food Done Light You can find them on Facebook also: Chocolate, Chocolate and More and Food Done Light Please grab my "I was featured on" button if you are featured. I've love for you all to grab my "Thursday's Treasures" button, also. PhotobucketPhotobucket Rules, yeah, I know. Link to your original recipe, craft or tip and photo directly, not your blog. Don’t forget to link back to my post, or blog, with either a text link or our new button, directly on your post or party page. We are sorry but without a link back, you cannot be featured. Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it, they are all on the right side of this page. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date. Please do the same with my lovely co-hosts, Joan and Christie. By linking up to this party you are giving permission for us to use your photo, and post, on facebook, Google+ and other social media to promote Thursday's Treasures and you, with proper link credit given. Please make sure all photos, and posts, you link up are your own. Share as many recipes as you like just as long as you haven’t shared them here before. The party is open all week. Please visit others and leave them a comment you stopped by.

Dark Chocolate Cream Pie

If you are a chocolate lover, like two of my boys, you will fall in love with this pie!  Creamy, rich and full of deep chocolate flavors....this is certain to be a winner! 

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Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

American Neufchatel Cheese with Picture Tutorial

I love making cheese!  To date, I have made Ricotta and Mozzarella Cheese.  Since summer is upon us, I have been using a lot of cream cheese in desserts and wanted to make my own.  Even on sale, it cost $2.00 per 8 oz. block.  This recipe will make approximately 2 cups, which is 2 - 8 oz. blocks.  For less than the cost of one cream cheese, you can make two.  Hello...I am all for it!  

I used Junket Rennet Tablets to make this cheese.  I bought a couple of boxes last year when I made mozzarella, I could not find rennet locally.  It seems, when I decide to make something new, I have no patience to wait for shipping.  Rennet drops can also be used.  I would use 2 drops for this recipe.  

Here is the link I used to make the cheese from Junket.  American Neufchatel Cheese Cheese.  I used 1/2 gallon milk to make this…as a test run, and ended up with 2 cups Neufchatel Cheese, the equivalent to 2 - 8 oz blocks.

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Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013

Cheesecake Swirled Brownie Pie

This is sooo good!  You will love it...everyone will love it!  It's an easy way to impress your family or guests.  It travels well and is perfect for BBQ's, picnics and potluck suppers...making extra, of course.

I was looking at Christy Jordan's Southern Plate blog (don't you just love her?!) and saw her Triple Chocolate Brownie Pie.  I wanted it!  I needed it!  It looked so good!  It reminded me of the Brownie Pecan Pie I make.  I decided to make another brownie pie, this time in a pie crust.  I used the American Neufchatel Cheese I made for the cheesecake part of this pie.  Enjoy!

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Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

Ravioli Lasagna

You are going to thank me!  I just know it!  However, I cannot take credit for the idea.  I just picked up on it after seeing it floating around the internet, various places.  No one place in particular.  I think this recipe is great and will be making it often.  Me will, too!  ~wink~

I didn't use all the ravioli but rather saved some to toast in the oven.  I'll share that soon.  ~smile~ 

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Dark Chocolate Chip Biscuit Mix Cookies

Easy to make from a biscuit mix *homemade biscuit mix* these are certain to be a hit with your cookie lovers. 

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Rabu, 19 Juni 2013

Thursday's Treasures Week 91

OMGosh!  We are absolutely loving the Summer!  Even with no vacation foreseen, we are having a ball just staying at home.  Going to the movies, picnics, the beach and most of all, the boys are enjoying...swimming in the above ground pool!  I hope you are enjoying the summer, or winter, and having a fantastic time making memories with  those you love.

These are just some of the fabulous links shared last week!  I wish I could feature each of them.  
YES!  They are great!  
Here is the link to last week's Thursday's Treasures so you can visit, once again  

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Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

Onion Dip

I am always trying to find ways to make the food we love without the extra cost.   Three hungry boys can put a damper on my pocket.  A little help here and there is always welcome.   This fits the bill.  ;)   Reminiscent of the onion dip my precious Mama made with Lipton's Dry Onion Soup Mix.  You will love this!  Hubby said it needs more onions, I say it is just right.  ;)  Add more onions, and/or dried minced onions, to suit your taste...or those devouring the dip.  ~smile~ 
Summertime;  fast food, finger food, dipping food, yes food! 

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Minggu, 16 Juni 2013

Orange Crush Sherbert

An old favorite that has been around forever!  The recipe usually calls for a small can of crushed pineapple.  I was adventurous and added a 20 oz. can, juice and all.   The result:  pineapple in every spoonful!  

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Sabtu, 15 Juni 2013

Microwave Cherry Pie Filling and Cherry Pie

Love cherries!  I love cherries, hubby loves cherries, two of my three boys love cherries!  If I can make something in less time than normal, I'm all over it ... especially if it is made with cherries!  A few minutes can make the difference in sharing a memory in the making as my boys continually amaze me!

This pie is a little on the thin size but full of flavor and delicious!  You will want to double this me.  

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Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

Thursday's Treasures Week 90

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Minggu, 09 Juni 2013

Italian Dressing Dry Seasoning Blend

I made my own Italian Dressing Dry Seasoning Blend and we love it!  I've used it on salads, chicken and pork mixed as a dressing.  It will be great as a dry seasoning blend and I cannot wait to try it. 
There is need to buy Italian Dressing when you can make it at home.  Enjoy!

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Strawberry Lemonade

Summertime:  pool time, fun time, all the time!  Lemonade is always a beverage we keep in the fridge during the summer.  It just speaks of summer.  I don't know why we don't make it in the winter when lemons are in season and plentiful.  I'll have to start. 

This recipe gets better the longer it sits in the fridge.  Although, it doesn't last that long around here.  One of my twins eats lemons .. just as they are...see his little fingers trying to fish a slice out.  I have to sweeten them in some way.  I may have to make this at night next time.  Get your lemons and fruit ready..we are making lemonade!   Enjoy! 

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Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Pie Filling Using Canned Fruit

I don’t know about you, but I cannot afford to always buy the expensive canned pie fillings.  Using canned peaches that cost 98 cents, I made my own pie filling.  So easy to do, which I absolutely love about recipes.  Another step to make coffee cakes or pies but hey, I save around $3.00 and that’s is worth the time to me.  As a bonus, I control the amount and type of sweetener I use.  Next time canned fruit goes on sale, stock up!   I know I will!

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Peach Coffee Cake

This peachy coffee cake is perfect for brunch, coffee or a late night snack!   If you are like me...anytime at all!  
No worries if you don't have pie filling...find out how to make your own here.

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Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

Crock Pot Chicken and Stuffing

I'm a dressing kinda Southern girl but once in awhile, I like me some stuffing, too!  Something different and a pan of dressing on a Sunday afternoon. 

This Crock Pot Chicken and Stuffing makes a lot .. but I know, it will be consumed in no time at all at my house.   I used a dollar loaf of sliced bread and dried ingredients because, well, that is what I had.  Use what you have on hand, feel free to add fresh veggies, I certainly will.  Enjoy!

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Rabu, 05 Juni 2013

Thursday's Treasures Week 89

Summer Time...And the Living Is Easy!!!!  Woo Hoo!!!  My boys are out of school and so excited.  We are ALL Excited!  We bought another above ground pool this year for the boys to enjoy, seems we go through them too often, and looking forward to a summer full of FUN!  What fun plans do you have for the summer?

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The Best Banana Pudding are going to love this Banana Pudding!  It is sooo good!  Being Southern, I was just about raised on 'Nana Puddin'!  I betcha it was most likely one of  my very first foods.  My precious Mama made it just about every week.  I know~we were lucky!   No matter the time of year, you could always find  ‘Nana Puddin’ at every get together.  Seems everyone had a different way to make it and it was all GOOD!!!  I don't think you can mess up Banana Pudding, can you?   :)   I hope Y'all enjoy this.  Please excuse me now as I get a bowl and spoon and curl up on the couch to reminisce of days gone by and eat a Southern Family Classic.  

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Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

Sweet Italian Skillet Chicken Breasts

These skillet cooked chicken breast are moist and flavorful.   Not only are they great for your main attraction but also on a toasted bun or sliced topping a salad.  Even my pickiest eater loves chicken breast cooked this way.  Enjoy!

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Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

Very Chocolate Brownies

I made these for my son to share with his class for his birthday.  They are very chocolaty and moist and a Hit!  I adapted this recipe from an old clip I found for Baker’s One Bowl Brownies. 

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Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Cheesy Chicken Doritos Casserole

This is so good!  It’s like eating Doritos and a delicious, hearty dip for supper!   Enjoy!

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