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Senin, 23 Juli 2012

Dark Chocolate Cake

As always in our house, nobody can agree on what kind dessert, or anything for that matter, they want.  I did as I usually do and combine different ingredients of their requested food.  It tends to make a happy dessert for everyone.  I saw a recipe on the back of Hershey's Dark is their recipe for Deep Dark Cake.  I adapted this recipe from theirs.  This cake is very moist and really does not need anything to top it.   The icing is great though.  We added it to cut pieces, each person topping their own.  I did find that this cake wasn't as thick as I wanted it so I made another cake that is reduced fat.  It turned out a little thicker.  I'll be sharing that one very soon.   I am making another one tonight cake tonight in an 8x8" pan and will let you know how it turns out.  <3 and hugs! 
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