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Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 58

Hello Gorgeous!!!!  I've missed you and so glad to see you again!  I find myself looking forward to Thursday’s, and Wednesday night, with excitement and anticipation.  Just wondering what greatness will be linked up brings a smile to my face.  It also warms my heart to know that you chose to visit here each week.  Thank you so much! 

Please feel free to share crafts, tips, all things you treasure, also.  I’d love for you to share Thursday’s Treasures with your friends and fans.

It's your famous Sweet Potato Casserole rolled up with marshmallow inside.  

Here are a few of the many fantastic links shared last week.  I’m still trying to find what I want on our Thursday’s Treasures button and featured on button.Please let me know if you have a suggestion.   

I am so happy that gorgeous Ann of Sumptuous Spoonfuls is co-hosting with us this week.  I absolutely adore her and love her site and facebook page, please follow both.  Y'all know I love beautiful Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More!   Please follow her here on facebook and her blog. You'll be so happy you did!    Don't forget to check out the features to see if you are there.  
Rules, yeah, I know.

Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post. We are sorry but recipes without a link back cannot be featured.

Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostess, Joan.

Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.

Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.
Previous week's parties!

Week's 1-29 can be found Here
Now......Let's Party!
 Just put your wonderful dish over there and make yourself at home.
Thank you for sharing your Treasured Recipes and Memories and everything in-between.  Ones that bring you closer to those around you while making memories along the way.  Love and hugs! 

Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Pineapple Blueberry Popsicles

We love popsicles!  It doesn't matter if it is summer or winter, if they are here, we shall eat them!  I just found this one in the back of the freezer and I am so happy I did.  One of the twins and I had a yummy suprise treat.    Enjoy these frozen treats of summer anytime of the year.  They will make you smile...I promise.  Love and hugs! 

Pineapple Blueberry Popsicles

1 small can pineapple in juice, slices cut in pieces or chunks sliced in half
1/2 cup fresh blueberries,  as much or little as you want to put in molds
 pineapple juice or water, enough to top off the popsicle molds
popsicle molds or 
small paper cups and popsicle sticks

Put fruit, as much as you want, into popsicle molds or small paper cups.
Pour juice to within a 1/2 inch of the top of cup or to line on molds
With plastic knife, gently move stir fruit.
Freeze 4 hours or until hard set.

Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Fluffy Crust Whole Wheat Alfredo Pizza

Friday night is pizza night for us.  We love it!  It is a time when we are all in the kitchen, making our favorites or creating new ones.  My oldest son wanted a white pizza.  We came up with a yummy Alfredo one!  It has a thick and fluffy, crust that has a hint of garlic and parmesan cheese.  Next time I'll cook it on a baking sheet and cut into squares.    Feel free to add any and everything you wish.  It will be amazing!  I adapted this recipe from the back of a package of Fleischmann's Pizza Crust Yeast.  I love it!

Fluffy Crust Whole Wheat Alfredo Pizza

What you need
2 cups King Arthur Premium Whole Wheat Flour, more if needed
1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 to 1 1/2 teaspoon ground garlic
1 teaspoon dried parsley
1 packet Fleischmann's Pizza Crust Yeast
2/3 cup very warm water, 120 - 130 degree F
1/4 to 1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese
3 Tablespoons oil
1/2 cup Alfredo Sauce or Spread, homemade or bought. Use more or less, you decide.
1/2 to 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese, homemade or bought
your favorite toppings, optional

What to do
Grease pizza pan or baking sheet with sides.
Put 1 cup whole wheat flour, sugar, garlic, parsley and yeast in a large bowl. Whisk together. 
Stir in very warm water and oil.
Stir in parmesan.
Add more flour, a little at the time, until a soft dough is formed.  
I kneaded dough with a fork sticky and adding the flour.  
Stir, knead with fork, add more flour, stir, knead with get the idea. 
After dough is soft, turn out on floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic adding a little dog at the time if needed.
I kneaded the dough with my hand in the bowl.  
Stretch and pat dough to fill pizza pan or baking sheet.
Top with Alfredo Sauce or Spread.  
Top with mozzarella cheese and any additional toppings you like.
Let pizza sit for 20 minutes.  
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F the last 10 minutes, more or less, of resting.  You know how long it takes your oven to preheat. 
Bake on bottom rack for 8 minutes, check and turn around cooking another 4 to 7 minutes if needed.  Crust will be very soft and fluffy.  

Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

Sour Raisins

I always eat lunch with my boys when I volunteer at school. The boys take their lunches but like to go through the lunch line to get a cold milk and another fruit if it strikes their fancy. I walked through the line with my twins and saw that one of the fruit choices for the day was sour raisins. I had never heard of them before, have you? Without hesitation, both of them grabbed the little boxes of sour dried fruit. Their little fingers could not wait to open and taste the new fruit choice! The sour raisins were liked. I came home and immediately made my version of them. They twins loved them.  

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Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 57

Whoot Hoot!!!! Thank you all so very much for making last week's Thursday's Treasures the biggest party ever! There were 102 104 links shared with us from the very best foodies and friends! I feel so honored to have you join us!  Welcome to our newest friends...I am so glad you are here.  Feel free to look around and make yourselves at home.  My kitchen is always open.  Thank you again sweetums....You Rock!!!

These are some of the recipes I made recently. I haven't had a chance to put them on my blog yet.  DIY Brown Sugar...make your own and never buy it again!  Soft Pumpkin Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies...Oh so soft and yummy!  One Hour French Bread....No excuse not to serve your family fresh, hot bread with meals!  Pumpkin Pancakes...Fluffy and delicious!  They are on  Click here if you are interested in writing for them.

Here are some of last week's recipes.  They are in no order...just the way I picked them.  
You are all amazing and I wish I could feature all of you.  I will be working on a Thursday's Treasures button and also a featured on button.  

Please visit my lovely co-host Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More on facebook and her blog. You'll be so happy you did!   She has wonderful features each week.  Go check her out, you may be there!  
Rules, yeah, I know.

Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post. We are sorry but recipes without a link back cannot be featured.
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostess, Joan.
Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.
Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.
Previous week's parties!
Week 37 Week 36 Week 35 Week 34 Week 33 Week 32 Week 31 Week 30
Week's 1-29 can be found Here
Now......Let's Party!
 Just put your wonderful dish over there and make yourself at home.  

Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

Double Dark Chocolate Banana Cake

Here is a moist, lower in fat cake that tastes wonderful and is easy to make. With the help of a cake mix and a few ingredients you can wow your family and friends. This stands wonderful alone without the addition of icing or add this yummy fast pudding icing to make it over the top great! My boys will grab a piece and eat it while on the go.

Double Dark Chocolate Banana Cake
1 Pillsbury Dark Chocolate Cake Mix
3 eggs
1 1/4 cups low fat vanilla yogurt
1 banana, mashed
1/2 cup Hershey's Dark Chocolate Chips
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and spray 8x10 pan with non stick spray.
Beat cake mix, eggs and half the yogurt. Mix to incorporate. About 2 minutes.
Beat in rest of yogurt for 2 minutes on medium. Beat in mashed banana.
Cook 15 minutes. Turn pan around and cook another 15 to 20 minutes. Do not over cook. It's done when toothpick inserted comes out clean.
Let cool on rack in pan.
Pudding Icing
1 small box vanilla pudding, or your favorite flavor
1 cup low fat milk
1 cup Lite Cool Whip, thawed or whipped topping
Whisk pudding and milk together. Add cool whip and whisk to incorporate.
Put in refrigerator until set. Spread on cake or top each slice. If icing the whole cake, you will need to keep it in the refrigerator.
Add a sprinkling of chocolate chips, chocolate shavings or pieces of fresh fruit.

Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 56

Thank you for a Fantastic week of your Treasures Recipes!  The past week was the most links we have had.  Truly amazing!  I am so happy to see each of you each week.  The ones that have been around forever and the new ones that, I hope, will be here forever, too.   It's been another week full of ...  well, full of everything!   May all your tomorrows become yesterday's precious memories.  Love and hugs sweetums! 

Here are a few of the many delicious recipes shared by the Best of the Best Foodies!  

Please visit my lovely co-host Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More on facebook and her blog. You'll be so happy you did!   She has wonderful features each week.  Go check her out, you may be there!  
Rules, yeah, I know.

Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post. We are sorry but recipes without a link back cannot be featured.
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostess, Joan.
Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.
Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.
Previous week's parties!
Week 37 Week 36 Week 35 Week 34 Week 33 Week 32 Week 31 Week 30
Week's 1-29 can be found Here

Now......Let's Party!
Please put your wonderful dish over there and make yourself at home.  <3 and="and" hugs="hugs" nbsp="nbsp">

Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012

Homemade Brown Sugar

I was making muffins the other day and realized I was out of brown sugar.  How could that be?  Ah Ha!  The 6 batches of Pumpkin Muffins I made last week may be the reason!  ~smile~  Not wanting to go to the store, I searched the internet and found out it is very easy to make your own brown sugar!  Who knew?  Obviously, not me.  I often find myself looking for things I am out of and usually find them by a simple search.  Two ingredients and you are set.  I will never buy brown sugar again!

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Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

Whole Wheat Pumpkin Muffins

I made these at least 5 times last week for my boys!  They just love them!  They sneak in the kitchen, pretend to do something and the next thing I know I hear the sound of running feet and a discover a missing muffin!   LOL  I'm telling you......You better put some aside for yourself if you want any.

Pumpkin Muffins

1 cup unbleached whole wheat flour
1 cup unbleached all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1 cup brown sugar, packed, homemade
3 Tablespoons unsulfered molasses
1/3 cup oil
2 eggs
1 cup buttermilk
1 cup pureed pumpkin
1/2 cup nuts, chopped fine, optional
1/2 cup coconut, optional
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips, optional


pumpkin seeds


Preheat oven 375 degrees F.
Grease or put liners, in muffin pans.

Beat eggs, brown sugar and molasses until light in color.
Beat in flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon and additional spices if desired,
Add buttermilk while mixing until incorporated.
Stir in pumpkin and any optional ingredients.
Fill muffin cavities 2/3 full.
Bake 8 minutes and turn pans around.
Cook another 3-5 minutes, depending on your oven, more or less.
Done with toothpick comes out clean.

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 55

Hello, Hello, Hello!!!!  I hope each of you has had the most fantastic week you are so deserving of!!!   Things are always up and down here it seems.  We ride the waves and enjoy the ride. 
Sometimes the waves are gentle and rolling while other times they are fast and crashing.
We have found it is from the fury of the sea that the most beautiful shells are found. 

Thank you so much for sharing each week.  I just love to see what you have brought for us.  I wish I could make each one of your fantastic recipes!  Wouldn't that be great?  
The Best of the Best Foodie Buffet!!!! 
I'm Lovin' that thought and you!

I write for and would love for you to subscribe there also.  Sometimes I post a recipe there first.  Here is a link to the Pretzel Biscuits I posted last night.  I will get paid a penny for articles viewed.  Every little bit helps.  If you are interested in writing for, here is the application.  I also have added Coupons to my blog.  It is so convient while here, to go ahead and check them out.  Clip, print and save.  ~smile~

Here are a few of the wonderful recipes shared last week. 

Please visit my lovely co-host Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More on 
facebook and her blog. You'll be so happy you did!   She has wonderful features each week.  Go check her out, you may be there!  
Rules, yeah, I know.

Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post. We are sorry but recipes without a link back cannot be featured.
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostess, Joan.
Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.
Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.
Previous week's parties!
Week 37 Week 36 Week 35 Week 34 Week 33 Week 32 Week 31 Week 30
Week's 1-29 can be found Here

Now......Let's Party!

Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

Buttermilk English Muffin

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Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 54

Hello Gorgeous Friends!!!!  I am so happy you are here to join again this week.   I feel extremely honored that you share your Treasured Recipes with little ole me.  ~smile~  So, how is the weather at your lovely home?  It is still hot here and rainy.  We are hoping the cooler weather will start soon.  The festivals start this weekend and it just doesn't feel like a fall festival while wearing shorts and getting all sticky hot.  I certainly hope it is cooler where you are!  I'm ready for stews and soups, pumpkins and rutabgas!

I added a new feature to by blog.  I now have coupons!  You may click here to go to the page.  Or, the tab when you come to visit.  Such a great way to save money here and there on the items you use.  Just click the coupons you want, print it on your computer and start saving!

Here are a few recipes I picked from last week's party.  They are in no particular order,  just the way I clicked them.

Please visit my lovely co-host Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More on facebook and her blog. You'll be so happy you did! 

Rules, yeah, I know.

Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post. We are sorry but recipes without a link back cannot be featured.
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostess, Joan.
Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.
Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.
Previous week's parties!
Week 37 Week 36 Week 35 Week 34 Week 33 Week 32 Week 31 Week 30
Week's 1-29 can be found Here

Now......Let's Party!

Grab my button Photobucket

Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

Red Velvet Crinkles

If you love to make cookies that are very easy, soft and delicious, not to mention look wonderful. This recipe is for you. They are perfect when unexpected company arrives and you need to bake something in a hurry. Let's not forget the holidays will soon be upon us These are very impressive to look at as well as eat. A cake mix and a few ingredients is all it takes to have them coming back for more. Cake mixes definitely need to be a staple in the pantry for these yummy delights.  These can also be viewed on here.

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