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Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 57

Whoot Hoot!!!! Thank you all so very much for making last week's Thursday's Treasures the biggest party ever! There were 102 104 links shared with us from the very best foodies and friends! I feel so honored to have you join us!  Welcome to our newest friends...I am so glad you are here.  Feel free to look around and make yourselves at home.  My kitchen is always open.  Thank you again sweetums....You Rock!!!

These are some of the recipes I made recently. I haven't had a chance to put them on my blog yet.  DIY Brown Sugar...make your own and never buy it again!  Soft Pumpkin Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies...Oh so soft and yummy!  One Hour French Bread....No excuse not to serve your family fresh, hot bread with meals!  Pumpkin Pancakes...Fluffy and delicious!  They are on  Click here if you are interested in writing for them.

Here are some of last week's recipes.  They are in no order...just the way I picked them.  
You are all amazing and I wish I could feature all of you.  I will be working on a Thursday's Treasures button and also a featured on button.  

Please visit my lovely co-host Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More on facebook and her blog. You'll be so happy you did!   She has wonderful features each week.  Go check her out, you may be there!  
Rules, yeah, I know.

Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post. We are sorry but recipes without a link back cannot be featured.
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostess, Joan.
Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.
Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.
Previous week's parties!
Week 37 Week 36 Week 35 Week 34 Week 33 Week 32 Week 31 Week 30
Week's 1-29 can be found Here
Now......Let's Party!
 Just put your wonderful dish over there and make yourself at home.  

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