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Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

Cherry Cobbler

I finally bought cherries today.  YAY, Me!  I just love cherries but really don't like getting the pits out of them.  But...I do what I have to do and get stains on my fingers, my  clothes, well, just about anything that gets in my way.  That's just the way things work for me and I'm good with it.  One of the twins even has stains on his face and tummy but hey, if you're enjoying your it!

We usually just sit down and eat all of them at one time.  Red everywhere...MMMM, that's good.  ~smile~  This time I was determined to make something out of them before they were gone and everyone, and thing, was red.  I decided to make a cobbler and so glad I did.  I cooked it in the toaster oven, and your times may very well vary from the time it took me.  It was at least 10 forevers getting it to brown, for goodness sake!  Oh, so, worth it though.  If anyone has a great way, or even a good way, to pit cherries PLEASE let me know.  I also need to know how to get the stain off my poor ole fingers, They will be bluish purple for quite awhile I suppose.  Are y'all ready to make cobbler?  It's a great one!  It's thin, so double it if you want a big ole bite of it!  By the way, you can use any fruit you wish and it will taste just as wonderful.  Here you go, Sweeties....

Cherry Cobbler

1/2 cup butter, or margarine
1/2 cup sugar, depending on how sweet your cherries are
2 cups, or more, halved fresh cherries, enough to at least cover the bottom of the pan
1 cup self rising flour
1 cup sugar
2/3 cup coconut milk, vanilla flavored, or regular milk
(I had left over coconut milk and it worked out great)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
In an 8x8 pan put butter, sugar and cherries  Heat until the butter and sugar is melted. 
*Throw it in the oven while it is preheating being careful the sugar doesn't burn.  Or, melt on a burner*
Stir flour and sugar together.
Mix in milk until smooth. 
Pour evenly over fruit.
Bake in preheat 350 degrees F oven for 40-50 minutes.  
Until the top is golden brown and a little, tiny bit hard on top.  
Eat it hot out of the oven or room temperature.  Top with vanilla ice while still warm.  MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, that is so Good!  
Enjoy! <3 and hugs Sweetums! 

Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012

Baked Banana French Toast Casserole with Brown Sugar Vanilla Crumb Topping

I get tired of the same ole, same ole for breakfast/brunch, don't you?  Every morning, it's the same for us.  Eggs, turkey bacon, grits, oatmeal, get the idea.   It was time to try something new.  I decided on baked french toast and the result was a very delicious, dessert like meal.   Perfect for a lazing weekend brunch when you want something special but don't want to spend the morning making it. 

This needs to be made ahead of time, overnight is great.  You can make it in the morning for an evening dessert, too.  I made it in the afternoon and baked it the next morning.   A shorter amount of time would work as well.  I had an abundance of bananas I bought on sale, just wanting to become a part of this scrumptious pan of yumminess.  Those, along with homemade bread (I forgot to write the recipe down!) ...were perfect.  The baked french toast itself is not very sweet but the topping is.  The combination works well.  Feel free to adjust to your desired sweetness.  I also found that I did not need syrup or even powdered sugar, at all for this.  It's your breakfast/dessert, you eat it any way you like it.  After all, I read that eating dessert with breakfast helps you lose weight.  Perhaps it works if you eat your dessert for breakfast instead????  Enjoy!  <3 and hugs! 

Baked Banana French Toast with Brown Sugar Vanilla Crumb Topping

Baked French Toast

1 loaf of French or Italian bread, sliced 3/4"
   may use regular bread, also
1 1/2 cups coconut milk, whole milk or half & half
6 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup heavy cream
   may use any combination
1/4 cup sugar or more 
1/4 honey or more 
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
4 bananas or any fruit, or combination, you have on hand
1 tablespoon lemon juice and 4 tablespoons water, to dip bananas or apples in, if using

Brown Sugar Vanilla Crumb Topping

1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoon unsalted butter 

Grease, or spray with non stick spray, 8x10 pan. 
Put slices of bread in greased pan.  If using loaf bread, overlap the pieces.  
In large bowl, mix by hand, eggs, cream and milk, sugar, honey, cinnamon, vanilla.   
Pour over bread, pushing slices down.  Cover with foil and put in refrigerator for 2 hours to overnight.  Although I have never made this before, I would probably put it in the oven before the 2 hours was up, if'fen I took a mind to.  ~smile~  

When getting ready to bake, take out of oven for 30 minutes and preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Cook, covered for 30 minutes.  While cooking, cut up fruit you wish to use, if any.  If your fruit tends to darken, mix lemon juice and water, and put fruit in it.  
Cut flour, brown sugar, vanilla and butter together to resemble crumbs.  
Place fruit that has been in lemon water, on paper towel to drain.  Pat dry.
After 30 minutes, take out of oven and carefully remove foil, there will be steam.   
Layer fruit and top with crumb mixture.  Bake another 15-20 minutes, until brown. 
* french toast looked like a mountain in the middle but settled back down once out of the oven.  
Serve with warm maple syrup and/or powdered sugar. will be very sweet if you do!  I like it just the way it is out of the oven.  Enjoy!  <3 and hugs! 

I would love for you to  stop by, subscribe (button is above the picture)  and leave a comment on  Thank you!  <3 and hugs! 

Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 44

Thank you so much for sharing each week on Thursday's Treasures!  Everyone loves to see what is new, exciting and delicious!  Your treasured recipes and memories are a part of my week and I truly love reading each of them.  I think I have finally pinned all the links shared last week.  When I pin your link, it is either shared on my personal page or twitter.  Joan of Chocolate, Chocolate and More and I share on our facebook pages, Chocolate, Chocolate and More and Recipes For My Boys.  We both pin, also.  Stop by and visit Jaon on her blog and page and leave her with <3 and hugs from me!   Okay darlin' friends, grab your cuppa and get comfy.  Sit back and enjoy yourselves while you read and plan on making one of your friend's treasured recipes.  <3 and hugs sweetums! 

Can someone please tell me how to make a "featured on" button. I have forgotten how to make them. argh1 Here are our most viewed recipes from last week...

Please let me know if you would like to co-host Thursday's Treasures one week. We'd love to have you join us! <3 and hugs!

Rules, yeah, I know.

Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post.
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostesses.
Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.
Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.

Previous week's parties!
Week 43

Now......Let's Party!

Senin, 23 Juli 2012

Dark Chocolate Cake

As always in our house, nobody can agree on what kind dessert, or anything for that matter, they want.  I did as I usually do and combine different ingredients of their requested food.  It tends to make a happy dessert for everyone.  I saw a recipe on the back of Hershey's Dark is their recipe for Deep Dark Cake.  I adapted this recipe from theirs.  This cake is very moist and really does not need anything to top it.   The icing is great though.  We added it to cut pieces, each person topping their own.  I did find that this cake wasn't as thick as I wanted it so I made another cake that is reduced fat.  It turned out a little thicker.  I'll be sharing that one very soon.   I am making another one tonight cake tonight in an 8x8" pan and will let you know how it turns out.  <3 and hugs! 
By clicking on the advertisements on my blog, you are helping support it.  Please take a moment to check them out when you visit. Thank you!

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Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 43

It's Thursday...It's time to Party!  I love seeing each of your treasured recipes and memories each week.  You are all talented and bring amazing and delicious recipes to share.   I am so excited to see what you have brought to us this week.

Please stop by and give your lovely co-hostess Joan Chocolate, Chocolate and More (facebook) Chocolate, Chocolate and More (blog) <3 and hugs from us.  While you are there, give her page a like and follow her blog, twitter and pinterest boards.

Would anyone be interested in adding their links to my Thursday's Treasures Pinterest Board? If enough of you are interested, I will add you on so you can pin your link for the week. This Wonderful Recipes were the most viewed on last week's Thursday's Treasures.

Please let me know if you would like to co-host Thursday's Treasures one week. We'd love to have you join us! <3 and hugs!
Rules, yeah, I know.

Now......Let's Party!

Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post.
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostesses.
Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.
Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.

Previous week's parties!

Minggu, 15 Juli 2012

No Bake Frozen Lemon Cheesecake with Vanilla Sweetened Berries

To start with..I have a really bad habit of making something, taking pictures and posting them on facebook BEFORE I write a post!  lol  I always get caught and end up writing it right then.  I hope I didn't stumble or leave out anything. on with the show.  ~smile~

It's Hot Outside!!  When it's hot I want a frozen or icy cold snack, treat, dessert, well, everything!  Fresh fruit is always a plus, too.  Today I sweetened strawberries and blueberries and added double strength vanilla to give them that extra loving touch.  <3  This pie is fast to make with long lasting delight.  I really like this because I made it lower in fat and delicious to boot!  You are going to have to make this ahead of time so make plans accordingly.  After 4 hours in the freezer the boys wanted a piece.  It wasn't completely frozen but still very cold.  At 6 hours it was just right!  Are you ready to make smiles?  Then get started!  <3 and hugs!

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Rabu, 11 Juli 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 42

Another week has flown by and it's Thursday once again.!!!  I always look forward to Thursdays so I can see what delicious, wonderful recipes you have brought to share.  Don't forget to check out the previous week's links to Thursday's Treasures, listed below.

My computer has still been running very slow lately but is little better since I removed my pictures, all 110 GB of them!  It's still slow, being old, a slow connection and not being directly connected to my modem has a lot to do with it.  I haven't commented on all links and really feel awful about it.  My computer takes forever to get to the links and then usually drops off before I can finish more than a few.   I will try my best to pin your links on my Thursday's Treasures pinterest board and of course, share on my page.  I'll also tweet this page throughout the week...that's about all I know how to do on Twitter.  lol  With summer here, I am spending as much time with my boys as I possibly can leaving less time for my blog, facebook and etc...   

My gorgeous co-hostess, Joan at Chocolate, Chocolate and More (blog) and facebook.  Please stop by and tell her she was missed and give her <3 and hugs from us.  

These are the most viewed links from last week!   

Please let me know if you would like to co-host Thursday's Treasures one week. We'd love to have you join us! <3 and hugs!
Rules, yeah, I know.

Now......Let's Party!

Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post.
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostesses.
Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.
Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.

Previous week's parties!

Peanut Butter Cookies Gluten Free

Each Tuesday this summer means my twin 5 year old boys are going on dates to the movies.  ~smile~  I'll be honest with you...I'm a Mom that takes food to the theater.  There is just no reason to charge 3 dollars for a bottle of water or 6 dollars for a soda (I drink way to many diet cokes).  The food is ridiculously priced as well.   The exception is a large popcorn.  I can divide it 5 ways and refill it for free on the way out for us to munch on later.  Most Tuesday mornings you will find me bustling about the kitchen making a snacks to take with us.  This morning I was out of flour, all flour.  I remembered this one my precious Mama would make for me oh so many years ago.  ~smile~  I made them and added mini chocolate chips to the tops before putting them in the oven.  They are sweet, I think I will reduce the by half next time I make them.  My boys loved them and I hope you do, too! <3 and hugs!

Peanut Butter Cookies Gluten Free
makes 2 to 3 dozen bite size cookies

1 cup peanut butter, your choice
1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 egg, beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup, more or less, chocolate chips, optional
1/4 cup, more or less, oats, optional
1/4 cup, more or less, peanuts or pecans, optional

Stir both sugars (start with half of each and taste, adding more if you wish), egg and vanilla together.  
Add chocolate chips, nuts, oats or whatever you wish, if you want to.  Start with 1/4 and adding a little more if desired. 
Pinch dough and roll into a quarter size ball for bite size cookies and place on an un-greased cookie sheet.  
I pushed the dough slightly and added mini chocolate chips on the top instead of in the dough.
Bake for 5 minutes, turn and bake another 2-5 minutes depending on size.  
They are done when brown on bottom and light brown around edges. 
Put on cooling rack immediately out of the oven.   
Enjoy!  <3 and hugs! 

Senin, 09 Juli 2012

Soda Pop Pancakes

You read it right.  I made pancakes with cola!  My oldest son loved them and wants me to make more tomorrow.  The original recipe, which I found rummaging around yesterday, calls for club soda.  I didn't have club soda on hand but did have cola.  My son couldn't taste the cola but I detected a trace of it.  I think other flavors may have a more distinct flavor.  I want to use orange soda with pineapple preserves, root beer with whipped cream,  grape with, uh, well, I'll have to think about that one!  Try it and let me know what flavors you pair.  <3 and hugs!

Soda Pop Pancakes

2 cups biscuit mix
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup soda, you may not need the full amount
1/2 to 1 teaspoon vanilla, optional

Stir eggs and vanilla, if using, into biscuit mix.  
Add 3/4 cup soda, stirring to incorporate, adding additional soda if needed.  You do not want the pancake batter to be too thin.
Spray griddle, or pan, and heat to medium - medium high.
Ladle pancake batter into hot pan.
Cook until bubbles form around the edge and flip over.
Lowering heat if needed.  
Cook an additional 1-3 minutes, until the bottom is brown and pancake is done.
Top with your favorite toppings.  Enjoy!  <3 and hugs!  

Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012

Chocolate Ice Cream Made In The Freezer

Who says you can't have ice cream without an ice cream maker!  I'm pretty certain as long as I keep making ice cream this way, I'll never get the ice cream maker I want either!  It's really easy to make the worst part is the wait.  Make it in the morning if you want it for the evening or the night before even for a really hard set.  The ice cream melted, once again, before I could take a picture.  It was hard set when it started.  ~smile~  Who wants ice cream?  <3 and hugs!

Chocolate Freezer Ice Cream

2 squares unsweetened chocolate, 1 oz each, chopped into small pieces
2 cups heavy whipping cream, divided
pinch salt
1 can condensed milk, chilled

Heat 1 cup cream until it gets hot but does not boil.
Take off heat and add chopped unsweetened chocolate, stirring until melted. 
Chill until completely cool.
Put condensed milk in large bowl.
Beat remaining 1 cup of cream with chilled cream and chocolate until firm peaks form. 
Do not over beat.
Fold into condensed milk and put in a loaf pan or shallow pan for faster freezing.  
Freeze at least 6 hours.  My freezer was opened at least one hundred times while trying to make this set.  It was soft serve at 4 hours.    Try at least 6 hours for a firm set. Enjoy!  <3 and hugs!

Can also be viewed here.

Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

Thursday's Treasures Week 41

I hope each of you had a great weekend filled with loving family, special friends and amazing food and fun!!  If you celebrated the 4th of July yesterday, I hope you had a great day!  We grilled burgers, chicken breast and corn along with so much more.  I also made chocolate ice cream in the freezer and red, white and blue individual cakes for my boys.  <3 <3 <3

Thank you for sharing your treasured recipes and memories!  I truly love reading, sharing and making them.  &lt;3  They are all wonderful and delicious, I want them all!

Please stop by and see Joan, Chocolate, Chocolate and More on her facebook and blog. She is a beautiful friend and I love having her co-host each week.  <3

I want to apologize for not commenting on a lot of links recently.  My computer and internet service are giving me a fit.  Last night I typed a post, published it and it was gone....into cyberspace for some unknown reason.  ARGH!!!!

The most viewed recipes last week were:

Please let me know if you would like to co-host Thursday's Treasures one week. We'd love to have you join us! &lt;3 and hugs!

Rules, yeah, I know.

Now......Let's Party!

Link to your recipe directly, not your blog.
Link back to this post.
Please follow my blog, facebook, pinterest, twitter, e-mail, get it. Whatever is your favorite way to follow to stay up to date.
Please do the same with my lovely co-hostesses.
Share as many recipes as you like. The party is open all week.
Please visit others...they appreciate it as much as we do.
Leave a comment. I love to know you were here.
Y'all have a beautiful week. Be good to yourselves and each other.

Previous week's parties!

Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

Chocolate Oat Toffee Bars

I found this, and other, unnamed recipes not long ago.  Don't you love finding treasures like that?  It was a great gift finding them but I really wish the names had been on them.  NOTE TO SELF:  Write names when jotting down a recipe!!!  

Today seemed like a good day to try these.  I was taking the twins to the movies with their little girlfriends.  They love going and look forward to seeing them each week.  I always bring a special treat for them to munch on in-between the tiny fistfuls of popcorn. 

These turned out soft with chocolate, caramel, oats in a bar that have the buttery taste of toffee.  It's a cookie bar that tastes like candy!  Small pieces are enough to satisfy me.  A nibble here and there do the trick.  My boys would eat big pieces, and all at once, if I let them.  ;D  Make and share with those that make you smile...they taste better that way.  <3 and hugs!

Chocolate Oat Toffee Bars

2 cups flour
2 cups oats
1 cup brown sugar, packed
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt plus a pinch
1 cup butter, melted
1 bag caramel bits 
1/4 to 1/3 cup cream or milk 
pinch of salt or 1/8 teaspoon
1 bag chocolate chips, 2 cups more or less 
1/2 cup coconut, optional
1 cup almond slivers, optional

Preheat oven to 350F 
Line 9x13 pan with parchment paper
Mix dry ingredients with melted butter until crumbly. 
Reserve 1  1/4 cup and add coconut, if desired.
Pat remaining mixture in pan and bake for 10 minutes.
While it is baking, melt caramel with 1/4 cream or milk, according to directions on bag.
Add more cream or milk if necessary to make a smooth consistency.  Stir in pinch of salt. 
Take out of oven after 10 minutes and sprinkle chocolate chips over top.
Spread chocolate once melted.
Spoon melted caramel over chocolate.
Sprinkle slivered almonds on top, if using. 
Top with remaining crumb mixture.
Bake an additional 15-18 minutes until done.  
My bars were soft.  I try cooking additional time, 2-5 minutes checking every minute,  to get a firmer texture.  