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Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

New Year's Eve...Our Country Way to Celebrate

It's New Year's Eve!  My Step Daughter, Bonny and Son In Law, Dan, will be celebrating with us tonight.  I hope Carla, my other Step Daughter, can stop by also.  The boys are SO excited!  We are just simple country folks that will be outside around the fire while the children play.  Bringing in the New Year (if we can stay awake) with family.  It doesn't get any better, does it?  Spending time with your loved and friends.  Won't you join us?

Our menu is simple.  Lot's of snacks....Finger Foods.  One hand always eating while the other shoots baskets, shoots darts, pushes a swing and taking turns running the remote control boat in the pond.

However you celebrate...Do so safely!  <3 and hUgs!

pork butt in the crock pot for sliders
jalapeno and cheddar bites for the adults
pepperoni and cheese bites for the boys
sausage balls
sweet potato chips
chili bean salad dip with tortilla chips
chips and onion dip
fresh fruit and dip
mini square chocolate icing needed made from chocolate bundt cake recipe

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Red Neck Appetizers..Grilled Cheese Balls

I was looking for appetizers to make for New Year's Eve.  My oldest wanted grilled cheese....well Here Ya Go!  Fun and Good!

Grilled Cheese Balls

Sliced Cheese

Spray pan with grease in a spray can.  
Slather a bread with butter.  
Throw it in a pan.  
Top with 2 slices of cheese.  
Top the cheese with bread.  
Check to see if the bottom has browned, if it has...smash the top piece of bread.  
Smear some butter on it and flip.  
Cook until the bottom piece of bread is brown.  
Take out and put on a piece of paper towel. 
Cut into 4 squares,  Trim the know your kids don't like it.  
Take a square and roll into a ball.  

Stick a tooth pick or cake pop stick in it.  Enjoy...Y'all!

Chocolate Chip Cheesecake Truffles

Okay...who doesn't want to try these?  They are great and so easy to make!  My boys don't like cheesecake but they did eat these little darlings!  Make some up for New Year's Eve or Day...they will be a hit!

Chocolate Chip Cheesecake Truffles

1 boxed cheesecake mix 
milk, to make it
1/2 to 1 cup mini chocolate chips
chocolate almond bark 
waxed paper 
cookie sheets

Make cheesecake package according to directions.  Save the crumbs package.
Add desired amount of mini chocolate chips.
Put in refrigerator to chill about an hour or so.
Take cheesecake mixture out of fridge when chilled and roll into balls.  If it is difficult to do, you can either add some of the crumbs or put back in the refrigerator for a bit.
Melt chocolate bark.
Make certain they are not very cold.  Using a fork, dip and/or roll the balls in the melted chocolate and place on waxed paper.  
Place in refrigerator for an hour or so to set. 
Before chill...

After chill
Enjoy!  <3 and Hugs!

Shared on...
Wonka Wednesday

Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Our Christmas and Mini Chocolate Pies!

We had a Beautiful and Blessed Christmas this year.  We shared the meaning of Christmas, as well as Santa.  The boys had an abundance of as well as meaning.

The boys youngest sister, which is older than they are...and me for that matter, ~smile~ ,  spent the afternoon with us on Saturday!  It was so much fun for them, and us!!!!  Opening their presents and playing with them was all they could have ever hoped for. 

Christmas morn was especially good for the boys, which I am thankful for.   (I was awake for almost two days and very tired)  We are Blessed to be able to share with them about the day, and also gifts thrown in from us that Santa overlooked getting. 

The afternoon was filled with fun from the boy's oldest sister and brother in law...yep, my boys have 50+ year old sister(s) and 59 year old Son-IL.  ~smiles~  What a fun time for all! 

Continued fun today, when they were able to spend gift cards they received from their Aunt Di Di.  My sister that will not speak to me but will send gift cards to my boys. The boys bought great gifts with them and are still playing with them.  I am thinking gift cards next year, with shopping December 26, is the way to go!!!!! 

We have shared with our boys the gift of giving to those that may not have a great Holiday.  That may not have presents.  That may not have a supper, or food whenever hungry, to eat. 

We had a Beautiful Christmas and hope you did also.  It's all about Love, Family, Sharing and Giving from the Heart and not the Wallet.  Showing the Love that Blossoms from deep within and grows as it is shared in the smallest of ways, to become a Bouquet of Beauty!

Blessing's to You All!  Friends are a Blessing and you are Ours!

(I know I have imperfections when posting..that's just me and the way it is.  I'm normally interrupted  ten thousand times by little boys and I Sooo Love It!!!!!)

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Mini Chocolate Pies

6"  flour tortillas
chocolate pudding made as directed on box for pie
whipped cream made as directed or cool whip
bananas, strawberries, chocolate chips....or other ingredients ....optional

Heat oven to 350 degrees

Fit tortillas in pan, or can...Using a large tuna fish or chicken can.  Heat until formed when taken from pan/can without being too flimsy.  
Cool shell. Do not over cook!
Add chocolate pudding.

Add banana slices, or other yummies, here if desired. 

Top with whipped cream or cool whip.
Enjoy!  <3 and Hugs!

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Turtles...The Easy Way

YUM!!!  The boys and I have so much fun especially during the holidays!  Making and baking are one of our favorite things to do.  This is such a simple, yet delicious and fun treat!  (sorry about the photos..I can't crop them for some reason)

Turtles..The Easy Way

Square pretzels
Pecans or whatever nuts you have available.  Whole, half or doesn't matter!

Place pretzels on a cookie sheet
Top with rolos
Heat in a preheated 350 degree oven for 2-4 minutes.
Take out of oven as soon as candy can be pushed down.  Check after one minute and then keep a close tab on them.
As always, my oven cooks different than yours..adjust times accordingly!

Notice the rounded cheeks...They ate most of the rolos!  <3 and hUGs!

Simple Gourmet Marshmallows

Oh, I found the best marshmallows to work with!  I went to the store to buy unflavored gelatin so I could make peppermint marshmallows for My Boys.  And what to my wondering eyes should appear..StackerMallows!  Oh My Gosh!  I wish I had of bought all they had!  Below are some we fixed today.  Use whatever you wish to make your Gourmet Marshmallows!

     Chocolate with Crushed Soft Peppermint Candy

     Covered with Chocolate and Coconut
    Are you thinking .... Mounds?

     Drizzled with Chocolate

    Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

    Sausage Cheese Balls

    If you have ever been in the south during the winter holidays, I know you have eaten these!  We always called them just "Sausage Balls"  but there is a lot of cheese in them so...Sausage Cheese Balls they are!  I can remember these from way back when.  Seems there were always on the table of snacks when there were get togethers at Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years.  I don't know why they were never fixed in the warmer months of the year.  Something I will have to find out!  Easy to make, Yummy to Eat!   ~smiles~

    Sausage Cheese Balls
    I made 49 from this recipe.  Mine aren't always the same size for some reason. 

    3 cups biscuit mix
    1 lb bulk sausage
    1-2 lb cheddar cheese 3-4 cups shredded..I used cut up chunks I had and got 3 cups

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees
    Spray cookie sheets (2)

    Toss everything with a fork,  

    Mix with hands.  

    Shape into walnut size balls. Bake on greased cookie sheets (2) for 15-20 minutes @ 350 degrees.  

     Halfway through,  lift sausage balls up with spatula so they won't stick and turn pan around.  As always, My oven cooks different than yours.  Please adjust time accordingly.
    Place a paper towels to absorb grease from the bottom.  Remove from paper towels, place on serving plate and serve with spicy or honey mustard.  

    Christmas Ornament/Tags

    This is really fun to do with your children.  The boys and I really had a Great time!  From rolling and cutting to turning and decorating!  Enlist the help of your little elves and have a fun afternoon together!

    Christmas Ornaments/Tags

    1 cup applesauce
    1 cup ground cinnamon...I bought mine at Walmart for 50 cents.  Buy a couple jars
    1/4 cup glue...optional, I just spread a little glue on the back instead
    parchment paper
    cookie sheets

    Mix applesauce, cinnamon and glue (if using) together.  I made mine the night before and put in the refrigerator.  

    When ready to roll, sprinkle a little cinnamon on the counter/workplace and rolling pin then roll to 1/4".  You don't want it too thin.  One twin had a great time rolling out the dough! ~smiles~

    Cut out in desired shapes and put on cookie sheets lined with parchment paper.  Place in a 200 degree oven, turning every 15 minutes, until dry or almost dry and let them finish drying on the counter.  You can also leave them out for a couple of days instead of drying them in the oven, turning every few hours or so, until dry. 
    Give your little elves paint, glue, glitter or glitter glue to decorate.  

    Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

    Oven Baked Fall Off The Bone Baked Spare Ribs

    We LOVE Spare Ribs!!!  They are super easy to make in the oven and fall off the bone delicious!  I found spice grinders on sale and love using them.  A couple of different blends work together to make perfect ribs on your plate!  Hope you'll make some soon.  Your family will thank you!

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    Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

    Chocolate Covered Peppermint Candy

    An easy way to make your family and friends happy!  Cover soft peppermint candy in chocolate...YUM!

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    Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

    Christmas Reindeer

    Here is another cute craft to make with/for your children.  It is a little hard for the young ones.  I've made this one for years also.  Please forgive the fuzzy pictures...I guess I needed more coffee!  <3 and hugs!

    What you need to make your Christmas Reindeer...

    4 fuzzy sticks
    2 seed beads
    1/2 of a tiny pom pom

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    Christmas Reindeer <3 and hugs!

     Make a clover shape with the nose part being elongated

     Make a few coils behind the face, leaving a straight piece

    Wrap a fuzzy stick around a pencil, leaving a piece for the neck to connect and also to make a tail

    Head and Body
    Slide the pieces together and twist to secure
    Twist end to make the tail

     Fold another piece halve and cut for the legs.

     Fold the halves in half to make legs.  Fold the ends under, or make a loop, to make feet.

     Fold over a small piece and cut to make a V for the antlers 
    Twist around neck once to secure.
    Cut 2 smaller pieces to make the branches of the antlers.
    Twisting to secure to antlers.

    Glue on the eye and nose.  <3 and Hugs!

    Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

    Christmas Candy Cane Mice

    So cute for the little ones to make and receive!  I have been making these for years with my oldest and now with the twins.

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    Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

    Little Bitty Penguins

    These are soooo Cute! They are difficult for small hands but they love to receive them. I am not the best at giving directions so please bear with me.
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    Little Bitty Penguin

    What you will need....

    Seed beads or little bitty eyeballs
    black, white and orange fuzzy sticks, 12"
    glue...I used my low temp glue gun

     Fold orange fuzzy stick in fourths
     Fold in half and then fold pointy ends under (don't want any sharp ends)
    Bend top to make a small beak

     Wrap black fuzzy stick around a fat pen or marker
    Use 1/2 of a stick for really small ones
    These are hard to put eyes one
    Some I do, Some I don't : )
     Fit over orange piece and put nose two or three rings down from top
     Take an 8th of a piece of a black stick 
    Push through under beak
    Fold under the side you pushed through to make a wing
    Cut other side to match when folded under
    See? ;D 
     Take a white stick, make a small hook and put under the beak
    Guesstamate how much you need by holding the stick down
    Cut to fit with enough left to fold under the bottom of the penguin
     See?  ;D
    Glue Seed Beads or Little Tiny Eyes (I couldn't find any)

    There may be some sharp edges left.  Use your own discretion who you give these to.