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Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

Little Bitty Penguins

These are soooo Cute! They are difficult for small hands but they love to receive them. I am not the best at giving directions so please bear with me.
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Little Bitty Penguin

What you will need....

Seed beads or little bitty eyeballs
black, white and orange fuzzy sticks, 12"
glue...I used my low temp glue gun

 Fold orange fuzzy stick in fourths
 Fold in half and then fold pointy ends under (don't want any sharp ends)
Bend top to make a small beak

 Wrap black fuzzy stick around a fat pen or marker
Use 1/2 of a stick for really small ones
These are hard to put eyes one
Some I do, Some I don't : )
 Fit over orange piece and put nose two or three rings down from top
 Take an 8th of a piece of a black stick 
Push through under beak
Fold under the side you pushed through to make a wing
Cut other side to match when folded under
See? ;D 
 Take a white stick, make a small hook and put under the beak
Guesstamate how much you need by holding the stick down
Cut to fit with enough left to fold under the bottom of the penguin
 See?  ;D
Glue Seed Beads or Little Tiny Eyes (I couldn't find any)

There may be some sharp edges left.  Use your own discretion who you give these to. 

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